I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 586 【586】You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous

Meng Fei suddenly became angry and kicked the man in the head.

He is very confident in his legs, not only extremely fast, but also very powerful.

When he first hit the black boxing, I don't know how many people fell under his legs.

But the opponent is not a good stubble, he leans back straight, his back is almost parallel to the ground, and then he bounces quickly.

Before Meng Fei could continue to attack, the man jumped up, pulled the dagger directly from the roof, and stabbed him at him by the downward thrust.

Meng Fei dared not confront it head-on, and hurriedly withdrew a step back.

Unexpectedly, the other party was just a feint.

After landing, there was a dazzling change of footsteps, and he came immediately behind him.

Meng Fei was startled, but he didn't expect that the opponent's speed was so fast that he was about to dodge.

But at this time, the dagger has been placed on his neck, "Don't move, be careful not to save your life."

Meng Fei dared not move any more, but still insisted, "My friend, which way? You dare to break Ye Shao's thing, you are so bold."

Before that person could answer, Shu Mingcheng, who was hiding by the side, already exclaimed.

"Are you... Ye Feng?"


When he shouted this sentence, Shu Mingcheng's mind was a little confused.

Ye Shao, who was loyal to himself, wanted to kill him.

But Ye Feng, who he was deliberately trying to frame him, saved him?

The world seems a little messy.

Ye Feng smiled at him, "Go and open the door."

Shu Mingcheng didn't know why, but he hurried to open the door, and then saw a beautiful woman with bright eyes and white teeth standing outside.


Zhuang Xiaoqiao was like visiting someone else's house, greeted him and walked in.

When I saw the situation in the room, I couldn't help exclaiming, "Did you come in through the window just now? That's too good, right? Are you Superman?"

The two of them were outside and heard Shu Mingcheng's exclamation, they knew something was definitely going on.

So Ye Feng asked her to continue waiting outside the door, while he himself tried to enter through the window.

But when she was observing outside just now, she couldn't find the possibility of entering through the window. How did he get in? Is it impossible to fly in?

Ye Feng forced Meng Fei back to the living room and glanced at Shu Mingcheng's wife in a pool of blood.

"You Shao Ye, you really are a cruel person, even the subordinates who are loyal to him can be so unsympathetic."

Shu Mingcheng glanced at his wife's body with a sad expression on his face, then turned into hatred.

"I'm loyal to Ye Chengze, but I didn't expect to end up with a ruined family, hahaha..."

He has a very good relationship with his wife. This woman has followed him from when he had nothing. In the past two years, she has finally embraced Ye Chengze's thigh and lived a little better.

Ye Chengze was killed by Ye Chengze before he could enjoy the blessing with him.

One can imagine his hatred at this time.

"Do you want to avenge your wife?"

Ye Feng saw his hatred and immediately asked.

"Revenge? How...revenge?"

It can be seen that Shu Mingcheng is still very afraid of Ye Chengze.

Although he hated him deeply at this time, when he heard that he wanted revenge, he suddenly showed deep fear.

Ye Feng cursed secretly, "counseling", but continued: "You should know why I came to you today."

Shu Mingcheng can be regarded as a confidant by Ye Chengze, of course because he is smart enough, so he immediately thought about it, "Have you been to Wang Hongda?"

Ye Feng gave a thumbs up, "Smart! He has already hired everything, saying that you gave him 10 million and asked him to buy Xue Cong to frame me, right?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was already familiar with the road, and immediately took out his mobile phone and started video recording.

Not waiting for Shu Mingcheng to speak.

Meng Fei already yelled, "Shu Mingcheng, you have to think clearly about the consequences of betraying Ye Shao."

When Shu Mingcheng was frightened by him, he swallowed back what he was about to say.

Ye Feng's eyes were cold, and Meng Fei's neck was immediately cut by the dagger, blood drenched.

"If you dare to say one more word, I promise you will never be able to speak."

Although Meng Fei hated him very much, but at this time his life was in the hands of others, he didn't dare to talk more nonsense.

Ye Feng looked at Shu Mingcheng again, "You can rest assured and boldly say that Ye Chengze will kill you anyway. If you don't say it, you will be dead. If you say it, there may be a chance to survive."

Shu Mingcheng looked at Meng Fei, then at his wife's body, and immediately became a little tangled.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the side was also angry, "Your wife was killed by Ye Chengze, so you still have to cover him? Are you still a man? I don't think you are even a human being."

Shu Mingcheng was so scolded by her that he couldn't lift his head, and finally gritted his teeth, "Ye Chengze, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

After speaking, he turned and walked into the bedroom.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly looked at Ye Feng, obviously asking, do you want to follow up?

Ye Feng shook his head.

After a while, I saw Shu Mingcheng walking out of the bedroom again, holding a USB flash drive in his hand, and handing it to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took the USB flash drive and looked at him suspiciously, "What is this?"

Shu Mingcheng gritted his teeth and said: "There are live videos and recordings of Ye Chengze instructing me to frame you, as well as the ten million transfer certificate, and a lot of evidence of Ye Chengze's previous crimes..."

Ye Feng suddenly looked at him in surprise, "You still have evidence?"

Shu Mingcheng showed a trace of complacency, "As the so-called sly rabbit, I have been helping Ye Chengze on the first day, I have a foreboding that there will be such a day, so I will leave evidence every time."

Ye Feng laughed dryly, "Reading is really useful."

And Meng Fei on the side was very angry, "Shu Mingcheng, you are really mean, no wonder Ye Shao wants to kill you, deserve it!"

Shu Mingcheng walked away completely and rushed up like crazy, punching and kicking him.

Ye Feng didn't stop him, letting him vent.

But after all, he lacked exercise. After fighting for a while, he was exhausted, but he still stared at Meng Fei with red eyes, "If he doesn't do anything to me, these evidences will never see the light, and he is unkind, so don't blame me. Unrighteous."

Meng Fei spit on bloody saliva and couldn't help but sneered, "Being a bitch and want to set up an archway? I just hate that I can't kill you. Fortune telling you."

A cruel color flashed in Shu Mingcheng's eyes, and he immediately raised his head to look at Ye Feng, "I forgot to tell you that Zhou Tiejun was killed by his own hands. You must not let him go."

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth turned up immediately, unexpectedly gaining something unexpectedly.

Immediately looked down at Meng Fei, "Did you kill Zhou Tiejun yourself?"

Meng Fei knew that he couldn't take it off today, and immediately sneered, "Yes, Laozi killed it, what's the matter?"

Ye Feng stared at him with piercing eyes, "Did Ye Chengze instruct you to do it?"

Meng Fei immediately denied, "No, I wanted to kill him, and I let them frame you. What's wrong?"

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, "It's really a good dog who is loyal and protects the lord, then why did you frame me? Do we have any hatred?"

Meng Fei glanced at him disdainfully, "Because you are disrespectful to Ye Shao, I can't stand it, so I want to get rid of your nasty anger. Laozi does everything alone, kill me if you have the seed."

With a smile on Ye Feng's face, he turned to Zhuang Xiaoqiao and said, "Just record it here."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately turned off the phone obediently, and was about to speak.

At this moment, I saw that the dagger in Ye Feng's hand suddenly turned around and pierced Meng Fei's thigh with a "poof".


A sad scream resounded throughout the room.

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