Last week, the Mastiff Dragon Board decided to go public!

Zhang Long is mainly responsible for technology development, and everything related to listing on Hong Kong Island is left to professional managers.

The contract for cooperation with the military has also been hammered, and tomorrow I will sign a contract with representatives of the military for the joint development of Mastiff electricity.

It is said that the head of the military’s Luyu meeting Changgu also wants to meet Zhang Long tomorrow.

After all, Zhang Long is a person who has cooperated with the Chamber of Commerce, and he is inextricably linked to half of the Chamber of Commerce, and at the beginning of Ali’s Ma Dongqiang still wants to join forces with himself to buy part of the equity of Mastiff?!

But Zhang Long thought about it deeply, Mastiff decided that future military development would be free from the shackles of oil, and Zhang Long was happy to see this, so he tied the line of the military of country Z.

Today, billions of prepaid development funds have been credited to Zhang Long’s company account!

In the office, Li Qin and Yang Yueying came together, and Yang Yueying was still carrying a thermos in her hand.

“Yueying, what is in your hand?”

As soon as he saw the thing Yang Yueying was holding in his hand, Zhang Long’s eyes lit up, the appearance of this thermos pot was too familiar to him, when he was a child, Xiaolian’s family made chicken soup and brought it to their family like this.

Yang Yueying’s face turned red, and she said in a low voice: “The chicken soup I brought from home, my mother said that you opened the company too hard, let me bring you to make up for it.” After Yang Yueying finished speaking, the roots of her ears turned red, and when she thought of what her mother said to her, she felt a pang of anger.

“Well, help me thank Auntie.” Zhang Long looked at Yang Yueying shyly, smiled, and then took the thermos very unceremoniously.

“Are you all ready to get engaged, or are you called aunt?” Top dog! Li Qin quipped.

Looking at the little two showing affection, Li Qin could only stand back and roll her eyes, although she didn’t want to interrupt the two, but the situation that should be reported still needed to be reported.

“Boss, the announcement has been made and everything is moving in a good direction. However, the people in the technical department asked to increase the website server, and they checked and found that our company’s official website traffic has reached a limit, and it has begun to lag, and if it continues, it will have a certain impact on our rush purchase plan. ”

“Then add servers?” Zhang Long glanced at Li Qin in surprise, puzzled. It’s good to arrange this kind of thing directly, you don’t have to report it to yourself, right?

Li Qin smiled bitterly and said: “But the batch of servers purchased before have all been put into use, and it is definitely too late to buy again, and what the company can immediately put into use is your private server, so…”

Zhang Long frowned, his private server not only has artificial intelligence Chang’e, but also some important scientific and technological information. If connected to the company’s server, he is afraid that the huge traffic will bring some unknown vulnerabilities, and let those hackers from private or certain departments take the opportunity to enter the core of Chang’e.

Chang’e is equivalent to the main system like the “Red Queen”!

Now Chang’e is not strong enough to protect against any attack, he does not dare to risk it, after all, if the information inside is accidentally leaked, it will definitely be a big trouble!

Zhang Long’s hesitation made Li Qin a little anxious, and she explained seriously: “You decide as soon as possible, the traffic of the website will only increase.” If the time is late and the service is crowded, the consequences are unimaginable! ”

Zhang Long understands Li Qin’s feelings, if the company’s first shot has not yet been fired, it will definitely bring an extremely bad shadow to all those who pay attention to their company, and even this little thing cannot be solved, how to give users confidence?

They don’t want the mastiff electricity they bought to be invaded into scrap before it is used.

“I know, you guys go out first, I’ll think about it, and I’ll give you an answer later.” Zhang Long waved his hand and let Li Qin and the two go out.

After both of them left the office, Zhang Long ordered: “Chang’e, estimate the traffic growth trend of the company’s official website.” ”

“Yes, sir.”

At the same time as Chang’e calculated, Zhang Long was not idle, his own private server must be moved out to reduce the burden of the company’s server, but how much is this part, Zhang Long needs to have an approximate value, so that he can transfer a part of the data, and then free up some space.

Soon Chang’e presented the traffic of the company’s official website in front of Zhang Long as a graph. At the same time, he said: “Sir, the current flow (BGDB) volume is close to the peak of the server, all external networks show different forms of delay, and the international network has been completely blocked. After calculations, we need to free up thirteen servers to solve this problem. ”

“Thirteen.” Zhang Long’s eyebrows relaxed, this amount is within his acceptable range, the newly added private server does not actually store any important files, their role is to let Chang’e store some network knowledge to provide learning.

“Cut off external servers and isolate the servers that store core data.” Zhang Long ordered.

“Understood, sir.” Chang’e replied.

After Chang’e cut off the connection between the core server and the external server, Zhang Long said: “Chang’e, connect the external server to the company server. ”


After waiting for a moment, Zhang Long did not hear Chang’e’s answer, and he was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he reacted, without the assistance of an external server, its ability was weakened to a limit tensile.

With a bitter smile, Zhang Long could only do it himself.

Open the port of the external server and connect to the corporate server.

Zhang Long beckoned Li Qin and said: “Mr. Zheng, you tell the personnel of the technical department that the server has been connected, let them pay attention to the situation on the official website at any time, and notify me immediately if there is an abnormality.” ”

“Okay, then I’ll go out first.” Li Qin answered, and then left in a hurry.

Seeing Li Qin go out, Zhang Long refocused his attention on his computer, he must guard against any possible accident that can threaten Chang’e!

As time went on, when time got closer and closer to Chang’e, Zhang Long unexpectedly found that his private server did not show any signs of intrusion, “Could it be that some clever hacker has secretly bypassed him without discovering it?” ”

Zhang Long inspected the defense Zhang Xu outside the core server and found that there was no abnormality, which made him feel as if his previous worries were superfluous.

Although he didn’t understand why no one would invade his internal server, since there was no Zhang Long, he put his mind down, he focused on the countdown to the official website, there were still thirty minutes before the rush time, and below the timer, there were already rush rules.

In that luxurious study, the family of four was all dumbfounded, they looked at the text in the computer screen, and for a while they didn’t know how to describe it, four people and four computers, and none of them grabbed the purchase qualification!

Wen Ping and his wife looked at the screen in disbelief, and in the middle of the screen, the two words “congratulations” made them excited and didn’t know how to express their excitement!

“Old man, hit! We’re hit! Fast! Fill out the list now! Don’t run out of time! Wen Ping’s wife urged repeatedly.

Wen Ping heard his wife’s reminder, quickly reacted, and quickly clicked the link to fill in the order below.


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