I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 504 【504】Typhoon is coming, Yangcheng is too dangerous

"Where are we going?"

Early the next morning, Chen Xuan was pulled into the car by Ye Feng and went wild all the way.

"Go to a play."

Ye Feng smiled mysteriously at her pretending to be mysterious.

"Acting? Do you want to be an actor?"

Chen Xuan looked dazed.

"I want to be a director more than an actor."

Ye Feng smiled unpredictably, and then stopped talking.

His speed is extremely fast, basically maintaining a speed of about 200 kilometers per hour.

The cars on the highway were overtaken one by one.

What is rare is that at such a fast speed, there is no discomfort in the car.

Although Chen Xuan got used to his car, she was still a little nervous.

After driving like this for about two hours, Ye Feng finally got off the highway.

When Chen Xuan saw the slogan "Welcome to Yangcheng" at the toll gate, her mouth opened wide.

"What are you doing in Yangcheng?"

"Go and see Tang Fushan."

Ye Feng answered nonchalantly.

"What are you going to see him for?"

"Of course I beg him to let your Lingyun Real Estate make a living."

"This is how you thought of it?"

"Yes, isn't it amazing?"


Chen Xuan's pretty face was cold and she looked very angry.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Feng knew why.

"You are my man, even if Lingyun Real Estate goes bankrupt, I don't allow you to behave like others."

Chen Xuan scowled and looked at him seriously.

Ye Feng was immediately amused by her, "I was joking with you, but there is only Tang Fushan, and he deserves to make me humble?"

Chen Xuan looked puzzled, "Then what are you doing to see him?"

Ye Feng picked up on her smooth little face, "I told you that I went to act, why are there so many? You can just watch the show today."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but curl her lips when she saw him pretending to be mysterious.

But there was nothing more to say.

As long as you don't go to Tang Fushan, you can say anything.


On the other side, the Fushan Building Materials Office Building.

"Mr. Wei, you can rest assured that I will guarantee that the batch of building materials will be delivered to your construction site on time..."

Tang Fushan walked out of the office building of Fushan Building Materials enthusiastically.

He just recently hugged Wei Changfeng's thigh, and it suddenly became the sweet pastry of Yangcheng.

People who want to cheat him have to line up now.

He finally realized the feeling of calling the wind and calling the rain.

So that the walking is a little fluttering.

Hanging up Wei Changfeng's phone, he was about to get in the car and leave.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Mr. Tang, please wait a moment."

Tang Fushan looked back and saw Ye Feng and Chen Xuan walking quickly.

"Ye Feng? Why are you here?"

There was doubt in his eyes.

Ye Feng pulled out a flattering smile, "Mr. Tang, isn't this asking you knowingly? You ordered the blockade of Lingyun Real Estate's supply of building materials. Now Lingyun Real Estate has no rice to cook, we are all about to die."

Chen Xuan on the side looked at his performance with a strange expression.

This guy's acting skills are really good.

If she hadn't known Ye Feng's bad thoughts in advance, she would have been deceived by him.

Tang Fushan sneered at once, "So you know you are afraid? I thought your tail was up to the sky and you didn't put anyone in your eyes."

Ye Feng hurriedly nodded in response, "I didn't know Taishan before, and I didn't know the strength of your Chairman Tang. I hope you can let us go."

Tang Fushan turned his head and looked at Chen Xuan, "Your boyfriend is just so good? I haven't done anything yet, so he ran over to beg for mercy? It seems that your eyes are not so good."

Chen Xuan turned her head away.

She was mainly afraid that her acting skills would ruin Ye Feng's good deeds.

But in the eyes of Tang Fushan, his desire to conquer was even more increased.

Immediately turned his head to look at Ye Feng, "It's not impossible to let me let you go..."

Ye Feng immediately made a respectful look, "You said."

Tang Fushan pointed at Chen Xuan, "I want to see a very important guest tonight, so let your girlfriend accompany me to attend the event and help me block the wine. Are you okay?"

Ye Feng's face became cold, "Is it just blocking the wine?"

Tang Fushan made no secret of his nasty thoughts, "Of course, if she is too drunk to drink, I will personally send her back to the hotel, and help you take good care of her by the way..."

Ye Feng finally couldn't go on acting this time, and slowly stood up straight.

"Tang Fushan, in fact, I came today because I originally wanted to give you one last chance and consider letting you live. But now, I have changed my mind!"

When Tang Fushan heard what he said, he immediately laughed frantically, "You let me make a living? I heard it right, right? Who are we begging for now?"

Ye Feng's face regained a smile, "For a mad dog like you, you must be killed, and you must never give you any hope of survival."

Tang Fushan made a look of fear, "Tsk tusk, you are scaring me to death. You must kill me, don't give me any hope. Because as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will find a way to trample to death. you."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded, "It's better to be respectful, I hope you will remember today's words, because you may soon regret it."

Tang Fushan smiled contemptuously, "Don't worry, I will never regret what I have done or said to me."

As he said, she turned to look at Chen Xuan, "You understand what I want for you, as long as you think about it clearly, please call me at any time. The door of my house will always be open to you hahaha..."

After speaking, he took a chic pace and got on the car and left.

At this time, a thunderbolt suddenly exploded.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and it was breathless.

"The typhoon is coming. Yangcheng is too dangerous. We have to go back to Zhonghai for shelter."

After Ye Feng finished speaking with a pun, he took Chen Xuan with a bewildered look into the car and drove away.

A huge storm has already begun brewing.

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