I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 525 【525】This kindness is so big and boundless

Seeing this scene, several medical staff present were all dumbfounded.

"Wait a minute, am I dazzled? Why do I feel that the blood flow seems to have decreased?"

"You are not dazzled, I also seem to feel that the blood flow is decreasing."

"My God, is his massage really effective? How is this possible?"

"This is amazing, right? We exhausted everything to no avail. He stopped the blood with a double press?"

That Doctor Jiang was also completely dumbfounded.

This is completely beyond the scope of her cognition. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that someone would stop the bleeding so easily.

Ye Feng wiped off the sweat on his forehead, then turned around and yelled, "What are you still doing? Why don't you have a caesarean section? If you delay it, the child will really not be able to keep it."

Only then did Dr. Jiang and others react and hurriedly rushed to the operating table.

Ye Feng just stepped back and sat on the chair, breathing heavily.

Don't look at what he was doing just now was very relaxed, but it was actually very exhausting.

If it weren't for his profound skills, it is estimated that he is already physically exhausted.

Fortunately, after his hard work, the bleeding was finally stopped.

He doesn't need to do the rest of the delivery.

Luo Jingyuan grabbed his arm nervously, "Brother Ye, is your sister-in-law all right?"

Ye Feng nodded tiredly, "Sister-in-law is out of danger for the time being."

Luo Jingyuan was about to kneel immediately.

Ye Feng hurriedly supported him, "Brother Luo, what are you doing?"

Luo Jingyuan looked at him excitedly, "Brother Ye, your sister-in-law is my life. If you can save her, it is equivalent to saving my life. I...thank you, thank you..."

Ye Feng was a little displeased, "Brother Luo, you told me not to let me see you when you ate just now, why did you get out of sight by yourself?"

"Do we still need to say "thank you" between us?"

Luo Jingyuan wanted to say more.

At this time, I suddenly heard the nurse beside him exclaimed, "The child has no heartbeat."

Ye Feng was shocked and hurriedly rushed to the operating table to take the bloody baby.

There is indeed no vital signs.

Luo Jingyuan stared at the baby blankly, with unspeakable sadness in his heart.

This is already his second child, but he didn't expect to be able to keep it.

Could it be that God is destined to make him be the last?

At this time, Fan Qi, who had been in a coma, suddenly regained consciousness.

"Please, save my child..."

Luo Jingyuan hurriedly walked up and grabbed her hand, "Qiqi, you can rest at ease first, my child...we still have a chance..."

Fan Qi burst into tears immediately, "I want my child, please, save him..."

Luo Jingyuan lowered his head in shame.

He used to think he was omnipotent.

It seems that there is nothing he can't solve under the sky.

Only then did he know how useless he was.

I can't save my wife, and I can't save my children.

It's just like a waste.

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to the situation here, but looked down at the baby's situation.

The situation of this baby is not the same as that of Mr. Luo before.

Because this child was born prematurely, his body function was not perfect.

Coupled with the dystocia just now, the body is even weaker.

It is impossible to use the treatment method for Mr. Luo at all.

Frowning for a moment in thought, he hurriedly took out another piece of Lingzhi from his pocket.

Bite a small piece with your teeth, chew it into crushed pieces, and feed it mouth-to-mouth to the child.

Then began to use his thumb to gently press his heart.

In fact, he didn't have any certainty, and now he can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Whether he can wake up depends on his good fortune.

Dr. Jiang and others did not hold any hope for this.

Although Ye Feng had just created a miracle, they didn't think it would work this time.

Because the two situations are completely different.

Although Fan Qi bleeds heavily, he has not died yet.

And this child, without any vital signs, can be said to be dead.

Can the dead come back to life?

Unless Da Luo Jinxian descended.

As time passed bit by bit, the child still showed no signs of awakening.

No one has any hope anymore.

Even Ye Feng was ready to give up.

At this moment, the baby's fingers moved suddenly, followed by a weak cry.


Although the voice was weak, it was like a natural sound.

Everyone present widened their eyes in disbelief.

Really saved?

Doctor Jiang and the others looked at each other.

"How is this possible? How is it possible that this child has no vital signs just now?"

"My God, the hairs on my body are standing up, is this too weird?"

"We won't hell anymore? How is this possible?"

"You're a doctor, so be careful when you speak. How can there be any ghosts in this world?"

"But this can't be explained by medicine. A child who has lost his vital signs can actually come back from the dead?"

"This is indeed a bit weird, what is going on?"

Luo Jingyuan didn't think so much, and rushed over.

"Alive...really alive?"

His mood today has experienced several big ups and downs in a row, and at this time he is almost on the verge of collapse.

He wanted to reach out to touch the child, but he hurriedly backed away.

The cry of the child became louder and louder, and the vital signs became stronger and stronger.

Ye Feng relieved his heart and turned around and handed it to Luo Jingyuan, "Congratulations to Brother Luo, you are so happy!"

Luo Jingyuan tremblingly took the child, and immediately burst into tears, "I'm a father, I'm really a father."

While talking, he knelt down towards Ye Feng, "Brother Ye, you saved my father before, and today you saved my wife and children. Your kindness to me is like a new parent. From now on, I, Luo Jingyuan, will be under your Ye Feng school. I am willing to go through fire and water for you, I don’t hesitate to do anything!"

His words were sincere, and Dr. Jiang was dumbfounded.

What stray dog? What goes through fire and water? It sounds too scary.

But after thinking about it, it seemed to be taken for granted.

After all, the lives of his whole family were saved by the other party.

This kindness is really boundless.

It's not an exaggeration to do everything and say anything.

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