I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 548 [548] I think this guy is a lunatic

This scene frightened everyone present.

Who could have imagined that Father Zhao, whose complexion just improved a bit, would suddenly experience this kind of change?

After vomiting blood, Mr. Zhao fell back to the hospital bed again.

Now his face completely paled.

And the ECG monitor next to it, fluctuating more and more smoothly.

"Quick, hurry and save people!"

The genius doctor Han's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly exclaimed.

Several doctors nearby rushed up in a hurry to give Grandpa Zhao a cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Zhao Fulin and a group of Zhao family members were also frightened at this time.

Who would have thought that after seeing a little hope, it would immediately turn into despair?

A woman in her forties suddenly rushed to Ye Feng like crazy.

"I blame you, you crow's mouth, you pay my second uncle's life..."

Zhao Fulin hurriedly caught her, "You are crazy, what are you doing? What does this have to do with Brother Ye?"

The woman's eyes were red, "I suspect that there is a problem with his Ganoderma lucidum. He must have been sent by the enemy to harm our Zhao family. I fought him..."

With that said, we must continue to rush up.

Zhao Fulin couldn't bear it, and slapped her face directly, "You're sick, right? Brother Ye is also kind, so he took out precious medicinal materials to treat my father's illness. How can you let you spread rumors and smear him?"

The woman clutched her hot face and said unwillingly: "If it wasn't for his medicinal material that had a problem, why would your second uncle's situation take a turn for the worse?"

Zhao Fulin turned his head to look at the genius Han, "Genius Han, what is going on?"

The genius doctor Han also had six gods and no masters at this time, "I don't know, it stands to reason that this kind of thing shouldn't happen..."

Zhao Fulin will continue to ask questions.

At this moment, the ECG monitor suddenly made a long beep.

It also indicates that Father Zhao's heartbeat will stop.

This is undoubtedly a death sentence for the Zhao family.

The faces of Zhao Fulin and others changed drastically.

"Mr. Han, you must think of a solution, my father must not die..."

The genius doctor Han looked at them desperately, "I...I have tried my best, and Mr. Zhao is... unable to recover."

When Zhao Fulin heard the words, if he was struck by lightning, he stood there blankly, his brain blank.

The Zhao family has already cried.

They can imagine that once the old man dies, their Zhao family will immediately collapse.

Those forces that looked at them would inevitably take advantage of the fire and carve up the Zhao family.

The end of the Zhao family is near.

Compared with Zhao's family, Han Shenyi suffered an equally severe blow.

Although the old man of the Zhao family was already exhausted, he was only a dead horse as a living horse doctor, without much hope.

But Father Zhao died after drinking his medicine after all.

He can't escape this responsibility.

After a long sigh, he turned to look at Zhao Fulin.

"Mr. Zhao, prepare the funeral for Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Fulin turned a deaf ear to his words, his brain was blank now, he could hear nothing, see nothing, and didn't know what to do next.

My head is like a mess, I can't find a clue.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Luo Jingyuan next to him say, "Brother Ye, I wonder if you can do it?"

This sentence is like a ray of light shines in a room where you can't see your fingers.

Zhao Fulin hurriedly raised his head to look at him, "What did you just say? Did you say Brother Ye has a way?"

Luo Jingyuan hurriedly shook his head, "You have to ask Brother Ye about this, I don't dare to talk nonsense. But my father's heartbeat has stopped at the beginning, and Brother Ye has come back to life again."

When he said this, everyone present was shocked.

"What? Are you kidding? The heartbeat has stopped, can you save it?"

"Bag and don't draft drafts. This is a bit too exaggerated, isn't it? Really when we are all fools?"

"How can there be such a thing as resurrection from the dead? I think you have watched a lot of horror movies, right?"

"Absolutely impossible! This is not in line with medical common sense at all..."

Although everyone said they didn't believe it, they still turned their eyes to Ye Feng, looking for answers.

"Brother Ye, you...do you really have a way?"

Although Zhao Fulin thought Luo Jingyuan's remarks were a bit weird, he still asked with the last glimmer of hope.

Ye Feng lowered his head to check the situation of Mr. Zhao, "I can only try, but don't hold out too much hope."

When everyone heard this, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Although what he said was just a try, it was enough to make people feel incredible.

The heartbeat has stopped, is there still hope to save life?

The group of medical staff sneered again.

"I think this guy is a lunatic, he can say anything, but he can barely try? Everyone is dead, how can I try?"

"He doesn't really want to bring people back from the dead, right? He is treating himself as a big Luo Jinxian!"

"He can even refuse the genius doctor Han, think about it, is this something normal people can do?"

"If you say that, then we can understand. Isn't this just a neurosis?"

"Don't treat the patient either, let us take a look for you first."

Not only them, but even the genius doctor Han couldn't help but shook his head, "Xiaoyou Ye, don't waste your efforts. Elder Zhao has passed away, so don't ruin his body anymore."

Ye Feng turned a deaf ear to their words.

After checking the situation of Mr. Zhao, he picked up the ceramic pot again and poured all the soup medicine left in it into his mouth.

Then he quickly took out a pack of silver needles from his body and picked up Mr. Zhao's clothes.

Fingers flying the silver needles into Father Zhao's Yongquan, Taixi, Yingu and other acupoints.

In less than a minute, Elder Zhao was already full of silver needles.

After doing this, Ye Feng's feet were soft and almost fell.

Zhao Fulin on the side hurriedly supported him.

"Brother Ye, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, the needle has been done, and then it's up to the good fortune of the old man."

Ye Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face was very pale, as if he had experienced a great battle.

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