I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 605 【605】I like to be eaten by you

Ye Feng and Chen Xuan found a western restaurant called "Xima", chose a seat by the window, and simply ordered a few dishes.

People who are dining in the restaurant frequently turn their attention here

Of course, these eyes were mainly focused on Chen Xuan.

She herself is beautiful, and coupled with the experience of this period of time, she has already possessed the aura of a strong woman, which has a fatal attraction to men.

As for Ye Feng, when he was taken away by business in the morning, he was wearing a set of gray home clothes.

After spending a day in the tolerance hall, my hair was messy.

Now this image is really hard to come by.

What's more, sitting with a beautiful woman like Chen Xuan, in contrast between the two compartments, there is more and more the meaning of a toad eating swan meat.

"Sister Xuan, I haven't seen you in a few days, you seem to be more beautiful."

Ye Feng grabbed Chen Xuan's little hand, with a sincere compliment on her face.

Chen Xuan was naturally very happy when she was praised by her boyfriend, but she still had an unhappy expression on her face.

"I found out that if I haven't seen you for a few days, your mouth is sweeter. You should talk to other girls about this kind of thing?"

The thought of Lu Xiaoya, Xia Qiu, and the Miss Liu who helped Ye Feng at the banquet made her feel sour.

Although I know that my boyfriend is too good, she must be chased by girls.

But when she saw the girls who were not inferior to her in appearance and who were also devoted to Ye Feng, she still felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Ye Feng immediately shouted wronged, "I have only told you this kind of thing. If I tell a lie, it will make me feel bad..."

Before the word "death" was spoken, it was blocked by Chen Xuan's delicate fingers.

"If you don't have it, there won't be any. Why do you take such a poisonous oath?"

"I'm afraid you won't believe it?"

A smirk appeared on Ye Feng's face, and he directly held her slender fingers.

Chen Xuan hurriedly retracted her hand and looked around with a guilty conscience, "You are going to die, so many people, you..."

Ye Feng didn't care about it, "What's wrong with the crowds? I'm flirting with my girlfriend, can others control it?"

However, he still felt countless sharp gazes gathering on him.

Obviously the ambiguous action just now caused him to commit public anger.

If the look in his eyes can kill people, it is estimated that he has been cut into pieces by a knife.

When the two were dining, Ye Feng suddenly noticed that there was a man not far away with a camera in his hand, taking pictures here.

His complexion sank immediately and he was about to stand up to stop it.

Before he could move, the man had already taken the initiative to walk towards this side.

"Hello this lady, can you meet me?"

The man directly ignored his existence, walked straight to Chen Xuan, and proactively stretched out his hand.

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, but didn't shake hands with him, "What's the matter with you?"

The man hurriedly took out a business card, "Hello, I am a scout from Xinghai Film and Television Company, and my name is Song Kang."

"As soon as I came in, I was immediately attracted by your temperament. I wonder if you are interested in developing into the film and television industry?"

Chen Xuan did not pick up the business card, she shook her head and refused, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

Song Kang was stunned when he heard this.

According to his past experience, most girls are basically very interested after hearing what he said, at least they will exchange contact information.

After all, the film and television industry is so glamorous, it is a place that many girls are looking forward to.

But it's really rare to refuse directly like Chen Xuan.

"Miss, do you really stop thinking about it? Judging from my years of experience, your potential is very huge. With a little packaging, you will surely become popular..."

Before he finished talking, Ye Feng on the side could no longer listen, "Can't you understand human words? My girlfriend has definitely rejected you, and you are still endless?"

Song Kang then turned his gaze to him, with a hint of suspiciousness in his expression, "Are you her boyfriend?"

His expression seems to say, even you deserve it?

Ye Feng really didn't bother to waste his saliva with him, "You stay cool, don't affect our meal."

Song Kang is still a little unwilling to give up, "If you are really this young lady's boyfriend, I think you should persuade her, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"As long as it works properly, money, fame and fortune are all at your fingertips..."


Ye Feng couldn't listen anymore and immediately roared.

Song Kang was shocked suddenly, "Why are you so rude, I..."

He was about to find a few more words to add, but when he met Ye Feng's cold gaze, he swallowed the words that followed.

Don't dare to talk nonsense, and leave immediately.

Guests at a few tables nearby saw this scene, and they all started talking to each other.

"What a great opportunity to be a big star? This man doesn't even agree?"

"I think he is inferior. If her girlfriend becomes a celebrity, she will definitely dump him."

"Is this man too selfish? Sacrificing his girlfriend's future for his own possessiveness?"

"So, when looking for a boyfriend in the future, you must keep your eyes open, otherwise it would be terrifying to find such an inferiority man."

"Hey, such a beautiful girl, why did you find such a man..."

Everyone did not deliberately lower their voices, so these words were clearly transmitted to Ye Feng and Chen Xuan's ears.

"Sister Xuan, it seems that I have really become a toad eating swan meat in their eyes."

Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Chen Xuan with a wry smile.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but laugh, "Even if you are really a toad, I like to be eaten by you."

This is a bit ambiguous, it is hard to imagine that it came from Chen Xuan's mouth.

Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately grabbed her soft little hand, "Sister Xuan, will you stay with me tonight?"

Chen Xuan Qiao blushed and hurriedly lowered her head.

But in the nostrils, there was still a mosquito-like "um".

Ye Feng was so excited that he couldn't wait to rectify her right on the spot.

This little Nizi hasn't seen you for a few days, she has a good taste!

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