After Zhang Long handed over the restoration task to Juling and Schutte, he carried a personal creation and returned to Earth for research…

Immediately, Zhang Long immediately announced his plan to develop an artificial human theme park at the board meeting of Mastiff Dragon Company!

When Zhang Long announced this information, it undoubtedly sent out a challenge to Disney and other theme parks!

There is no capitalist in the business circle who does not pay attention to Zhang Long’s actions, and once Zhang Long starts to build an artificial human paradise, it is undoubtedly declaring war on Disney!

After all, shopping malls are like battlefields!

Under the leadership of specially appointed intelligent engineer Wu Xuecai, Zhang Long and several people came to the new experimental area.

In the experimental area, on a small steel frame, nearly thirty engineers surround the outline of a huge robot head with twenty-four microprocessors and a magnified version of the hyperspectral camera, so that the result is that the artificial man is a one-eyed shape.

In this regard, Zhang Long also complained about Xiao Ai’s design, according to his vision, this artificial human should be similar in shape to humans, so as to appear domineering, but Xiao Ai’s answer left him speechless.

One-eyed is more flexible than two-eyed, and the middle is more maneuverable.

Eyes hinder the flexibility of the artificial human’s vision!

That is to say, the assembly of eyes, although the artificial human has a wider line of sight, but because one more ‘eye’ will reduce the protective layer inside the skull a lot, concentrating intelligence on the head is originally a very risky practice, if the protection is not increased, then this artificial man may just enter the battlefield will be targeted by this weakness can not play a role!

The original prototype of the entire artificial human is a combination of the Great White and the Steel Suit, with the intelligent design at the heart and the energy placed on the chest, although it is close but there will be no problems. And the protective deck here is the thickest and safest, and it is not easy for people to target, and the role of the head is to detect and scan.

Unfortunately, the requirement is a nuclear power drive, and the strong heat and radiation of the nuclear reactor have forced this design to change.

At first, when changing, Xiao Ai also designed to place the intelligence in the lower abdomen of the artificial person, but the design armor there should not be too thick, otherwise it will affect the movement changes of the artificial person, so after strict calculation, Xiao Ai had to place the intelligence in the head.

As long as the protection of the skull is done well, then it can also make this artificial man kill all sides.

After all, the artificial human he designed is not a moving target, the powerful and flexible power provided by the magnetic bearing servo system, under the control of the intelligent core, will definitely be amazing!

Of course. This does not mean that it is not good for artificial people to install eyes, but it is not suitable for this artificial human to reflect.

If Zhang is willing, he will develop another neutron jamming device to minimize the impact of nuclear reactors. Then the design of the eyes is not impossible. Nowadays, no, nature is still the best design of one-eyed, which can not only make the artificial person’s vision more flexible, but also add more protective measures in the skull, strong seismic layer, strong super alloy steel plate and so on.

At this time. The artificial human’s skull contour structure has been built, and a group of engineers are placing hyperspectral cameras. One of the engineers saw Wu Xuecai’s group, quickly handed over the work in his hands to the others, and then walked over with a smile.

“Old Song, what wind blew you in?” The visitor’s face was stained with oil, one face was dirty and could not see its true face, and the two rows of teeth looked exceptionally bright when he smiled.

Hearing the other party’s joke, Wu Xuecai was unimpressed and smiled, “Yuan Cheng.” Hello, you are also a chief engineer, why did you start it yourself? Saying that, he also looked at the engineers who were still busy, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

“Haha, this is an artificial human!” Faced with Wu Xuecai’s inquiry, Yuan Cheng laughed, rubbed his hands and said: “I came here, I can’t personally participate in the construction, won’t I come for nothing?” This is our country’s first artificial human, and I don’t want to just come here to see it! ”

Yuan Cheng’s words. Wu Xuecai and his three students felt that coming here not only represents their own academic field, but also the country’s trust in them. And most importantly. To be able to participate in this project is definitely a great honor for them!

When the country announces it one day in the future, there will be their name on the list of participants in construction, which is a signboard no matter where it is placed!

They were the members who participated in the construction of the first artificial human!

After laughing, Yuan Cheng then looked at Zhang Long and the three people next to Wu Xuecai. Looking at the three people in civilian clothes, he wondered: “These three are…?” ”

To be honest, Yuan Cheng really hadn’t seen Zhang Long’s appearance, and his name was already thunderous in time.

Wu Xuecai saw his old friend with a puzzled look, his face showed color, and he introduced loudly: “Yuan Cheng, look good, this is the general person in charge of this project, Mr. Zhang Long.!” ”

“Zhang Long!?” Yuan Cheng’s eyes suddenly widened, looking at Zhang Long with a surprised expression, and then regardless of the oil stains on his body, he quickly stepped forward, grabbed the other party’s hand, and said excitedly: “You are Zhang Long!?” That’s great, I have a lot of questions for you! ”

Facing Yuan Cheng’s excited demeanor and feeling his right hand, which had become greasy, Zhang Long quietly broke free from the other party’s hands and said with a bitter smile: “Everyone says so.” I’m here to install smart cores for androids. ”

Zhang Long didn’t give Yuan Cheng a chance to speak, said lightly, and then looked at the head that was being built.

Seeing this, Yuan Cheng was also sober at the same time, knowing that he had gaffed. Apologetically: “Sorry, I was so excited. The processor is ready, and the twenty-four pieces are built exactly to your specifications. ”

“Installed in?” Zhang Long glanced at the head of the machine on the steel frame, from the inside of the skull, many lines of different thicknesses were pulled out from the inside, extending to several computers under the steel frame, and in front of the computer, there were four or five engineers constantly typing on the keyboard, seemingly checking the operation of the processor.

Yuan Cheng nodded and said, “It was sent at four o’clock in the morning, and our engineers installed them as soon as possible. ”

Hearing Yuan Cheng’s answer, Zhang Long nodded secretly, “It seems that they rushed to work overnight, no wonder the speed is so fast, according to it.”

When he left the base, he contacted Xiaoai through his mobile phone and asked him to prepare the intelligent core.

In the evening, the structure has been established in the center of the base, the internal silhouette of the artificial human has begun to be pieced together little by little, the main skeleton has been made, and the silver-white luster exudes a dazzling brilliance under the light.

Many workers have already started welding. A large number of cables and already cut metal materials are sent up through the elevator little by little.

At the chest of the main skeleton of the artificial human, an energy trough has been built, and this is where the miniature nuclear reactor is placed!

“This is really fast! Don’t workers have a break in the evening? While Zhang Long was waiting, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of emotion.

Hearing Zhang Long’s emotion, Song Qiaowen smiled: “Cheng has arranged four groups of elite workers, each batch of 300 people, to be responsible for this project!” ”

Song Qiaowen’s answer made Zhang Long secretly surprised, sighing that it was worthy of the state supporting behind. Really what do you want, since the start of the project, Zhang Long has not stopped transporting materials outside this door! Obviously, some of the material is after reviewing the information. It was not made from inside the base at all, but directly transferred from the ordnance factory outside!

Not to mention these materials that are constantly transported, the four batches of 1,200 elite workers in Song Qiaowen’s mouth are not ordinary enterprises can get, elite workers, that is not ordinary workers outside to resist bag moving bricks. Rather, workers with a certain level of skill and expertise!

It’s like the difference between an ordinary and an engineer in an ordinary electronics factory!

Twelve hundred engineers with specialized knowledge, who can gather in just two days?

Just as Zhang Long secretly sighed in his heart, an old man with gray hair hurriedly ran over surrounded by three young people.

“Mr. Cheng, are you looking for us for something?” The old man trotted over, and without waiting for Zhang Long to speak, he hurriedly asked, with excitement and expectation on his face.

Their information department sounds useless, but its function is very clear, that is, to help Zhang Long equip artificial humans with intelligent cores, and now Zhang Long called them over. Definitely for the smart core thing!

Smart core!

This is something that all countries are trying to crack and imitate, and now that he can finally see it with his own eyes, Wu Xue, who is already in his seventies, is not excited?

Zhang Long did not expect that the head of the department in charge of computer information turned out to be such an old man, and he was slightly embarrassed in his heart at the moment, knowing that the other party was of age, he went over with Chen Yu and Song Qiaowen.

“Well, I’ve completed the intelligent core matrix of the artificial human, are the on-board processors in your department ready?”

Zhang Long’s words made Wu Xuecai’s eyes extremely complicated, both excited and very disappointed.

Excitedly, Zhang Long, the intelligent core mounted on the artificial person, has actually been completed! Disappointmentd. In this way, they will not be able to observe this magical intelligent core in detail.

With mixed emotions, Wu Xuecai nodded and said: “It is ready, according to your requirements, twenty-four microprocessors have been completed overnight. Just delivered in the morning, do you want to test it? ”

Being called by Wu Xuecai, an old man, one by one, Zhang Long felt strange and embarrassed in his heart, and he quickly said: “Don’t ‘you you’, you call me like this, I want to lose my life.” Just call me Zhang Long. After a pause, Zhang Long continued: “Now let’s go and add the intelligent core first, and when the people from the engineering department finish the head, we can start it directly.” ”

The skull is the overall control core of this artificial human, so it will be finished.

“Good!” Wu Xuecai saw Zhang Long’s embarrassed face, he nodded happily in agreement, the reason why he called it this was not because he was shocked by Zhang Long’s amazing knowledge! Such a huge artificial human, he actually designed it alone?

An artificial human design can not only be solved by a cool shape, he needs the designer himself to have a clear understanding and calculation of the real system.

Starting from the height and weight of artificial people, to the built-in drive, energy operation, power program, valve cooling, etc., you need to have a deep understanding to be able to design!

Just like when artificial people start, nuclear power brings powerful energy and also emits huge heat and radiation, so the built-in radiation isolation layer and the installation of heat-absorbing graphite and carbon fiber plate armor need to have reasonable planning, not where you want to install it!

Because it is an intelligent artificial person, it does not need human control, so there is less internal radiation protection problem, otherwise Zhang Long also needs to add a large number of seismic isolation equipment and neutron interference devices to it, so that the driver inside will not be directly killed by the nuclear reactor.

In this way, the original weight of several tons of artificial humans is likely to become more than a dozen tons because of a cockpit! Moreover, Zhang Long also has to design a perfect cockpit, as well as the control levers of each system, the addition of internal love parts, and so on.

In short, no one and no one can tell which is better.

Although unmanned control saves a lot of steps, the disadvantages are also obvious, first of all, you must have an intelligence that can dominate the machine, otherwise everything is delusional. Secondly, what is the most feared thing about uncontrolled people? It’s the intelligent system that has been hacked!

Once the intelligent system is invaded and the artificial people are rebelling against the water on the battlefield, the joke is big!

And someone to control, is also very troublesome, not to mention a variety of programs and components specially designed for the driver, just how to operate an artificial human takes a lot of time to train. The rest of the things to be added, I won’t go into detail here.

Of course, the advantage of manned control is that it is not afraid of reversing the water, and it is relatively free to play in performing tasks, and the ability to adapt to changes is very strong.

After all, there is always a difference between man and intelligence.

Of course, human control also needs to take into account the driver’s physical condition, and controlling such a big guy, there are too many things to consider, the driver must know his artificial person well, that is, when the artificial person has a problem, the driver must be able to find the fault of the artificial human through the internal computer, and then provide it to the maintenance personnel.

Again, this is a whole host of issues.

Therefore, which is better is all based on the surrounding situation.

Perhaps in the future, if there is a demand, the state will create an artificial human by itself!

Following Wu Xuecai to the Ministry of Information, the so-called Information Department is similar to the computer room that Zhang Long went to before, the only difference is that the space here is larger and there are more personnel.

“Zhang Long, you wait at the door, I’ll go to the identification card.”

At the door, Wu Xuecai did not let Zhang Long enter directly, turned to him and said.

“Huh?” Zhang Long was stunned, and even Song Qiaowen and Chen Yu behind him were stunned, not knowing what this old professor meant.

Seeing the three people looking puzzled, Wu Xuecai smiled slightly and slowly explained: “This is just where we usually calculate the information of various parts of the artificial human, the real site is in the information engineering department behind, after the processor is sent, the head has also begun to be built, we can go directly to where we go!” ”

Wu Xuecai’s explanation made the three of them abrupt, Zhang Long nodded and said, “Then you hurry up!” ”

Nodding to Zhang Long, Wu Xuecai said to the three people beside him: “You three accompany Zhang Long to wait here, I’ll go back.” ”

“Yes, teacher.” The three answered at the same time.

Hearing the name of the three people for Wu Xuecai, Zhang Long was slightly surprised, but he did not expect that the three people who had been following Wu Xuecai were students of this old professor.

However, for these three people, Zhang Longzhi did not care too much.

Zhang Long didn’t pay attention to them, but the three of them looked Zhang Long up and down very curiously, as if they were looking at some kind of rare treasure.

In particular, the two female researchers among the three looked at Zhang Long’s gaze very eagerly, and it seemed that an invisible flame erupted from it to roast him, which made Zhang Long slightly uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong, I have dirt on my face?” Zhang Long thought that he came out in a hurry in the morning and did not wash his face. He also reached out and touched his face.

Seeing Zhang Long’s action, the two female researchers lowered their heads and pursed their lips and chuckled, and one of them quickly waved his hand and said: “No, let’s just take a look.” ”

Her words made the faces of several men present suddenly become extremely strange.

The only male researcher looked strange, he looked at Zhang Long and then left and right at his two companions, with a look of crying and laughter on his face.

Soon, Wu Xuecai came out of it with a magnetic card.

“Hehe, wait a long time, let’s pass.” Wu Xuecai did not see the situation of his student, and smiled and raised the magnetic card in his hand to Zhang Long.

“Yes!” Zhang Long nodded, looked at the two female researchers strangely, and then quickly followed. To be continued.

Such a progress, if there is no mistake in the middle, it only takes five or six days, and this artificial human eight achievements must be completed, right? ”

“Those computers are connected to the processor and the central host, right?” Zhang Long pointed to several computers under the steel frame.

“Yes, let’s get started?” Yuan Cheng nodded, his eyes shining.

Intelligent core, this is the real core of this artificial human, he has long wanted to see what it looks like!

Ignoring the thoughts in Yuan Cheng’s mind at this time, Zhang Long led a group of people to the bottom of the steel frame.

“Hey, Lao Yuan, what’s going on with you?” Seeing Zhang Long and others coming, a person in front of the computer suddenly raised his head and looked at Yuan Cheng with an oily face suspiciously. However, when his gaze swept over Zhang Long beside Yuan Cheng, he couldn’t help but exclaim. “Zhang Long! Scare? ”

However, this person had much more self-control than Yuan Cheng, and there was no other movement after shouting, but he asked curiously, “You are here to check the progress of the work?” ”

Zhang Long shook his head. Quick said, “I’m going to install the smart core first.” ”

“Oh!” The engineer, who didn’t even introduce himself, nodded, and then very consciously got out of the way.

Seeing this, Zhang Long didn’t say much, took out a special hard disk from his pocket, and stuffed it into the main unit. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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