I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 569 【569】Whether you believe it or not, I am actually a good person

Those who were onlookers hurriedly dispersed further away.

"How did this young man provoke the Chao Xinhui people? Isn't this looking for death?"

"Yeah, Chaoxinhui is the sky in Yangcheng. How dare this kid pierce the sky? He deserves it if he is dead."

"This trendy new club is too lawless. When hacking people in broad daylight, is there no one to take care of it?"

"Who dares to control? Mr. Gao from Chaoxinhui, he is a person with hands and eyes, otherwise he could be domineering for so long?"

"I can only blame this kid for being unlucky. It's not good to provoke a new club. This is terrible..."

Everyone seemed to be quite surprised at this kind of scene.

Those who sympathize with it, those who mock it, and those who talk ridiculously have it, it's all about hanging up high.

The shop owner, even hiding in the shop, did not dare to appear.

At the same time, I couldn't help but slander. I just persuaded him to leave as soon as possible. It was he who did his own work and refused to leave. Who can he blame now?

Facing Zhou Tiejun's siege, Ye Feng did not choose to fight back at first.

Instead, they kept dodge and shouted, "Help, murder, help..."

But the crowd of onlookers hid far away, and none of them dared to be nosy.

Zhou Tiejun and the others became more and more frantic, brandishing the weapon in their hands, and constantly chasing Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has been spinning around in the monitoring range, feeling that the material collection is almost done.

Then he sneered and turned to look at Zhou Tiejun and others.

"Everyone has seen it, I don't want to cause trouble, it's you who are pressing harder to keep me alive. In that case, I can't blame me."

Zhou Tiejun laughed grimly, "Smelly boy, you will be stiff when you die, Laozi just doesn't give you a way to survive, you can fight back if there is something."

After speaking, he waved the machete and struck at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't dodge anymore this time, but took the initiative to greet him.

First, he turned sideways to avoid his hacking, and then struck out with lightning with both hands, grabbing Zhou Tiejun's wrist directly, and squeezing it forcefully.


Zhou Tiejun's wrist broke directly when he heard the sound of broken bones.


A scream came out from his mouth.

There was no pity on Ye Feng's face, and at the same time he kicked his inner thigh.


There was another crisp sound, and his thighs were directly bent obviously.

This time, Zhou Tiejun didn't scream again because he passed out directly.

Ye Feng threw his body aside like a dead dog, turned around to capture a strong man who had attacked from behind, and did the same.

His movements are so swift and violent that on average, one person can be destroyed every three seconds.

This group of thugs who usually fight and fight fiercely like tigers, in his hands, just like the lamb to be slaughtered, there is no power to fight back.

In less than a minute, all a dozen gangsters fell to the ground.

Everyone had their hands and feet broken, twisting like a bunch of maggots in pain.

The screams resounded throughout the street.

This scene is like hell on earth.

The crowd of onlookers had their scalp numb throughout the entire process, and they had not recovered until the end of the battle.

And some were timid, their trousers were already wet, and their whole bodies shuddered like chaff.

When I looked at Ye Feng again, I felt like I was looking at a devil in human skin.

This combat power is too terrifying, right?

In less than a minute, more than a dozen big men were abolished.

Is that human being?

Ye Feng clapped his hands, turned and walked to the shop owner, "Boss..."

Before he could say anything, the boss was so scared that he backed away, "The hero is forgiving...the things in my shop, take whatever you like, just ask you to spare my life, I didn't see anything..."

Ye Feng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, "Whether you believe it or not, I'm actually a good person."

The boss laughed more ugly than crying, "I believe, as long as you don't kill me, I believe in everything."

Ye Feng smiled helplessly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I just want to ask, can you make a copy of the surveillance video in your store?"

The shop owner was relieved and nodded hurriedly, "Of course."

Then he was busy copying the surveillance video, and handed a U disk to Ye Feng.

After Ye Feng put the U disk away, he picked up the ceramic pillow, "Boss, this ceramic pillow..."

The boss didn’t wait for him to finish, and hurriedly waved his hand, “Give it to you, you quickly take it away, this broken pillow is definitely an ominous thing, it has brought me so many disasters...”

Ye Feng was speechless, "I won't take your things for nothing, what's the difference between this and a robber? Let's just follow what I said before, I will buy it for a million."

The boss wanted to refuse.

But Ye Feng forced him to surrender his account in a semi-commanding tone.

Then in front of him, transferred him a million.

When the transfer was received, the boss still couldn't believe it.

Unexpectedly, this hero who was more ferocious than Chaoxinhui actually transferred money to him.

And also transferred one million at a time.

This is simply a surprise.

After the transaction was completed, Ye Feng was about to leave with the ceramic pillow.

At this time, Zhou Tiejun slowly lifted his head from the crowd, with a bitter look on his face, "Little bastard, you are dead, you dare to provoke our new gang, even if we run to the ends of the world, we will also take you Hunt to the end..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Feng had already stepped on his face.

Then from that pile of "meat", strode past.

"Chaoxinhui, right? I'm waiting for your revenge, don't let me down."

After pressing a sentence, he turned and left.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded again in the ear.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the treasure hunt navigation, system reward: Lamborghini Charm Blue Night Supercar, worth 500 million..."


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