2500 years of the Blue Star Calendar.

This is a highly developed technological planet, somewhat similar to the Earth’s environment.

The only difference is that the technology here surpasses the earth by a thousand years.

However, just a hundred years ago, a terrible nuclear war destroyed the planet like a tidal wave, and most people died in the first war.

The nuclear winter left by the war has allowed nuclear radiation to cover every corner of the globe, and all species have been unable to give birth and gradually disappeared.

Although several large countries have their own gene banks, in theory, the number of refrigerated sperm eggs alone is enough to develop into millions of clones, but those who know the location of the gene bank are dead.


“Ding, human DNA detected, the system reactivates.”

“1%,18%,79%…… The system activation is complete, welcome to the owner…”

With a mechanical sound, Zhang Long slowly woke up and gradually regained consciousness.

“Where is this? How is the environment deserted? ”

Zhang Long rubbed his head, he only remembered that he was drunk yesterday, and when he returned home, he seemed to trip over something, and then planted it in the dry well in the backyard.

Before this, Zhang Long was the chairman of a well-known domestic technology company, with a net worth of hundreds of millions, and he was only twenty-six years old, which can be described as young and golden, and has millions of fans on the neck.

Originally, the company’s operation was also smooth, but who knew that their main product “R type – gaming notebook”, the key CPU CPU CPU spontaneously combusted one after another.

If you can’t recall them all and then replace them with new CPUs, just the saliva of the people will be enough to put the entire company out of business!

The most important thing is that this central processing unit is the core component of the R type – gaming notebook, which cannot be replaced at will, and cannot be produced domestically, and is dependent on imports from the United States.

If Zhang Long had been given a little time, he would have been able to contact CPU manufacturers in other countries, but for some reason, most of the company’s employees resigned and all moved to a small technology company with an unknown name.

Now Zhang Long’s subordinates only have more than ten people left, which is simply not enough to support the operation of a company of hundreds of millions, and in desperation, Zhang Long has to sell the company to make up for huge losses.

Even Zhang Long even sold his villa and luxury car, and now he has less than 100,000 yuan left, and he has to move back to his hometown where he used to live.

Unexpectedly, after a big drunk, he accidentally fell into a dry well in the backyard.

“Where is this? How is there an aperture overhead? ”

Zhang Long came back to his senses, and as soon as he inadvertently raised his head, he saw a translucent aperture, suspended straight on his head, emitting a brilliant white light, which seemed to connect an unknown space.

And no matter how Zhang Long walked, the aperture would always follow the top of his head, as if extending from his body.

“Did I hallucinate after I was drunk?”

Zhang Long rubbed his eyes, took a closer look, and found that the aperture was still there, and the surrounding environment was still a barren area.

“Did I fall into the ancient well and cross it like a novel? Or is this a prank played on me by a competitor? ”

Thinking of this, Zhang Long couldn’t help but grit his teeth with hatred, if no one deliberately framed him, he wouldn’t believe it!

“Amazing Technology! American manufacturers! And those who betrayed me! You remember for me, don’t give me Zhang Long a chance to make a comeback, otherwise I will make you live only by begging for the rest of your life!” ”

After sitting on the ground for a while, Zhang Long really came to his senses.

Just as Zhang Long was about to get up, the afterglow from the corner of his eye suddenly glimpsed a silver reflection, and after removing the dust on it, it turned out to be a half-human size——


And the sound of the system activation just now seems to be coming from this robot.

What the heck?

It’s the aperture and it’s a robot, is it possible to cross it true?

Zhang Long tried it, reached into the aperture, and then touched a layer of dry and hard land.

Bold probe in, a smell of decay comes from the surface.

“This is the bottom of the well! In other words, the bottom of the well in my backyard is connected to a barren world! ”

Surprised, Zhang Long carefully studied the robot, not only its shell was made of high-end alloy, but also looked through the somewhat damaged shell, and the internal structure inside was like a sophisticated industrial empire.

Zhang Long, from the perspective of the former chairman of a technology company, is 100% sure that no country in the world can produce such a high-end robot, even the United States, which claims to be a hundred years ahead of other countries in science and technology.

Just when Zhang Long wanted to stand up, he couldn’t help but feel a numb scalp.

He clearly saw that his palms were stained with a layer of glass-like sand.

This sand is dark glass formed by melting high temperatures, and here is a wilderness, without the slightest combustible, Zhang Long immediately remembered that there should have been a tragic nuclear weapon explosion here.

“Lying groove, I shouldn’t have been irradiated, right?!” Zhang Long shouted, and suddenly felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead.

At this time, the robot that had been silent around suddenly came out with a sentence.

“Searching for information to answer the owner’s question…”

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