The actions of this group of business leaders have stunned everyone present.

In order to quell this Mr. Ye's anger, he scrambled to "cedure land for compensation" and sold his high-quality industries at low prices.

"Oh my god, the billions of industries are sold at half price? What do these people think?"

"Is this young man so terrible? He scared these business men into such a virtue?"

"These people are all big men with a net worth of at least one billion yuan. Can't they join hands to deal with a young man? What are they afraid of?"

"This is the real man, and when talking and laughing, the heroes are all in their hands!"

Everyone looked at Ye Feng with brilliant colors.

Especially many girls, they want to run over to strike up a conversation.

Such a man is so attractive.

After Ye Feng listened to the "sincerity" shown by the people, he immediately stepped forward and supported him enthusiastically, "Oh, everyone, hurry up, what are you doing? You are all my elders. Doesn't this make me lose my life?"

Everyone just stood up from the ground, slandering in their hearts, did you just see us kneeling?

What a little fox who doesn't see rabbits or scatter eagles.

But when everyone saw his enthusiastic look, they finally felt relieved.

Although this "cutting the meat" made them feel distressed, at least they have saved their lives and there is still a chance for a comeback.

Everyone negotiated with Ye Feng about the follow-up transaction, and was about to leave.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Zhou Zhaoping, who was standing behind Ye Feng, like a dogleg, saying: "Mr. Jiao, I heard that your company wants to sign Xiao Bokun?"

Mr. Jiao was about to leave. After listening to his inquiry, he stopped, "Yes, Mr. Zhou will not bear it? Don't worry, I will pay for his penalty."

Zhou Zhaoping waved his hand quickly, "You misunderstood. I mean, I don't want a penny of liquidated damages. You should take him away quickly. It's best to take it now. Don't let me see him again."

When Mr. Jiao heard what he said, he was immediately dumbfounded.

What does he mean?

This Xiao Bokun is the cash cow of Xinghai Entertainment. Others can't wait to be an ancestor to provide it, but why does Zhou Zhaoping seem to be chasing the plague god?

He has dealt with Zhou Zhaoping many times and knows that this person is very skilled and cannot make a loss-making business.

Now he is impatiently handing over Xiao Bokun, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

"Mr. Zhou, did Bo Kun make you angry?"

Mr. Jiao asked tentatively.

"Hahaha, no, no, Mr. Jiao, don't think about it, sign him as soon as possible. It's best to sign with him now."

Zhou Zhaoping made a haha ​​and urged again and again.

The more he is like this, the more disturbed Mr. Jiao feels, "Zhou, just tell me what the situation is like?"

But Zhou Zhaoping refused to say it all.

Brother Tiger immediately interjected: "This Xiao Bokun, who offended Mr. Ye just now, wanted us to help him out. Seeing that we didn't agree, he called Mr. Jiao and wanted you to help him out... "

Before he could finish speaking, Mr. Jiao only felt a cold breath from the soles of his feet to the back of his head, and he almost fell to the ground in shock.

"Mr. Ye, misunderstanding! I... don't know this bastard... at all, let alone vent your anger for him, please tell me..."

He hurriedly explained to Ye Feng with words and sincere words, and at the same time scolded Zhou Zhaoping's ancestor for the eighteenth generation in his heart.

This old bastard wanted to frame him unexpectedly.

He was still wondering how this bastard could be so kind, handing over a money tree, and his mind was so vicious.

Xiao Bokun offended Ye Feng, and it became a time bomb. Whoever gets it will be unlucky.

Had it not been for Brother Hu to remind him in time, he would have to enter Huangquan Road again when he left the gate of ghosts.

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth raised slightly, "So, Mr. Jiao doesn't plan to sign a contract with him? This person is a big internet celebrity with millions of fans, are you willing?"

Mr. Jiao righteously said: "What kind of shit is an Internet celebrity with millions of fans. In front of Mr. Ye, it is not even a root hair. I am the first to disagree if I dare to offend Mr. Ye. I now announce on behalf of UA Entertainment that it will be permanently blocked. Xiao Bokun."

Zhou Zhaoping was not reconciled to his later statement, "We at Xinghai Entertainment have also announced that Xiao Bokun will be permanently banned."

Among others, there are also several entertainment companies, all scrambling to express their views.

"Our Jinding Media also announced that Xiao Bokun will be permanently banned."

"We Qingcao Records also announced that Xiao Bokun will be permanently banned."

"Our Youdou Video also announced..."

In an instant, Xiao Bokun became a target of public criticism and was blocked by these companies.

Xiao Bokun was as frightened as a puddle of mud. After hearing the statements of these companies, he was completely desperate now.

These companies are all important giants in the Yangcheng entertainment industry. Even they are so afraid of Ye Feng, let alone those small entertainment companies.

Who would offend a super boss for him as an internet celebrity?

He knew he was over, and he had no chance of turning over in his life.

Only then did he know that the so-called big influencer with millions of fans is not even an ant in front of the real super bosses.

No one needs to do it himself, naturally there will be countless people scrambling to settle everything for him.

As for everyone present, no one sympathized with him. To blame, he could only blame him for not having long eyes and offend someone he can't afford to offend.

Ye Feng then turned his attention to Zhou Zhaoping, "You..."

Zhou Zhaoping shivered and looked at Ye Feng with a pale face, "Mr. Ye has any instructions."

Ye Feng looked at him coldly, "I have bypassed you once before, and you bumped into my hand again this time. What do you think I should do with you?"

Zhou Zhaoping was already so frightened that he couldn't stand still, and hurriedly knelt to the ground, "Mr. Ye, please spare my life, I already knew I was wrong..."

Ye Feng shook his head, "I won't give a person two chances. If you don't want to die, get out of the country by yourself and don't show up in front of me again."

Zhou Zhaoping raised his head unwillingly, "Mr. Ye..."

Ye Feng stretched out his hand to interrupt him, "Don't bargain with me, you don't have the qualifications yet. If you don't want to leave, then stay and wait for death."

Zhou Zhaoping knew that it was useless to say anything, so he had to walk out desperately.

Everyone looked at his bleak back, and they were a little embarrassed.

A big man in the entertainment industry has become a bereaved dog in this way.

At this time, Ye Feng shifted his sight to Brother Hu again.

Brother Hu shivered suddenly, and hurriedly pulled out a pleasing smile, "Ye...Mr. Ye..."

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