I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 511 【511】Why, do you want to go to bed?

"Don't worry, your friend is so good now, and he doesn't need our help at all."

Tan Bohong did not continue to tease her, and told the truth.

Lu Xiaoya was taken aback for a moment, "Even you say he is amazing? Really?"

Lu Changsheng also laughed at this time, "A big boss with a wealth of billions of dollars just knelt in front of his door for two hours and begged for mercy, but he couldn't even see him. Do you think he is great?"

Lu Xiaoya suddenly opened her mouth in surprise.

The big boss with billions of wealth, knelt for two hours begging for mercy? Haven't seen him yet?

Is this guy so powerful now?

Lu Changsheng glanced at her, and there was something in the words: "It's been fishing for a long time, and no fish have been hooked. If you can catch a golden turtle, that would be great."

Lu Xiaoya's pretty face blushed again, "I don't bother to care about you."

After speaking, quickly escape.


Tang Fushan's begging for Ye Feng in the rain was aroused in Zhonghai.

Everyone once again witnessed the methods of the newly emerged Mr. Ye.

For a while, they were chilling towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng also received calls from a group of friends including Kong Xianghui.

Both expressed their admiration and admiration.

After dealing with these people, it was late at night.

Ye Feng yawned and was about to go to rest.

At this time, he suddenly received a call from Lu Xiaoya.

"Mr. Ye, you are so majestic now. It's a great honor for you to be able to answer my call."

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Lu Xiaoya's teasing voice.

"I don't have to answer any of my calls, but yours must be answered."

Ye Feng sat back on the sofa again and responded with a smile.


Lu Xiaoya's voice is full of expectation.

"Because you are Tan Bohong's granddaughter, who would dare not answer your call?"

"You answered my call because of my grandfather's face? You... you big pig's hoof, I'm going to hang up."

"Don't hang up, kidding, we are still good friends after all, aren't we?"

"I thought you are now the respected Mr. Ye, and you disdain to be friends with me."

"How come, even if I become the president of the United States, you are also my friend."

"Beautiful you, return the president of the United States, why don't you become emperor?"

"If I become the emperor, there will be a place for you in the harem."

"Go to hell, who is rare? Seriously, are you free tomorrow?"

"Why, do you want to wait for bedtime?"

"Will you be a big-headed ghost? I just think I haven't seen you for a while. Let's come out for a meal together."

"Then I have to look at the schedule first, you know, I'm very busy now."

"Cut, stinky, forget it..."

"Don't, I looked at the itinerary, but I can spare an hour to eat with you."

"Then thank you Mr. Ye for giving the little girl this face. I will send you the address of the restaurant later."



The next day, when Ye Feng got up, Chen Xuan had already gone to the company.

He also left a note for him.

It probably means that the old reform project of Lingyun Real Estate will be launched soon. She will be very busy during this time, so she will not come to Zhongtian Lakeview Villa for the time being.

Ye Feng looked at the huge room, and it seemed that he was going to stay alone again.

As usual, I practiced boxing for a while and studied medical skills for a while.

He then changed into a casual outfit and drove the Lycan to go to the appointment.

The address Lu Xiaoya gave him was a farmhouse in the outer suburbs.

The distance is a bit far, about thirty kilometers.

But fortunately, there was plenty of time, so he was not in a hurry, driving slowly while enjoying the scenery along the way.

Just when he was less than ten kilometers away from that farmhouse.

Without warning, the system prompt sounded: "The system has detected a new treasure navigation, please go straight for 100 meters along the current road and turn right..."

Ye Feng couldn't help being a little surprised.

What chance do you have in this wilderness?

But since the system is so prompt, there must be a reason.

He had to press the system navigation and changed the direction of travel.

After driving for about ten minutes, he came under a steep cliff.

The cliff is visually at least more than 100 meters high.

At this time, under the cliff, there is a group of rock climbers gearing up.

When his car stopped, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After all, this supercar is really eye-catching.

Ye Feng pushed the door and got out of the car and walked towards them, "Are you in a race?"

One of the men who looked like the event organizer nodded, "Yes, we are holding a rock climbing competition, what can you do?"

Ye Feng looked up at the steep cliff, "Count me."

The man looked at him a few times, "Have you also practiced rock climbing?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "No, but I can try."

The man immediately shook his head and refused, "That can't be done. Rock climbing is a very dangerous extreme sport. If you have not received training, it is very dangerous. In case of an accident, we can't afford this responsibility."

Ye Feng moved his body, "You don't need to be responsible, if I fall off, just send me to the hospital."

When he said this, several players on the scene immediately laughed.

"My buddy, you are climbing with the determination to die, you are in good spirits."

"I advise you not to be impulsive. Rock climbing is really dangerous. Xiaobai should start with the basics."

"You are so young, in case of an accident, it's not a joke."

"Yes, we are all professionals, what are you going to join in the fun?"

"Hurry up and cool off, our game is about to start."

Ye Feng glanced at a few people, "Aren't you afraid of losing to me, an amateur player, with no self-confidence?"

His words immediately aroused public anger.

"How do you guys talk? Why are you so ignorant of what's wrong?"

"Yes, we are all doing this for your own good, so why are you still raking it in?"

"It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing good people."

"What do you persuade him to do? If he wants to crawl, let him crawl. Anyway, if he falls to death, he can't blame us."

"Hammer can hardly save the damn ghost..."

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