I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 536 [536] It's also not indecent to come and go

Ye Feng and the others looked at this uninvited guest.

The middle-aged man walked in slowly, holding a box in his hand.

"First introduce myself, I am the chairman of Haotian Investment Co., Ltd., and my name is Yang Wenhao."

Ye Feng immediately got up and stood up when he heard the other party's self-report.

As the saying goes, it's not surprising that many people are courteous.

Although the other party's speech and deportment carried a kind of arrogant arrogance.

But since he was here to give gifts, he should stand up to welcome him.

Yang Wenhao put the gift box in his hand on the dining table and made a bang. This gift was obviously very important.

"Mr. Ye first arrived in Yangcheng, and I have nothing to give you. I hope you like this gift."

After speaking, he pushed the turntable of the dining table.

Ye Feng waited for the turntable to turn around, took off the gift box on it, and slowly opened it.

When he opened the lid of the box and saw the gift inside, he couldn't help laughing.

And Chen Qiushan, Hu Renyu and Lu Xiaoya next to them all showed angry expressions.

The gift in that box was actually a simple bronze bell.

For Chinese people, giving gifts is the most taboo to send bells, because "send bells" and "send the end" have the same pronunciation, and the other party cannot be ignorant of this.

This is obviously intentional.

Chen Qiushan immediately glared at Yang Wenhao, "Yang Wenhao, what do you mean?"

Hu Renyu also looked gloomy, "Who gave gifts and clocks? I think you did it on purpose."

Yang Wenhao had a playful smile on his face, "You have misunderstood, I have no other meaning. Although this bronze clock is an imitation and not worth a lot of money, it can be regarded as a part of my heart."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Ye Feng, knowingly asked: "Mr. Ye, I don't know if you are satisfied with my gift?"

Ye Feng smiled and looked at him, "Satisfied, of course satisfied. Mr. Yang and I are neither relatives nor grudges nor grudges. There is no intersection, but you can give me gifts the first time. How dare I be dissatisfied?"

Yang Wenhao smiled triumphantly, "Mr. Ye is satisfied, so I won't disturb you for now. You can eat and drink well. This meal counts as mine."

After speaking, turn around and leave.

"Wait a moment."

Ye Feng suddenly spoke at this moment.

Yang Wenhao turned to look at him, "I don't know what else Mr. Ye can advise?"

Ye Feng waved his hand, "I can't talk about advice, but I have a small question. I want to ask you about it."

Yang Wenhao nodded, "Excuse me."

Ye Feng sat back, took a sip of food and put it in his mouth, "Mr. Yang and I didn't know each other before. You came to give me gifts this time. You should be entrusted by others? I don't know which old friend entrusted him? "

A hint of sarcasm appeared on Yang Wenhao's face, "I advise you better not to inquire. If it is not good for you, you can just accept it in a daze."

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and flicked the bronze bell, making a crisp sound.

"Since it's all given to me, then I have to die to understand. I don't know who I have offended, so I can apologize and apologize, what do you think?"

Yang Wenhao put his hands in his pockets, "It's okay to tell you, Mr. Wei Changfeng Wei asked me to come, and asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. Welcome to Yangcheng."

Ye Feng suddenly realized, "So it's Mr. Wei? We are also old friends, and we are not being indecent. Since he has given me gifts, then I will not toast a glass of wine, it is too unreasonable."

After speaking, he picked up the clock and walked over, "Please lead the way."

Upon seeing this, Yang Wenhao hurried back two steps, "You...what do you want to do?"

A sneer appeared on Ye Feng's face, "How can I not worship Mr. Wei's dock when I first arrived in Yangcheng? That's too rude, right?"

Yang Wenhao was a little scared in his heart, "Then don't have to, I will convey your thoughts to Mr. Wei for you."

After speaking, we will get away with it.

Ye Feng didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, he just lifted his collar and walked out.

"Ye Feng, what are you doing? If you don't let go, I'm not polite to you..."

Yang Wenhao roared in panic.

Ye Feng ignored him, and walked towards Wei Changfeng's box like a dead dog.

Chen Qiushan and Hu Renyu did not hesitate, and followed closely behind.

Lu Xiaoya was a little panicked at this time.

She knows Ye Feng's personality very well.

After receiving this insult for no reason, he would definitely not let it go.

And that Wei Changfeng has a huge power in Yangcheng, and Chen Qiushan and Hu Renyu alone may not be able to cope with it.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly picked up Ye Feng's mobile phone left on the table and sent a text message to Luo Jingyuan and Zhao Fulin.

Tell Ye Feng that it is dangerous.

After sending the text message, she was still a little worried.

Called one of my best friends in Yangcheng.

This best friend is named Liu Ling, and her family is in Yangcheng, which can be regarded as a big family with the highest second line.

I hope to put more pressure on Wei Changfeng, so that he dare not go crazy.

After doing this, she quickly followed.


In Wei Changfeng's box, everyone was drinking with red light.

"You said, what is Ye Feng's expression now?"

"I guess he is mad at death now, I can even imagine what he looked like when he saw that bell hahaha..."

"This is just to give him a predicament first, the real means are still to come, as long as he dares to come to Yangcheng, we will have a way to slowly clean up him."

"Dare to offend Mr. Wei, then let him come back and forth."

When Wei Changfeng heard the people's statement, he immediately held up the wine glass in front of him.

"I am very pleased to have these remarks. As long as we are united and have only Ye Feng in the same place, why do we have anything to say? Let us do this cup and wish us victory."

"Done this cup, you will win!"

Everyone also picked up the wine glasses one after another, and was about to drink it all.

At this time, the door of the box was suddenly kicked open.

Then, a man was thrown in.

"Bang" on the dining table.

Countless splashes of soup!

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