I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 635 [635] Master, this is a real master!

The two chased and snarled for a while, then continued to wander around.

However, Ye Feng soon became sad and found that he was targeted.

It is estimated that he opened the blind box in Lingshanju. It has been spread on Antique Street. Everyone knows that he just entered the market for 20,000 yuan and made 20 million.

Therefore, the merchants all over the street gave him special treatment.

For the same item, when someone asks the price, it may be 100,000, but when he asks the price, the seller immediately raises the price by 500,000, or even millions.

This is taking him as a fool.

After coming down several times in a row, Ye Feng was extremely disappointed.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao gleefully covered his mouth and smirked, "Let you be so high-profile, right now you have been treated specially? You deserve it!"

Ye Feng gave her a gloomy look, "Do you think I don't want to keep a low profile? But my strength doesn't allow it."


Zhuang Xiaoqiao curled his lips with a look of disgust, "Then what do you want to do now? No one is playing with you anymore, so what's the point?"

Ye Feng stretched out his hands helplessly, "Otherwise, let's come here first, and we will come again tomorrow."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao nodded. After shopping for so long, she was indeed a little tired and wanted to go back to rest soon.

Just as the two were about to leave, they suddenly saw a group of people around the corner, as if there was some excitement.

"Go, go over and take a look."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately changed his mind and walked over first.

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to follow.

When the two approached, they saw a stall surrounded by the crowd, and there was a middle-aged man sitting on the stall.

The man's long, messy hair was dangled at random, even covering his entire face, making it difficult to see what he looked like.

He was wearing a burlap gown with many patches on it, and it was dirty.

Behind the man, a canvas signboard was hung with a few large characters written in brush.

"The family heirloom sword, not for foreigners, not for laymen, but only for destined guests!"

Seeing these words, Ye Feng secretly cried out.

It is not only the silver hook and iron paintings written in words, but also very high-level, including the content and personality.

Others sell things as long as the money is enough.

And this person sells things, and he still sets up so many rules, which is indeed quite individual.

There was a sword in the open space in front of the man, which was deeply inserted into the bluestone brick, leaving only a hilt.

At this time, a young man was asking the price, "Boss, how do you sell this sword?"

This person is wearing a brand-name suit, with a huge toad mirror on his nose, speaking arrogantly and arrogantly.

Two men in black followed behind him, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

It can be seen from this that this person has an extraordinary family background and should be a rich second generation.

When the middle-aged man heard his question, he pointed to the sword in front of him, "Pull out the sword first, and then talk about the price."

The rich second generation glanced back at the sword, "Do you know how to do business? Since you do business, don’t you just have to pay enough money? Master, I really like these old things. You can charge the price as you like, I will never Bargaining."

The middle-aged man didn't seem to hear him, and continued to point to the sword, "Pull out the sword first, and then talk about the price."

The rich second generation's face was a little unhappy.

Although he said so, he turned and walked to the front of the sword, "Isn't it just drawing a sword? What's the big deal?"

After finishing speaking, he deliberately played handsome, stretched out a right hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and wanted to lift the sword.

But the difficulty was clearly beyond his expectation, his head was flushed, but the sword did not move at all.

"I go!"

Fu Erdai spit out the chewing gum in his mouth on the ground, then firmly grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and pulled out with the strength of feeding.

But the result is still the same, not even a millimeter is pulled out.

The crowd of onlookers whispered to each other immediately.

"This sword is inserted too deep, right? A big man can't pull it out?"

"How did it get in? It wasn't a big stone to smash it in, did it?"

"This sword looks like a peerless sword, and it is of the same level as the Heavenly Sword and the Dragon Sword."

"You have read too many novels, right? You still rely on the Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber, why don't you talk about the golden cudgel?"

"Is this person a nursery? Can't I get it out with so much effort? Isn't it too ridiculous?"

"Like this kind of rich second generation, they are hollowed out by alcohol. What strength can they have?"

The rich second generation's head was suffocated to the color of pig liver, but still couldn't pull it out. After breathing heavily, he beckoned to the two bodyguards behind him.

"You two come together."

The two bodyguards immediately walked up, grabbed the hilt of the sword together, then gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, pulling out with all their strength.

But what made everyone present dumbfounded was that the sword remained intact.

The rich second generation can't get out, it can be said that the body was hollowed out by the wine.

But the two bodyguards were as strong as cows, but they still couldn't be pulled out, which surprised everyone a bit.

The rich second generation had no choice but to go back again, "Boss, don't play with us. I really like this sword. You can quickly make a price."

"Pull out the sword first, and then discuss the price."

The middle-aged man was like a repeater, repeating the previous words again.


The rich second generation was speechless and couldn't help but cursed, "It's really a beggar. I don't think anyone can pull it out in the next life. Just wait slowly."

Finished speaking, got up and walked away.

After he left, several non-believers went up to draw their swords, but in the end, without exception, all ended in failure.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately became interested, and pulled Ye Feng's arm, "Let's try it too."

Before Ye Feng could agree, she was dragged in.

After seeing Ye Feng, the middle-aged man, who was half dead, his eyes sharpened immediately.

Ye Feng also noticed the powerful internal force bursting out of him instantly.

Master, this is a real master!

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