I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 640 【640】A sharp weapon in hand

Ye Feng first comforted Zhuang Xiaoqiao, "Are you okay? Have you been bitten?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately got into his arms, with tears on Qiao's face, and gently shook her head.

Ye Feng felt that her body was still trembling slightly, and he was obviously frightened, which made him extremely angry.

Immediately turned to look at the woman who was still cursing, "Your dog is biting, not only do you not stop it, you are also laughing there, and now you still have the face to question me?"

The woman is actually pretty good. Although she seems to be in her fifties, she is very well maintained. It can be seen that she was a beauty when she was young.

She was looking down at the Chow Chow, and when she heard the little bunny even dared to refute, she was furious.

"What's wrong with biting her? Don't say that she is fine. Even if she is bitten to death, I will lose two money. But if something happens to my family Huanhuan, I want your life."

When Ye Feng heard her strange remarks, he immediately turned angrily back and laughed, "Could it be that a human life is in your eyes than a dog?"

The woman looked at the two with contemptuous eyes, "What did the man tell you? Compared with my family Huanhuan, it is worthless. Little bastard, you'd better pray that my family Huanhuan is okay, otherwise I will make you regret being born into this world. ."

Ye Feng couldn't help but sneered, "It's really the owner who follows the dog, the mad dog bites people everywhere, and the owner is more like a mad dog than a mad dog."

When the woman heard this, her hair suddenly exploded, "Who are you calling a mad dog?"

Ye Feng hurriedly smiled, "I scold who is the most ferocious."

The woman immediately ran away and ordered the Chow Chow, "Huanhuan, go and bite him."

The Chow Chow heard the owner's order and immediately rushed towards Ye Feng.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was frightened and screamed again.

A cold light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and when the Chow Chow rushed forward, Zhan Lu in his hand immediately swung out.


Although this sword didn't look sharp, after it was cut off, the head of the Chow Chow fell silently, like cutting tofu.

And what surprised him even more was that there was no trace of blood on the blade, which was amazing enough.

This dog has also become the first dead soul under his sword.

When seeing this bloody scene, the companions behind the woman immediately started howling in fright.

Including the pedestrians passing by, they were all frightened by this scene.

And the woman was even more stunned for a while, and suddenly let out a harsh wailing, "Huanhuan, my Huanhuan..."

While howling, he rushed up and hugged the dog's body and started crying like a dead son.

Ye Feng pulled Zhuang Xiaoqiao back aside.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was obviously shocked by this sudden scene, staring at Ye Feng's profile blankly, his brain was blank.

The woman held the dog's carcass in spite of his filthyness, allowed the dog's blood to be covered with luxurious clothes, and cried heartbreakingly. Those who heard it were sad, and those who saw it shed tears.

Some people who had just gathered around to watch the excitement did not understand the cause and effect, but saw a man standing with a cold face and holding a sword. There was a dog's carcass lying on the ground, and the dog owner was a seemingly weak woman.

In comparison between the two, it is immediately clear who is right and who is wrong, who is good and who is evil.

For a while, everyone pointed their finger at Ye Feng.

"Is this dog killed by this man? What a pervert, he could do such a cruel thing? Are you still a human?"

"Dogs are so cute, why do they kill them? Some people are really inferior to dogs. It's almost annihilating humanity."

"Isn't it easy to bully because people are women? These god-slayed men only dare to bully women. They are inferior to brutes."

"Such people don't deserve to live, they should go to hell, eighteen layers of hell!"

"I think he should do everything possible and let him try the dog's pain..."

While these people spread virgin love to the Chow Chow and the owner, they abused Ye Feng in the most vicious language.

Ye Feng's gaze swept over these people slowly, and couldn't help cursing inwardly, "SB!"

Some people always like to stand on the moral high ground to criticize others without understanding the cause and effect, and even wish to kill others with morality.

To them, morality is only a weapon to kill. Those who follow us prosper, and those who oppose us perish.

He didn't even bother to explain this kind of brain damage, and immediately left with Zhuang Xiaoqiao.

The woman who was holding the corpse of the vicious dog and crying bitterly, saw that the two were about to leave, immediately stopped crying, stood up and stopped them, "You two little beasts, you killed my Huanhuan, do you want to leave like this?"

Ye Feng lifted the sword and pointed at her, "Put your mouth clean, otherwise I don't mind cleaning it up for you."

The woman took a step back in fright, but felt ashamed in front of her sister and yelled again.

"Why? Do you still want to kill me? Come if you have a seed. If you don't dare to do it, you are not raised by your father."

Ye Feng held the hilt of the sword, and the veins violently violently.

His parents have died since he was a child, so he is most taboo against mentioning his parents. This is undoubtedly revealing his scars.

He even had the urge to cut off the shrew's head directly with his sword.

Perhaps this is what the old saying goes, a sharp weapon is in hand, right?

Ever since he got this Zhan Lu sword, there is always a trace of hostility in his heart eager to try.

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao saw this, he was shocked and hurriedly grabbed his hand, "Ye Feng, don't be impulsive."

Ye Feng heard her pleading, and the hostility in her heart gradually dissipated, but she still looked at the woman coldly, "If you don't want to die, just roll away."

The woman was really taken aback when she saw the murderous look on his face just now.

But at this time, seeing him suppressed again, his arrogance rose again, "Hehe, what? Don't you dare to kill? Don't you dare, I dare! My old lady will let you men and women of dogs be buried with my family joyfully today!"

After speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone and started the call.

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