I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 469 【469】Is this talking human?

After Zhuang Xiaoqiao became angry, he was about to continue fighting.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a burst of enthusiastic cheers behind him.

She frowned immediately, "What are they doing over there? Go and ask them to keep their voices down. Are they really their own home?"

At this time, one of the attendants immediately replied: "There is a kid playing a slot machine over there. He is so lucky that he has scored ten in a row."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was taken aback for a moment. "Ten in a row? Are you kidding me?"

She often plays slot machines, but the probability of winning is so low that she has never won a few times in total.

Now I heard that someone hit ten in a row, her first reaction was that the other party was joking.

How can this be?

The attendant hurriedly replied in an affirmative tone: "It's true, this kid's luck is really against the sky, I'm almost looking silly."

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately walked over curiously.

I immediately saw a very handsome man sitting in front of the slot machine, pulling the lever.


The pattern on the screen rotates for a while, and finally freezes.

Double star, double star, double star!

Hit again?

I saw a bunch of chips spit out from the machine.

Comparing her scores of losing a dozen shit in a row just now, it's like a heaven and a ground.

She opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Someone is so lucky?

Ye Feng's abnormal record also alarmed the casino manager.

"Manager, this kid has won nearly 200,000 just on the slot machine. Did he do anything about it? Should we check it out?"

In the surveillance room, a sturdy-looking man turned his head to look at the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa.

The man wore a pair of gold wire-framed glasses and tapped his fingers on the tabletop, as if weighing the pros and cons.

"Don't worry about him, just watch the changes."

He finally made a decision.

The loss of 200,000 yuan is still within the acceptable range of the casino.

There is no need to fight for this little money.

Hearing the order, the big guy didn't say anything, and continued to turn his head and stare at the monitor.


Ye Feng played the slot machine for a while, and then pushed his chair back, "It doesn't make sense to win or lose. I am a little softer when I win money. What else is fun? It's best to be the one that wins and wins. , It’s exciting to play."

Hearing what he said, the group of people standing behind him had the urge to hit someone.

Does this speak human words?

What is softness to win money?

Their hearts are bleeding, and it is harder to win than to reach the sky!

This guy is good, he doesn't even want to win.

When they saw the pile of bargaining chips in front of Ye Feng, they quickly became relieved.

Many people watched it from the beginning.

I saw with my own eyes how Ye Feng went from two chips to winning until now.

It seems that he can understand his mentality of being alone and seeking defeat.

"You can bet on big or small, it's all luck, and the game is exciting."

Someone immediately suggested.

"Then go and play big and small."

Ye Feng immediately took the pile of chips and came to the table of dice betting.

Everyone also moved to the battlefield one after another, wanting to continue to wait and see to see how lucky this guy is?

Zhuang Xiaoqiao's heart moved, and immediately sat down next to Ye Feng.

Since this guy is so lucky, he also got lucky, maybe he can win a few hands.

Ye Feng stared at the card table and couldn't help scratching his head.

Immediately turned his head and looked over, "Do you know how to play?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was taken aback when he heard the words, but nodded, "Yes!"

Ye Feng was overjoyed, "Then you can introduce me the rules."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was dumbfounded immediately.

This guy doesn't even understand the rules?

Then I'm still playing with him, isn't this looking for a dead end?

Although slanderous in his heart, Zhuang Xiaoqiao still helped him introduce the rules.

"There are three dice in the dice cup, and the dealer will randomly shake them to get the final points. The lowest is 3 points, the highest is 18 points, 3-10 is the small, 11-18 is the big, assuming the single point is 1-6 ,So……"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao tried his best to introduce Ye Feng in easy-to-understand language.

But Ye Feng still heard a little big head, and simply waved his hand, "Forget it, whatever."

Seeing his self-defeating attitude, Zhuang Xiaoqiao felt even less hopeful in his heart.

Let's play by yourself.

At this moment, I saw the croupier shook the dice cup, and then looked up at several people at the poker table.

"Buy it!"

Ye Feng hesitated, and finally put a thousand yuan chip into the "big" betting area.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao, who was next to him, saw his lack of confidence, and he would lose this time.

"Is it so small? Still not a man?"

Having said that, he grabbed five chips without hesitation and dropped them into the "small" betting area.

Ye Feng just shook his head and smiled without saying much.

Others have also finished betting.

Then he stared at the dice cup, waiting for the final result.

The croupier glanced around again, until he was sure that no one continued to bet, and then the dice cup in front of him was revealed.

When everyone saw the final result, their faces were a little weird.

They looked at Ye Feng one after another.

This guy’s luck is too good, right?

I saw the dice, which cast 5, 4, and 6 points respectively.

Add up to 16 points, big!

The odds for the "big" and "small" areas are both 1:1.

The croupier immediately pushed two chips in front of him.

The start was a small win.

Ye Feng pinched the two chips and turned to smile at Zhuang Xiaoqiao, "It's fun?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao clenched his fists tightly, and had an urge to punch someone.

She deliberately sang Ye Feng against him just now and bet Xiao Xiao.

The five thousand yuan was directly hit by the water.

Ye Feng's current expression looked like she was demonstrating.

He gave him a bitter look.

"I don't believe your luck can always be so good, come again!"

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