Ye Feng heard Wang Hongda talk about the whole process of buying Xue Cong, and then he continued to ask, "Where did you get the money for buying him?"

Wang Hongda hesitated, and finally reported a name, "It was... Shu Mingcheng gave it to me."

Ye Feng heard a strange name again, and couldn't help frowning, "Who is this Shu Mingcheng? Why did he frame me?"

"Shu Mingcheng... is Ye Chengze's subordinate."

Wang Hongda then broke another big melon.

After Ye Feng listened, there was a suddenly open expression on his face.

Now everything made sense.

It turns out that the real master behind this series of events is Ye Chengze.

He heard that he had a conflict with people from Chaoxinhui, and wanted to use this incident to frame him.

Therefore, he instructed his subordinates to buy through Wang Hongda and let him bribe Xue Cong to forge a false death appraisal report.

Thinking about this, he looked at Wang Hongda again, "How much did Shu Mingcheng give you?"

Wang Hongda hesitated and said: "Just...I gave it one million, all to Xue Cong."

Ye Feng couldn't help but sneered, "Do you dare to say that you didn't make a draw? I'll go to Shu Mingcheng to confront him later, you'd better not hide anything."

Wang Hongda knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to honestly confess, "He gave me ten... ten million."

Ye Feng was a little surprised, "You actually swallowed nine million? It's really black-hearted."

The woman on the bed immediately collapsed when she heard the words, "You bastard, you have so much money, and you cried poorly with me just now. She also said that when you save enough money, you will take me far away. Do you have a truth in your mouth?"

The more he spoke, the more angry he was, and he rushed directly to Wang Hongda, scratching and scratching.

Due to the large movement range, the quilt originally used to cover the body slipped off instantly, exposing the white body.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly covered his eyes with shame.

Ye Feng looked at the floor mirror next to him.

Wang Hongda had long been depressed, but at this time he was scratched by the woman again, and suddenly ran away.

He grabbed the woman's hair directly and gave a violent hammer.

The woman was beaten up and covered in flesh and flesh, and she was not very human.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was furious when he saw it.

Perhaps because they were all women, she felt somewhat sympathetic to that woman.

This man who was still intimate with her just now turned his face ruthlessly and began to cruel her.

It looks really pitiful.

Ye Feng really couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly scolded, "Okay, you two's mess, wait for it to be solved later, and answer my question first."

Then Wang Hongda stopped bitterly, and looked at Ye Feng again to please, "Mr. Ye, can you ask."

"Did you kill Zhou Tiejun?"

"No, no, Zhou Tiejun and I are brothers, how could I do such a thing? Then am I still a human?"

Wang Hongda's head shook like a wave, and he quickly denied it.

"You are not a human being, and even your own woman can be dealt with. What is your brother?"

This is what Zhuang Xiaoqiao said. If it wasn't for evidence collection, she would have liked to go up now and beat the bastard man brutally.

Wang Hongda was ridiculed by her and couldn't help but sneered, "Zhou Tiejun was really not killed by me. When Shu Mingcheng found me, he was already dead. It is likely that Shu Mingcheng or Ye Chengze did their hands."

Ye Feng asked a few more questions, and Wang Hongda was very cooperative, almost knowing everything he could say.

"Okay, I'm very satisfied with your answer. I hope you can come forward to testify for me then and repeat today's remarks to tolerance."

Ye Feng finished the interrogation and slowly stood up.

"Definitely, as long as Mr. Ye needs it, I will cooperate fully."

Ye Hongda agreed with his mouth full, but a murderous intent flashed in his heart.

Let him offend Ye Chengze, what's the difference between that and sending him to death?

Moreover, Ye Feng learned about the affair between him and Gao Junming's lover.

The best way now is to kill this kid.

He had calculated it secretly.

As soon as Ye Feng left, he immediately mobilized manpower and must not let this kid survive tonight.

How could Ye Feng fail to see his thoughts, and immediately got up and walked over.

"But since you can betray your eldest brother and fuck his woman secretly. How can I believe your character? So just in case, I need you to cooperate with one thing."

"Cooperate with what?"

Wang Hongda looked at him suspiciously.

Ye Feng didn't say a word, he squeezed his mouth and threw a candy pill in it.

Then while the other party was in a panic, he used a silver needle to stabbed him silently in his abdomen.

Wang Hongda hurriedly stuffed his fingers into the eyes of his throat, digging for a long time, but did not dig out anything, and immediately looked at Ye Feng in horror.

"What did you eat for me?"

Ye Feng repeated what he said to Xue Cong.

"This is called the seven-day soul-breaking pill, which is my secret poison. If you don't get the antidote within seven days, the Qiqiao will bleed and die... If you don't believe it, you can hold your breath and try."

Wang Hongda sighed immediately, and immediately felt pain in his lower abdomen like a needle stick, and immediately convinced him that he hurriedly begged Ye Feng for mercy.

"Ye... Ye Zuzong, what do you mean? I will never betray you, please give me the antidote."

Ye Feng remained unmoved, "I believe in my Soul Breaking Pill more than your promise. You'd better pray that I will be safe in these seven days, otherwise you will have to bury me."

After speaking, he beckoned to Zhuang Xiaoqiao, "Let's go."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately put away the phone and walked out of the room.

Wang Hongda was taken away from his soul, and immediately leaned against the bedside like a puddle of mud.

Ye Feng should be fine, right?

The old man will not hunt him down?

Will Ye Chengze kill him?

Will there be an accident on his way?

Will you choke to death while eating?

He has never been so worried about a person when he grows up.

Even the parents who gave birth to him have never made him worry so much.

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