I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 540 [540] The second largest family? so smart? Who is the first?

Liu Ling was also frightened by Wei Changfeng's aura, and subconsciously took a step back.

She had met Wei Changfeng several times at a reception before, but the other party was polite and polite every time, just like a gentleman.

But at this time, he was like a red-eyed beast, without any gentleman's demeanor.

Luo Jingyuan immediately said, "Wei Changfeng, are you killing red eye? Are you really sure, and at the same time facing the siege of the Liu family and I?"

The expressions of the group of people following Wei Changfeng also changed.

One is the top five in the real estate industry in Yangcheng.

One is the daughter of the top ten families in Yangcheng.

Together, these two people are definitely a huge force.

Not to mention there are Ye Feng, Chen Qiushan and Hu Renyu.

This is the six major factions besieging Guangmingding.

Even if it is a rebirth of a fierce man like Newton, he dare not say that he is absolutely sure that he can face such an enemy at the same time, right?

But Wei Changfeng's face showed a disdainful smile, "It's just a mob, just because you guys want to besiege me? How many of you just let me go and see if Wei Changfeng can catch me?"

His remarks were sonorous and powerful, just like a peerless master watching the world, who didn't put anyone in his eyes at all.

The doubts in the hearts of everyone present are even heavier.

Seeing his confident look, what kind of hole cards does he have?

Are there really "nuclear weapons"?

Luo Jingyuan couldn't help sneering, "You are trying to sing out the emptiness and frighten us out of millions of soldiers? Just relying on you as Wei Changfeng, you dare to speak such big words? You are not afraid to laugh at someone."

Wei Changfeng also showed a smile on his face, "How can I dare to make such a big talk with my strength alone? I just don't know, if the Ye Family's power is added, will it be enough?"

As soon as he said this, the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

Luo Jingyuan also looked surprised, "Ye Family? Which Ye Family?"

Wei Changfeng stared directly at him, "How many Ye families are there in Yangcheng? You don't think it is your brother Ye's Ye family, do you? He is also worthy?"

Luo Jingyuan's face suddenly turned dusty when he finished speaking.

It could be seen that he was very jealous of the Ye family.

Including Liu Ling, Chen Qiushan and Hu Renyu on the side, their faces became very ugly.

Ye Feng suddenly became curious, "Is this Ye family very good?"

Luo Jingyuan couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Ye Feng was a little dazed, "Terror? Is their house haunted?"

Liu Ling on the side couldn't help but laughed out with a "pouch", "Are you a big-headed ghost? The Ye family is the second largest family in Yangcheng. The family's industry is spread across all industries in Yangcheng, and it is a super huge business empire."

Luo Jingyuan also nodded heavily, "This Ye family, whether in political or business circles, has a very wide network of contacts. In Yangcheng, it is almost covered with one hand, and no one dares to touch their negative scales."

Ye Feng was a little surprised, "The second largest family? So powerful? Who is the first? Niuston?"

Luo Jingyuan chuckled, "Although Niuston himself is very strong, he is not a family because he started from scratch and has no children. The first family has other people."

Ye Feng became more curious, "Who is it?"

Liu Ling on the side interrupted, "Of course it is the Zhao Family, and the entire Yangcheng, I am afraid that the strength of the Zhao Family can overwhelm the Ye Family. Even the Huo Family can only be ranked third."

Ye Feng turned to look at Luo Jingyuan, "Zhao Family? Could it be..."

Luo Jingyuan nodded immediately, "Yes, it is Zhao Fulin and the Zhao family."

Ye Feng's face suddenly looked strange. Originally, I heard that Wei Changfeng had gone to the second Ye family in Yangcheng.

There is still a little drumming in his heart.

But when he heard about the strength of the Zhao family and the stabilization of the Ye family, there was no pressure in his heart.

Based on his relationship with Zhao Fulin, what fear does a Ye family have?

But Luo Jingyuan was still a little worried.

Although he knew that Zhao Fulin and Ye Feng had a good relationship.

But after all, this is an enemy of the Ye Family.

I am afraid that Zhao Fulin may not be able to take this trip to the muddy water.

Besides, Zhao Fulin is just a idle playboy and does not control the real power of the Zhao family.

Even if he is more than minded, I am afraid he is not strong enough.

The group of people behind Wei Changfeng, like a shot of a booster, became arrogant again.

"Hahaha, didn't you guys be arrogant just now? Why didn't you continue to be arrogant?"

"Mr. Wei just said the word'Yejia', so you were shocked? Isn't this too daunting?"

"What shit Longjiang Real Estate? What shit Liu's family? What shit Mr. Ye? In front of Yangcheng Ye's house, there are a group of ants."

"I hope you will continue to be arrogant and see if the Ye Family has the strength to trample you to death."

"I advise you to leave the broom star Ye Feng as soon as possible. We can consider letting you die."

Although Luo Jingyuan and others were horrified, none of them withdrew and stood firmly behind Ye Feng.

"Toast and not eat fine wine!"

Seeing their expression, Wei Changfeng suddenly snorted and turned to look at Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, if you don't want to hurt them and suffer together with you, I can be magnanimous and consider letting you go. But you must promise me a few conditions."

Ye Feng sniffed, "Let's listen."

Wei Changfeng slowly raised a finger, "First, the Tanyue Building Materials under your banner pitted me 50 million yuan before, and I want you to double it back."

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, noncommittal.

"Secondly, I heard that Tang Fushan has been kneeling in front of your door for more than two hours, and has not been able to see you. Then I will ask you to kneel in front of his door for two hours now, just as a pay for a paycheck. , Isn't this too much?"

Ye Feng immediately sneered, "What about the third one?"

Wei Changfeng slowly raised his third finger, "Third, you vowed to never step into Yangcheng for your life, and in Yangcheng, you can't have any of your influence."

As soon as he said this, everyone present took a breath.

These three conditions are too harsh, right?

The first one is better to say, a billion is not a big deal to someone like Ye Feng.

But the second one is a bit too much.

At any rate, the other party is also the richest man in China Shipping, the respected Mr. Ye.

Asking him to kneel in front of Tang Fushan's gate for two hours is simply a great humiliation.

As for the third one, it is even more excessive.

If Ye Feng agrees, then his forces will never be able to set foot in Yangcheng.

May be forever condensed in Zhonghai.

How could the other party agree to such harsh conditions?

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng nodded unexpectedly.

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