After the exchange of greetings between Chen Qiushan and Ye Feng, he turned to look at the staff member, his face suddenly gloomy.

"Can you tell me why you want to condone jumping in line?"

The staff member was already frightened with a face, "Yes... it was Mr. Song who asked me to handle it for him first..."

Chen Qiushan was even more angry, "He asked you to help him handle it first, so you can break the rules?"

The staff was almost crying, "Mr. Chen, I..."

Chen Qiushan interrupted him, "Needless to say, my Sotheby's auction house can't accommodate people like you, so I immediately pack my things and get off."

The staff member panicked suddenly, "Mr. Chen, I was wrong, please give me another chance."

Chen Qiushan is very decisive, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, and immediately disappear from my eyes, otherwise I will let the security throw it out for you."

Song Jianfei frowned immediately.

He just let go, as long as he is there today, the staff will be guaranteed.

At this time, I had to speak, "Mr. Chen, can you give me face? This person..."

Chen Qiushan glanced at him coldly. "It's not easy for anyone to save face. My subordinates will never want this kind of employees who tend to be inferior and break the rules."

The staff member was completely desperate.

He knew that he had offended someone who shouldn't be offended by looking at him this time.

To end in such a fate, it is also self-blame.

Had to get out of dingy.

After Chen Qiushan finished handling the staff, he turned to look at Song Jianfei on the side.

"Are you Song Guangrong's son?"

Song Jianfei suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and immediately replied respectfully: "Yes, what advice does Mr. Chen have?"

Chen Qiushan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, "Call your father right away and ask him to come over."

Song Jianfei frowned, "Mr. Chen has anything to say, just tell me, there is no need to alarm my father, right?"

Chen Qiushan sneered, "I'm afraid you can't solve this matter, so you have to let your father come here in person."

Song Jianfei disagreed, "Didn't I just join the team? As for making a fuss?"

Chen Qiushan looked at him with a silly look, "Making a fuss? You still don't know who you have offended? You don't know how to die when you die."

Song Jianfei glanced at Ye Feng disdainfully, "Isn't it just a dumpling from Zhonghai? Is it as scary as you said?"

Chen Qiushan couldn't help but sneered, "So you don't even know how you died, so I might as well let you know a little bit. This is the new richest man in Zhonghai City, who personally defeated Mr. Ye Fengye, who defeated Newston!"

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone looked at Ye Feng suspiciously.

Ye Feng's name spread throughout Southern Guangdong Province.

Even if you don't know him, you have heard of his victory over Newston.

Unexpectedly, such a legend would appear here.

"This is the legendary Mr. Ye? It looks much younger than the rumors."

"Yeah, I just thought he was the son of a family and came to join in the fun."

"Song Jianfei is dead now, dare to provoke this Mr. Ye? His father Song Guangrong can't protect him either."

"Even Newton died in the hands of others. It's not worth mentioning that there is only a Song family."

"I've long seen this kid not pleasing to the eye. Every day, under the name of his father, he deceives men and women everywhere. Someone should have taken care of him long ago."

"When I met Ye Xian today, he was unlucky!"

Everyone's discussion came to his ears, and Song Jianfei was also completely panicked.

He originally saw that Ye Feng was young and an outsider, so he thought he could handle it casually.

But it never expected that the other party turned out to be Mr. Ye, who was rumored to have defeated Newston and forced him to commit suicide.

He can't afford to provoke such a character.

"Mr. Ye, I..."

He just wanted to say a few soft words, begging Ye Feng's forgiveness.

But Ye Feng was interrupted directly, "You are not qualified to talk to me, let your father come over."

Song Jianfei had no choice but to call his father with his mobile phone.

After the phone call, he gradually calmed down, secretly weighing it in his heart.

Suddenly, it seemed that there was nothing to be afraid of.

Although Ye Feng was great, it was in Zhonghai.

After all, this is Yangcheng, not his territory.

The main reason why Newton failed at the time was that he went to Zhonghai and was not within his own sphere of influence.

At this time, Ye Feng was equivalent to Niuston at that time.

Their Song family is the real earth-headed snake, so what is there to fear?

Thinking of this, I resumed my arrogant look again, "Mr. Ye, I think this is the case. If we don’t know each other, we should just know each other. I also step back and let you do it first. NS?"

Ye Feng listened to him upright and confident. He didn't mean to apologize at all. He couldn't help but sneered, "You've wasted me for so long, and you want to expose a sentence if you don't know each other? It's too light to say?"

Song Jianfei's complexion sank, "Ye Feng, I take a step back, but I am not afraid of you. I just don't want to tear my face with you, making everyone's faces unsightly. If you don't know what is good or bad, then the two of us will squat to the end. Admit it first?"

Ye Feng didn't bother to talk to him again, and turned to chat with Chen Qiushan and Hu Renyu.

After a while, I saw a black Mercedes coming quickly.

The door opened, and a fat middle-aged man quickly got out of the car and walked toward this side quickly.

"Where is Mr. Ye? Who is Mr. Ye?"

Song Jianfei hurriedly greeted him when he saw him, "Dad, don't worry, it's no big deal..."

Before he could finish speaking, the middle-aged man had already slapped him.


A loud slap in the face directly stunned Song Jianfei.

He clutched his hot cheeks and looked at his father blankly, "Dad, why are you hitting me?"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and pointed at him, "You stabbed Laozi with such a big basket, it is considered light to hit you."

Song Jianfei looked at him aggrievedly, "Dad, isn't it just Ye Feng? Are you scared like this..."

Before he could finish speaking, the middle-aged man slapped another slap. "You still don't know how to repent. I'll just kill you."

After speaking, Song Jianfei actually fisted together, and the beating Song Jianfei cried his father and called his mother.

Everyone present was stunned.

What's happening here?

Is it a bitter trick?

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