I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 561 【561】The best among humans I have ever seen

After everyone introduced each other, they gradually became acquainted with each other.

At this time, a man in thin boots glanced at Xia Qiu, "Isn't this the big star Xia Qiu? Lao Zhao, is Xia Qiu also your brother?"

Zhao Fulin glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense, this is Brother Ye's little girlfriend, you should be called your younger sibling."

Everyone at the scene immediately screamed, crying and howling.

The thin man even leaned forward, "Hello brother and sister, get to know me, my name is Yao Qiwei."

Xia Qiu waved her hand quickly, "I am not your younger sibling, I am not his girlfriend..."

"This is not important. As long as you are devoted to our brother Ye, you are our younger siblings. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, you can tell us and we will support you."

Yao Qiwei patted his chest to make sure.

The others also nodded.

Even if Xia Qiu had a hundred mouths now, he couldn't explain it clearly.

Turning to look at Ye Feng, he found that he didn't want to explain, and hurriedly pulled his sleeve, "You can explain to them clearly, I'm not yours..."

Ye Feng blinked at her, "This kind of thing can't be explained. The more you explain, the more unclear it is."

Zhao Fulin "haha" smiled, "Okay, don't stand anymore, sit down quickly."

As he said, he pulled Ye Feng to the main position, "Brother Ye, sit here."

Ye Feng hurriedly declined, "Are you the host, or are you sitting here?"

Zhao Fulin was a little displeased, "Let you sit down and sit down, what else do you share with me?"

After speaking, he couldn't help but press Ye Feng to the main position.

Later, Xia Qiu was arranged on the left hand side of Ye Feng.

And he sat to the right.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of everyone, they all showed surprise.

From this little action, we can also see how much Zhao Fulin attaches importance to Ye Feng.

This can't help but increase their weight to Ye Feng.

They originally thought that Ye Feng was just a follower of Zhao Fulin.

But now it seems to be different from what they expected.

In Zhao Fulin's faint, there was even a bit of flattery.

This makes them puzzled.

How respectful is the first heir of the most dignified Yangcheng family?

what is this?

Including Xia Qiu is equally surprised.

Looking at Ye Feng's treatment, it's not just a good friend's category, it's like a lifesaver.

This made her more curious.

How did Ye Feng do it?

How could the prince of the largest family in Yangcheng treat him so seriously?

Zhao Fulin looked at everyone's expressions, "Are you curious, why do I respect Brother Ye so much?"

Everyone nodded, all expressing their curiosity.

Zhao Fulin looked back at Ye Feng, "Ye Feng is the most outstanding young man I have ever seen. There is no one... Don't get me wrong, this is not what I said, it was my father."

Hearing his words, everyone present became more shocked.

Who is Mr. Zhao?

That is the super boss who created the largest family in Yangcheng with his own hands.

In Yangcheng, Zhao Yuesheng is a legend.

Even the enemies who have fought with him for a lifetime admire him very much.

Such a legend said that Ye Feng is the best young man he has ever seen?

This evaluation is too high, it is too high.

"Actually, I don't agree with our old man's evaluation of him."

At this time, I heard Zhao Fulin say suddenly.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and they looked at Ye Feng's expressions.

Fortunately, he couldn't see any displeased expression on his face.

Everyone can't help but wonder in secret.

Which one is Zhao Fulin singing?

Even if you don't agree with what Elder Zhao said, there is no need to say it in public, right?

Does this make Ye Feng too much to be able to come to Taiwan?

When they were puzzled, they heard Zhao Fulin continue to say: "In my opinion, Brother Ye is not just the best among young people, but the best among human beings I have ever seen."


When everyone heard this, they all laughed.

"Lao Zhao, what you said is too exaggerated? It's still the best among mankind? You don't flatter like you."

"Yeah, your flattery is too ridiculous, this is a slap in the face."

"We also admit that Brother Ye is very good, but what you said is too scary, right?"

"This hasn't been drunk, has started talking drunk?"

Zhao Fulin was questioned by them, still looking as usual, "Then I ask you, have you ever seen a 20-year-old who started from scratch and built a huge business empire in just half a year, with a net worth of tens of billions of people? ?"

Everyone shook their heads in response to his questioning.




Zhao Fulin continued to ask, "Have you ever seen a young man who, even at an absolute disadvantage, can make a comeback and drive the richest man in a province to commit suicide in fear of crime?"

Everyone knew that he was talking about Newton, and shook their heads again.




A smug smile appeared on Zhao Fulin's face, "Have you ever seen someone who can save a person whose heart has stopped beating by self-taught medical skills?"

When everyone heard this, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

One after another turned their eyes to Ye Feng.

"Old Zhao, isn't the person you're talking about is also Brother Ye?"

"Are you kidding? The heart has stopped beating and can still be saved? Is this a god?"

"Lao Zhao, you can't just make things up just to praise Brother Ye? When we are fools?"

"We recognize Brother Ye's achievements in business, but how could he be so good in medical skills? Is that still a human being?"

Zhao Fulin glanced at Ye Feng, with a proud look on his face.

"If one of these things I said is false, I will not die. I will ask you, do you still think what I said is exaggerated?"

After listening to him, everyone was shocked and speechless.

If what Zhao Fulin said was true, it would be too scary.

A talented business man who built a huge business empire from nothing at the age of twenty.

He even possesses superhuman medical skills.

This is simply a genius among geniuses.

It seems that Zhao Fulin's remarks were not exaggerated, but they didn't even feel exaggerated.

Which is the best among human beings?

This is not human anymore, okay?

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