Ye Feng stayed in the ward for a while, seeing that Mr. Zhao was in a stable condition, and then he got up and said goodbye.

Zhao Fulin hurriedly took his hand and said, "Brother Ye, you should go back tonight and have a good rest. Tomorrow night, I will re-host a banquet in Zhennanjiang and introduce you some reliable friends. You must come."

Ye Feng nodded, "Okay, I must be there tomorrow."

After speaking, he said goodbye to Mr. Zhao, and then got up and left.

Elder Zhao looked at his back and couldn't help shaking his head with emotion, "There is such a good young man. If it were my son, that would be great.

Zhao Fulin on the side was very depressed, "Dad, you said this in front of me, have you considered my feelings?"

Grandpa Zhao glared at him irritably, "Then tell me, how can you compare to Xiaofeng?"


Zhao Fulin thought about it seriously, and finally shook his head, "It doesn't seem to be true."

Father Zhao grinned, "At least you are a little bit self-aware. You can get to know Xiao Feng. This is the wisest choice you have ever made."

Zhao Fulin didn't refute this time, and nodded seriously, "If you didn't have him today, you might really...our Zhao family would no longer exist. It is indeed an extremely correct choice to get acquainted with him."

Father Zhao nodded, "Just know, remember, you must have a good relationship with him in the future. If someone dares to bully him, no matter who the other party is, you must greet him to death, and I will help you bear all the consequences. "

Zhao Fulin hurriedly coughed twice, "Don't be so exaggerated, right?"

Mr. Zhao glared at him, "You know what a fart! Golden scales are things in the pool, and they will turn into dragons in the face of wind and cloud. This young man has limitless achievements in the future. If you can talk to him before he fully rises. Make a good relationship. The Zhao family will definitely get his asylum in the future. Even if I die, I will be stunned."

Zhao Fulin looked at his father with a puzzled look, "You are so optimistic about him? My Zhao family is the largest family in Yangcheng. I still need his protection in the future?"

The old man Zhao sneered, "The first big family in Yangcheng? You are just like that. I have read countless people in my life. This young man can be said to be the best I have ever seen. His future achievements, you are probably now. I can’t even think about it. You just need to do what I say, and one day, you will eventually understand."

Zhao Fulin nodded hurriedly, "Dad, I see."


Early the next morning, Ye Feng received a call from Linghang Investment.

It was agreed to go to the company to handle the handover later.

He cleaned up briefly and left the hotel.

Since the car was left in Zhennanjiang last night, it did not drive back.

So he just took a taxi.

As a company with a market value of 7 billion, Linghang Investment can be regarded as a large company even if it is located in Yangcheng.

The office building is magnificent, with many brightly dressed people coming in and out.

Those who can work here are considered senior white-collar workers.

After paying the fare, he pushed the door and got out of the car and walked towards the office building.

Just as he was about to step into the office building, he suddenly heard a woman's voice behind him.

"Ye Feng? How did you find here?"

Ye Feng looked back and saw a very delicately dressed woman walking towards this side.

This woman is very ordinary, but she is good at dressing up and looks very fashionable.

By her side, she was also with a few female colleagues.

"Do I know you?"

He only felt that this woman was a bit familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

When the woman heard what he said, she couldn't help but sneered, "Pretend to be confused with me, didn't you come here to find me?"

Ye Feng was really confused now, "What are you talking about? Sister, who are you?"

Seeing that he was still "pretending to be confused", the woman immediately took out her work permit and shook it in front of him.

"I'm Yang Dongmei, do you remember it?"

When Ye Feng heard this name, it suddenly dawned on him.

Isn't this woman the daughter of the landlord who rented out the house before?

The landlord is very savage, and this woman is more blue than blue.

Relying on his work in a big company, he has always looked down upon him.

Later he moved to Zhongtian Lakeview Villa and never saw her again.

Unexpectedly, I would encounter it here.

"Do you work here?"

"Didn't you knowingly ask? Didn't you come here to find me? Do you want to get your deposit back? I tell you, there is no way!"

Yang Dongmei said to him fiercely.

When Ye Feng moved out, the other party deducted his two-month deposit on the grounds that the contract had not expired.

At that time, the money was nothing to Ye Feng, so he didn't care about it with the other party.

At this time, when she heard her mention the matter again, she couldn't help but shook her head and smiled bitterly, "You think too much, I'm not here to see you, I'm here to talk to your chairman."


Yang Dongmei immediately laughed, "Talk to our chairman? What kind of big-tailed wolf? Thought I didn't see you in a taxi? Our chairman, is it possible for people like you to meet?"

As he said, he turned to look at several colleagues next to him, "Do you know how poor this kid is? I have patched up so many socks, so I don’t want to throw them away. I only eat one meal a day, and we cook every day at our house. Drooling on the window hahaha..."

Those colleagues couldn't help but laugh.

"Really? Is there such a poor person now? Just like a beggar."

"Don't insult beggars? Now beggars are very rich."

"This is the 21st century, and there are still people wearing patched socks? Do we live in a world?"

"But I wore a pretty good dress today. Wouldn't these clothes be rented?"

"It must be, I guess I have to go back later, it's so pitiful..."

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