Ye Chengze was really angry.

As the best heir to the younger generation of the Ye family, he has been regarded as a genius by those around him since he was a child.

And he also lived up to expectations. At only 21, he achieved achievements that his peers couldn't expect.

Over time, it really gave him an illusion of giving up to me.

It wasn't until Ye Feng appeared that his illusion was broken a little bit.

This young man, who is one year younger than him, has made achievements in business, directly crushing his proud achievements.

Relying on starting from scratch, it can create a tens of billions of business empire.

That's fine, what Damn it is that the opponent is also amazing in medical skills and martial arts.

It's like omnipotence.

This drove him crazy with jealousy.

Up to this point, seeing the women around Ye Feng, one of them was better than the other.

Compared to those vulgar fans around him, I don't know how many times stronger.

This made him completely fall into the last trace of reason, and immediately fell into madness.

"I just want Ye Feng to die, I just want him to die! If anyone intercedes for him again, I will kill him first!"

His originally handsome cheeks were distorted with anger and looked terrible.

Everyone present had never seen him so angry before, and they were all chilling, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

Chen Xuan was only a little frightened at first, but soon recovered her calm.

"I just want Ye Feng to live, and everything else can be given up. As long as you promise to let him go, all his properties can be given to you."

Ye Chengze immediately grinned upon hearing the words.

"He gave it to me? Do I need him to give it? Naturally, I will pick it up personally if I want it. Whether it's his property, his woman, or his life, I want it all hahahaha..."

Hearing his crazy words, everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

They didn't expect that Ye Chengze hated Ye Feng so much.

Those who can sit here today are all scheming people.

They all could see that the reason why Ye Chengze hated Ye Feng so much was not because Ye Feng really offended him, but because he was better than him.

Just because he was better than this young Master Ye, he would be put to death. It was really wrong to say it.

But the winner is king, the loser is Kou!

If you lose, you lose.

Sympathy belongs to sympathy, but no one will offend Ye Chengze for a dying person.

To blame, he can only blame him for not knowing how to constrain and keep a low profile, which brought trouble to himself.

But Chen Xuan, Lu Xiaoya, Xia Qiu and others all showed despair on their faces.

Judging from Ye Chengze's appearance, it was obvious that he would not let Ye Feng die.

Compared with Ye Chengze, their strength is too weak, although they have the intention to kill the thief, they are helpless.

Could it be that Ye Feng is really dead this time?

At this moment, an anxious shout suddenly came from outside, "Ye Shao, the big thing is not good... the big thing is not good..."

The man ran in anxiously, and when he passed a table, he tripped on the leg of a chair in the aisle.

But after the man staggered, he continued to rush towards Ye Chengze, appearing in a panic.

Ye Chengze, who was laughing wildly, immediately sank, "Have you not seen so many guests here? What is it like to panic?"

The subordinate hurriedly stood up straight, trying to calm himself down, but his complexion was still ugly.

Ye Chengze was too lazy to care about him, and immediately waved his hand, "What the hell is going on, let's talk about it."

The subordinate looked around and said with difficulty, "Shu...Shu Mingcheng, he...he also surrendered..."

Ye Chengze was bringing a glass of wine to his lips to highlight his calmness and calmness.

But when he heard this, his hand immediately shook, and the wine glass fell to the ground and fell to pieces.

"Who...who? Shu...Shu Mingcheng? He...he is not..."

He was really panicked now.

Shu Mingcheng had clearly been silenced by Meng Fei, who had been sent by him, and he also received a text message from Meng Fei that the mission was completed.

How is it possible to come back from the dead? Also went to the tolerance hall to surrender?

There must be something wrong.

The subordinate swallowed hard, "Our people saw Shu Mingcheng enter the public hall with their own eyes, and they couldn't be mistaken, and..."

Ye Chengze, who was about to call Meng Fei to confirm, was taken aback, "And what?"

The subordinate hesitated for a while, and continued: "Moreover, he tied a person and entered the tolerance hall together..."

"Tie someone? Who?"

Ye Chengze suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Meng Fei!"

When the subordinate reported the name, Ye Chengze couldn't hold it anymore, and fell into a chair.

The phone "clicked" and fell to the ground.

"It's over, it's over..."

Ye Chengze murmured, his face pale as paper.

Shu Mingcheng used to be his most confidant, holding him a lot of black material in his hands.

If this assassination is successful, these black materials will naturally follow him into the grave, and no one will ever know.

But this assassination failed, and even Meng Fei was captured by the opponent.

That thing completely moved towards a side he would never want to see.

Shu Mingcheng would definitely shake out all his black materials.

Every black material is enough to kill him.

And Meng Fei, he also has a lot of black material in his hands...

There is only one word left for him now.


He must run away immediately. The farther he can escape, the better. It is best to hide abroad and never come back.

Although there are 10,000 unwillings in his heart, he has no choice but to stay dead.

Moreover, they must leave before Shu Mingcheng and Meng Fei shake him out, otherwise they won't be able to leave.

Thinking about this, he immediately bent over to pick up the phone.

Prepare to call home to help him prepare for going abroad.

However, the moment his hand touched the phone.

A 43-yard big foot suddenly stepped on his hand.

"Ye Shao, why are you panicking? Isn't it a dead person in the family?"

Ye Chengze looked up and saw Zhao Fulin looking at him with a smile.

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