I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 550 【550】Master is here, please be worshipped by the disciple

Ye Feng was taken aback, and hurriedly helped Zhao Fulin up.

"Brother Zhao, don't do this, I'm just doing it easily."

Zhao Fulin was so excited that his body was trembling, "Perhaps for you, it is a simple effort, but for our Zhao family, this is definitely a great kindness. From now on, my Zhao family will regard you as the head of the horse. If anyone dares to bully you, our Zhao family will never die with him."

The Zhao family behind him also nodded and agreed.

Ye Feng was about to say something.

At this time, Father Zhao, who was originally in a coma, slowly opened his eyes.

The Zhao family hurriedly rushed over.

"Dad, are you...wake up?"

Zhao Fulin's voice trembled a little, and tears couldn't stop streaming.

Elder Zhao's gaze was a little blurred at first, but he quickly recovered his spirit.

"How old are you, what do you cry like?"

The old man blamed him as soon as he spoke.

But instead of being angry, Zhao Fulin was ecstatic.

When his father criticized him in the past, he always disagreed, and even complained a little bit in his heart.

But after this incident, he suddenly discovered that it is also a kind of happiness to have an old father scolding him every day.

Old man Zhao's mental head recovered extremely quickly.

Not only the complexion became ruddy, but also the confidence to speak.

It didn't look like he had just turned around in a ghost gate.

"Mr. Zhao, we need to do a comprehensive examination of you to see your physical recovery."

A doctor walked over quickly and said respectfully to Mr. Zhao.

"Okay, check it out."

Father Zhao is very cooperative.

Ye Feng first went to take off the silver needle from him.

Several doctors then took out a bunch of equipment and performed a full-body examination on Mr. Zhao.

In the end came a result that surprised everyone.

Mr. Zhao is very healthy, even stronger than before the coma, at least restored to the state he was five years ago.

When the news was received, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially the Korean geniuses and other medical staff were all horrified and inexplicably shocked.

What kind of abnormal medicine is this?

Not only did he save a person whose heartbeat had stopped, but he also recovered so well?

When I looked at Ye Feng again, it was as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ye...Mr. Ye, what was the name of your acupuncture set just now?"

The genius doctor Han suddenly changed his name and looked at Ye Feng religiously.

"The genius doctor?"

Ye Feng was a little awkward when he heard his address, "You should call me Ye Feng. I don't dare to be called a genius doctor. This set of needles is called Fei Xing Twelve Needles. The main effect is to activate vitality and clear the veins... …"

The genius doctor Han listened very seriously and nodded from time to time, "Then...can you teach me this set of needle methods?"

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed when he heard his request, "Well..."

The genius doctor Han reacted immediately.

Healers will cherish their own unique skills, and they will never spread them to the outside world.

This request of my own is indeed a bit abrupt.

"Doctor Ye, don't get me wrong, I just saw such a magical medical technique, and I couldn't help but want to figure it out. If you feel embarrassed..."

Ye Feng waved his hand, "I'm not a selfish person. As I said just now, my medical technique is a system of its own, which is very different from other traditional Chinese medicine theories. To learn this set of acupuncture methods, you have to start with basic theories. Learn..."

The genius doctor Han nodded hurriedly, "I would like to worship you as a teacher and start learning from the basics."

When he said this, everyone present was stunned.

"What? The genius doctor Han wants to worship this Mr. Ye as a teacher? I heard it right, right?"

"How respected is the position of the Han genius doctor in the medical world? Why do you want to worship a young man as a teacher? What's a joke?"

"If this matter spreads out, it will surely cause a sensation in the entire medical profession."

"The genius doctor Han is full of peaches and plums. What should his apprentices and grandchildren call Mr. Ye in the future? Master? Master?"

"You said he would agree?"

"Definitely, if Han genius doctor is really accepted as a disciple, then he will not be allowed to walk sideways in the medical field in the future?"

"Yes, his status is bound to rise, and it's nowhere to be seen."

"But people do have this strength. After all, a person whose heart stops beating can be saved. This medical skill is simply appalling."

"And what's even more amazing is that he is so young, and he is still self-taught in medicine. Isn't that incredible?"

"You have to admit that there is a kind of genius in this world, who can have achievements that you can't achieve in a lifetime."

Everyone talked a lot, but Ye Feng still looked as usual.

"Han genius doctor, don't be joking, you are so old and have such a high status in the medical world, how can you worship me as a teacher?"

But the genius doctor Han is very persistent, "What shit, age, status, I only know that the master is a teacher. Your medical skills are better than me, and you are qualified to be my teacher. Master is here, please be respected by your apprentice."

He said, kneel down in public.

Ye Feng was taken aback, and hurriedly supported him, "Han genius doctor, this can't be done, it is impossible for me to accept you as a disciple."

"If you don't accept me, I won't be able to get up on my knees anymore."

The genius doctor Han is also a bull-tempered, and he has to kneel down to death.

Ye Feng couldn't help but hurriedly asked Zhao Fulin who was aside for help.

Zhao Fulin hurriedly put away his smile, turned to look at his father, "Dad, this is my good brother Ye Feng, this time he saved your life."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Zhao immediately turned over and got out of bed and walked to Ye Feng.

"Thank you for the life-saving grace of genius doctor Ye, please be respected by the old man."

After speaking, he knelt down towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng hurriedly freed his other hand to support him.

Did you make a mistake?

Another one?

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