I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 642 [642] Ganniang, shall we bear it?

Just when everyone was shocked by Ye Feng's harsh methods.

I saw a few black vans rushing, and before the car stopped, a group of people jumped off from the car.

In the forefront, it is Gao Junming's capable man Tiger Brother.

Brother Hu used to be surnamed Zhang. Later, after meeting Boss Gao, he recognized Gao Xianglan as a godfather because of his sweetheart. He also changed his surname to "Gao" by the way.

When he rushed to the scene and saw the woman crawling all over the floor, he was also shocked.

I couldn't even believe that this embarrassed woman turned out to be her godmother Gao Xianglan.

After Gao Xianglan saw him, she seemed to see a savior, "Erhu, please help me..."

Gao Hu hurriedly rushed over and helped her up, "Goddamn, get up first and speak slowly."

"Second tiger, you must smash that kid into ten thousand pieces, and give out this nasty breath for Qianniang."

Gao Xianglan was supported by him and immediately gritted her teeth and said.

"Danny, don't worry, that kid dared to beat your old man, I promise to make him regret being born in this world. You always sit here first and see how I kill him!"

After Gao Hu finished speaking, he immediately took the machete and walked forward.

The crowd of onlookers immediately let him go through a passage, and at the same time looked at Ye Feng with a gleeful expression.

Even the "evil tiger" from Chaoxinhui is here, this kid is really dead!

To be honest, Gao Hu is very excited now, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

Boss Gao's mother was beaten, and now anyone can find her place for her.

Boss Gao was very happy and might give him some profitable business.

When he had a bright future in his mind, he was already within a few steps of Ye Feng.

When he saw the face that he had often dreamed about recently in nightmares, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

Without saying anything, he turned his head and walked back.

Watching the lively crowd, originally thought that a bloody killing was about to be staged, they all secretly looked forward to it.

No one thought that Comrade Gao Hu, known as the "evil tiger" of the New Trends Club, turned around and walked back without a second after seeing the "murderer".

What is this situation?

Gao Hu now wants to scold his mother, why is this kid always lingering? Can you meet him wherever you go?

He is an evil tiger, but he is not a real tiger.

Ye Feng is now in Yangcheng like the sky, even Boss Gao has to retreat, how dare he make trouble for him?

The last time he chopped off two fingers to make a plea, and now the wound is not clear, he doesn't want to chop it again.

"Goddamn, shall we just bear it?"

He walked back to Gao Xianglan and said something like this.

"What are you talking about? Forbearance? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Gao Xianglan thought she had heard it wrong and looked at him incredulously.

"Goddamn, listen to me to explain..."

Gao Hu also wanted to say more that if Gao Xianglan slapped his hand if he didn't guard it, it was a slap in the face.

"Are you going to explain a fart? My old lady, I have been beaten like this. Don't you hurry up and chop that little bastard alive, and still talk nonsense with me here? Are you looking for death?"

Gao Xianglan had an urge to kill at this time.

In her life, she has never suffered the humiliation she is today, and now she can't wait to thwart that kid.

And this Gao Hu, a dog raised by his son, saw that he was being bullied, shouldn't he chop that kid into meat sauce right away? Now he came to bargain with her?

Gao Hu hurriedly leaned to her ear and said in a low voice: "Goddamn, this kid has a big background. I am afraid that even Boss Gao dare not offend him too hard, I think..."

Gao Xianglan was furious and couldn't listen to it, so she pushed him away.

"Don't talk so much to me, my mother knows that a godson is never as good as a real son. You should call my son now and ask him if his mother was beaten, and he doesn't care?"

Helpless, Gao Hu had to take out his cell phone and dialed Gao Junming's number.

Gao Junming's voice soon came from the other side, "Huzi, has the matter been resolved? Is the bastard chopped up and fed to the dog?"

Gao Hu coughed dryly, "Boss, things are a bit tricky..."

Gao Junming's voice was a little displeased, "What's the tricky thing? There is something tricky for me to be fashionable here? Don't talk nonsense, no matter what the other party has, if you dare to bully my old lady, I must kill him."

Gao Hu was a little anxious, "Boss, that person is Ye..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gao Xianglan on the side immediately grabbed his mobile phone and shouted at the receiver: "Gao Junming, your mother was beaten, do you care about it? If you are afraid of that kid, mother I will fight him hard by myself."

Gao Junming hurriedly calmed down, "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely help you out of this bad breath."

Gao Xianglan has lost her mind, "You will get me right now, and I will let you kill this kid with your own hands, or you won't recognize my mother in the future."

Gao Junming hurriedly replied: "Mom, don't worry, I will be there soon. I must personally hack this bastard today."

After hanging up, Gao Xianglan threw the phone to Gao Hu, "It's better to be my son."

Gao Hu looked embarrassed and didn't dare to say more.

Gao Xianglan looked at Ye Feng bitterly, "Little bastard, my son will be here soon, you just wait to die."

As soon as he said this, the scene immediately became a sensation.

"My God, will Boss Gao want to solve it himself?"

"Nonsense, my mother has been beaten by someone, can Boss Gao not come?"

"I have never seen Boss Gao. I am so lucky today. This bully will let me blow for a lifetime."

"Boss Gao wants to come in person, this kid is miserable now."

"It's more than miserable. With the temper of the boss, I am afraid that this kid can be killed alive."

"It's not good to provoke anyone. If you have to provoke Boss Gao, you deserve it if you die."

The people's words of gloating about misfortune were passed into Zhuang Xiaoqiao's ears and immediately made her look worried, "Ye Feng, Gao Junming is coming, what shall we do now?"

Instead of panicking and making mistakes, Ye Feng still had a look of expectation, "That's right, I was thinking about meeting the legendary Mr. Gao."

Some people who were close heard this, and they were a little bit weird.

"What nonsense is this kid talking about? Don't you rush now and stay and wait for death?"

"Since he is not afraid of death himself, why should we worry about him?"

"This kid should have come from a different place. I'm afraid I don't know the horror of Mr. Gao, right?"

"Poor people must be hateful. Such people don't deserve our sympathy..."

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