Zhang Long walked inside the bank, bypassed the seat blocking the road, came to the business window to take a look, and soon made an exciting discovery. From a scattered safe, he found two one-pound gold bars, not only that, but Zhang Long also saw about seven or eight diamonds scattered near the gold bars.

Zhang Long guessed that this may be a customer to let the bank keep the gold bar, when the bank opened the safe, a terrifying nuclear explosion suddenly came, and the next second everyone was destroyed, so the safe has been kept open.

Zhang Long wiped the dust off the surface of the gold bar and diamond, and threw it into his backpack. Compared to the possible underground vaults, this gold bar and diamond can only be regarded as a windfall.

After groping for about half a minute, Zhang Long saw a storage room dedicated to storing customers’ valuables. After taking a closer look inside, he found that there were nearly a hundred or so safes scattered in the storage room, large and small, and Zhang Long felt like he had come to a safe store.

After a pause, Zhang Long walked to a safe and twisted the switch, his hand was not strong, he heard a click, the door of the safe automatically opened, inside was a package of processed jade, Zhang Long looked at the top goods, worth a lot.

After a moment of stunned, Zhang Long put the harvest inside into his backpack. After trying a few more safes, Zhang Long understood that some safes had been damaged because of too long, and they could be easily opened, and the quality of most of the safes was still very passable, even if Zhang Long couldn’t open them with a stone.

Zhang Long was slightly pityed, and decided to throw all the unbroken safes into the white circle above his head, and when he returned to the earth, he slowly cut them one by one. Zhang Long didn’t have to get the contents inside, he knew that cutting the safe was actually the same nature as the gambling stone, and he wanted to have a gambling addiction. And the safe is full of valuables, cutting the safe is much more exciting than gambling stones.

Zhang Long tossed and turned in the storage room for a long time, and finally opened all the safes that could be opened. Zhang Long felt that the backpack was heavy, but he didn’t look closely at how many things were in the bag, he knew that most of them were gold bars and jewelry. This backpack alone is probably worth hundreds of millions of dollars to get the earth, and for Zhang Long, it’s just his hand.

Zhang Long plans to open a jewelry store, especially if he finds the vault later, in order to convert the gold and silver inside into funds and maximize the benefits of Blue Star’s valuables, and this is a completely worthless business. Usually, the initial investment of a jewelry store is very large, at least tens of millions, but for Zhang Long, he only needs to buy a bustling store to open a jewelry store.

As for the source of gold, generally as long as no one reports it, there will be basically no accident, as long as Zhang Long does not break the law, he can sit firmly on the fishing platform.

Zhang Long continued to walk forward and found an elevator not far away. The door of the elevator has been damaged, only half of the door is still barely hanging above the elevator, Zhang Long took a flashlight to shine under the elevator, and found that the other half of the door fell on the bottom of the elevator.

The elevator even has its base removed, and it looks like a deep vertical hole. Zhang Long took out a rope tied around his waist and carefully held the support column of the elevator and slipped down. A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Long finally came to the bottom floor of the elevator, where the environment was dark and the sun could not shine at all. Zhang Long could only take out a flashlight to illuminate before he could continue to move forward.

This place is filled with a rich yin atmosphere, a dark atmosphere, the entire wide space is only Zhang Long’s breathing and footsteps, and occasionally kicks one or two bones under his feet, Zhang Long if he does not know that this is a bank, he thinks he has reached a terrifying grave.

Zhang Long took a look around, and he wanted to see if there was any other exit besides the abandoned elevator just now. After taking a look, Zhang Long found that the only exit was the old elevator before, which showed that the bank’s confidentiality measures were well done. All indications are that this underground layer, which is more than a dozen meters deep, is most likely a storage point for bank vaults.

Just after sweeping around, Zhang Long didn’t find the location of the vault gate, and couldn’t help scratching his head suspiciously. After a pause, Zhang Long removed the metal detector on his back, then turned on the switch, holding it to search every corner.

After another ten minutes, just when Zhang Long wondered if his guess was correct, the metal detector in his hand suddenly vibrated strongly, and Zhang Long felt that his hand was about to be numb, and he had to turn off the metal detector first.

Zhang Long put the detector back in his backpack, and then he slowly squatted down, reached out to remove the dust on the soles of his feet, and glanced at the ground carefully with wide eyes.

At this time, Zhang Long found that he was stepping on a round manhole cover under his feet. The manhole cover is two meters wide, constantly reflecting the light of the flashlight, Zhang Long looked at the material of the manhole cover, and couldn’t help but be as big as a bucket! This silver-white manhole cover is actually made of titanium alloy!

“Groove! It’s hard to find the vault, and I have to find a way to open this titanium manhole cover! Looking closely, the surface of this manhole cover has three keyholes, which should require three keys to open, but it is certain that these three keys must be in the hands of different people. Zhang Long speculated in his heart.

Zhang Long thought to himself, if he wants to find three keys in the bank of Norda, he may find the year of the monkey. So Zhang Long decided to be violent and simply wiped out the bank with high-energy explosives. This kind of high-energy explosive can even blow up a mountain, and he doesn’t believe that he can’t open a vault!

Just do it, and in the next second Zhang Long returned directly to the earth. Looking up, it was exactly noon on this side of the earth, and Zhang Long spent an afternoon, still in the name of scientific research, from the National Materials and Metals Group to get the formula of high-energy explosives and a large number of raw materials.

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