I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 607 【607】One million signature fee

"Who are you?"

Ye Feng frowned when he saw the middle-aged man who appeared suddenly.

Zhou Zhaoping hurriedly took out two business cards and handed them to them.

"My person is the general manager of Xinghai Film and Television Co., Ltd., and my name is Zhou Zhaoping. As Song Kang's leader, I apologize to both of you for his rude work style."

What he said was very sincere, and the anger in Ye Feng's heart disappeared.

"All right, we accept your apology, and you can leave now."

However, Zhou Zhaoping obviously didn't want to leave like this, and then turned his head and glanced at Chen Xuan.

"This young lady is really graceful and charming."

"It is no exaggeration to say that it is the beauty with the most unique temperament I have ever seen in my life.

Chen Xuan was so nauseously praised by him, she immediately got goose bumps, and pulled Ye Feng's arm, "Xiao Feng, let's go."

Before Ye Feng agreed, Zhou Zhaoping suddenly stopped in front of the two people, "Please wait a moment."

Ye Feng's face immediately became gloomy, "What else do you have?"

What kind of employees are there, there are bosses. After the employees are blocked, now it is the boss's turn to block them.

Zhou Zhaoping explained in a hurry.

"Sir, don't get me wrong, I just saw this young lady, and I felt a love for talent."

"With her looks and temperament, if she enters the show business circle, she will definitely become a generation queen, and even be included in the annals of film and television history."

"Just like Monroe and Scarlett in the West, Zhang Manyu and Gong Lili in our country..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for him to finish, so he interrupted, "We have clearly refused a few times just now, and don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, get out of here!"

Zhou Zhaoping didn't let go, but instead looked at Ye Feng.

Seeing him wearing ordinary clothes and messy hair, he is probably a poor man.

He has settled this kind of people countless times before, and he only needs to lure them with advantage.

Thinking of this, he spoke again.

"If you sign up with Xinghai Film and Television Company, you will get a signing fee."

"For the average newcomer, it may range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands."

"If this lady is willing to sign our company, I am willing to give a signing fee of one million. How about? Think about it?"

Although he took out this million, his heart was bleeding.

But after another thought, if you can rely on this woman to successfully climb Wei Changfeng's relationship, you will surely get ten times, one hundred times the return.

What's the point of this effort?

He believes that the other party will definitely not refuse. This is one million, which is definitely an astronomical figure for ordinary people.

However, to his surprise, Ye Feng just showed a disdainful smile, "One million?"

He raised his wrist and checked his watch.

"The second I paused, I have made at least one million. And you two bastards have wasted a lot of me. Can you afford it?"

Song Kang sneered when he heard this, "Your B pretend is a bit too big, you can make a million in a second? Do you think you are the richest man in Yangcheng?"

Including many people who dine in the restaurant, they all laughed.

"Is this guy too capable of pretending? He makes a million in a second? The cowhide blows him up."

"Hahaha, if you really make a million a second, would you come to eat here?"

"Does he know what one million is? Bragging and not drafting."

But there were still people in the crowd who were staring at the watch that Ye Feng was wearing.

"I don't think he is bragging. Look at the watch he is wearing, is it Roger Dubuis ExcaliburQuatuor? The price of this watch is at least ten million."

"What? A watch that sells for more than ten million yuan? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Yeah, I have never heard of such an expensive watch. Rolex is not so expensive, right?"

"Then you are ignorant, this ExcaliburQuatuor, it has been polished by Roger Dubuis for seven years before it came out. It is definitely the crown of the watch."

"That's a bit too exaggerated, isn't it? Could it be fake?"

"I also think it is fake. If it is really a watch worth tens of millions, who would be willing to wear it? It must be treasured at home."

"That's right, maybe it's a fake..."

Zhou Zhaoping was also a well-informed person, and when Ye Feng raised his wrist, he had already noticed the watch.

Since he was so close, he saw it most realistically.

He can almost conclude that this watch is a real Roger Dubuis ExcaliburQuatuor, a watch worth tens of millions.

This discovery immediately made him sweat.

Can someone afford to wear a watch worth tens of millions of dollars, so would they care about the mere million of signing fees?

At least he, the big boss of a dignified film and television company, can't afford to wear such an expensive watch.

It is estimated that this young man is also the prince of a certain family, right?

I'm afraid he can't afford to offend such a person.

Thinking of this, he immediately retreated.

At this moment, Chen Xuan on the side raised the broken hair from her eyebrows and smiled at Ye Feng, "Okay, don't waste time with them, we should go."

Zhou Zhaoping saw her frowning and smiling, and only felt that the whole person's soul was affected.

If you miss this opportunity today and want to find such a peerless beauty, it won't be so easy.

As long as you can hug Wei Changfeng's thigh smoothly, why should you be afraid of a descendant of the family?

Thinking of this, the already shaken determination became firm again.

"Today you have to sign this contract, and you have to sign if you don't sign it. If you don't sign it, don't even want to go out of this door!"

After Zhou Zhaoping finished speaking, he stopped in front of the two again.

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