Late night in Blue Star, the innermost part of the robot factory.

After a day of exploration, Zhang Long finally had a clear understanding of the layout of the factory. He came to an assembly line with several packaged robots at the end. However, Zhang’s focus is not on these robots, but on the location of the assembly line, which is most likely the storage warehouse for robots.

The assembly line is more than ten meters high, perhaps due to the earthquake caused by the nuclear explosion, nearly a thousand robots on the assembly line have fallen to the ground, Zhang Long finally saw the entrance of the warehouse after laboriously moving the robots blocking the road.

“I hope the robot inside is okay, otherwise this trip is basically for nothing.” The manufacturing technology of robots is too complex, involving advanced artificial intelligence and cutting-edge mechanical dynamics, and it is simply not possible to study it in a year or two. Zhang Long said praying in his heart.

Now, Zhang Long has seen three kinds of civilian robots along the way, most of them “home-based” robots, and a small number of “bodyguard” robots and “industrial” robots.

The only normal thing inside is the bodyguard robot, this type of robot is very similar to the appearance of humans, if you don’t look at it up close, you won’t feel like a robot at all.

The other two types of robots, home-type robots, look very similar to the characters in cartoon anime, just like Dahaku, who was very popular for a while. Industrial robots are extremely hideous existence, each robot has four or five robotic arms, each robotic arm has a different purpose, even a pair of feet, are replaced by steel tracks, can continue to work in a variety of harsh environments.

Zhang Long almost climbed, and finally climbed over a hill formed by a pile of abandoned robots and came to a large empty warehouse.

As soon as Zhang Long entered the robot warehouse, a strong smell of engine oil came to his face, and after time of fermentation, it smelled a bit like the smell of water, for people with cleanliness, the taste of this place alone is very fatal.

However, Zhang Long’s face did not change at all, on the contrary, Zhang Long almost jumped up happily when he saw the scene in front of him. Because in front of him, countless robots appeared neatly in front of Zhang Long.

Placed in the first row are industrial robots that are more than ten meters to tens of meters high, occupying half of the entire space, and at first glance, it looks like a row of majestic Gundams!

In the second row are bodyguard robots, each with a height of nearly two meters and five meters, although wrapped in a thick layer of packaging, Zhang Long can still see the bodyguard robot’s bulging muscles like steel.

At the back is a home-type robot, which has the largest number of robots, but the overall volume is relatively small, so it does not occupy a large space.

All the robots were wrapped in a thick layer of packaging, and Zhang Long came to a home-type robot, and it took a lot of effort to unpack the packaging of this robot, revealing a pink kawaii-style robot inside.

Zhang Long learned from Yaya’s mouth that all the robot switches are on the Tianling cover, there is a small bulge, just need to touch it, the robot will enter the open state.

Then, the time to test whether these robots can be used has come, although the packaging here is very thick, but Zhang Long’s heart still has a small sense of nervousness, feeling like touching a prize.

“Didi, hello handsome guy! Since you are using this robot for the first time, please give me a title. In the future, as long as I call the title, I will do your bidding. The half-human-tall robot said. It doesn’t have a mouth, but the pronunciation is still at the mouth position, and that’s where the phrase comes from.

“Just call it Number One. By the way, can I set you to use it only by me? Zhang Long said in surprise.

Subsequently, Zhang Long planned to name it No. 1, not because Zhang Long was too lazy to name it, but if the robots here could be used normally, he would burn countless brain cells just by naming it.

“The nickname is set. Number One is happy to serve you. Didi! Once the single-person use mode is set, if you want to turn on the sharing mode in the future, you can use your voice to modify the local settings. Number One said. At this time, No. 1’s voice gradually became humanized, slowly turning into a childlike voice similar to Yaya, and also struck a few cute poses with Zhang Long.

However, Zhang Long saw the words “insufficient power” from the eyes of No. 1, and it seems that it is also because the robot has been stored for too long, even if it is fully charged, it leaks only a little.

After a night of verification, Zhang Long was finally sure that the robot in the warehouse was fully usable. It’s just that there is a problem that makes Zhang Long’s brain hurt very much, because the number of robots is super large, and Zhang Longguang activates one by one, which takes a lot of time.

However, this step cannot be omitted, and the robot must recognize the owner before it can be used normally.

So for the next period of time, Zhang Long stayed in this large warehouse whether he ate or lived, and he would only take out an hour every day to deal with the business of Mastiff Dragon Technology.

In the current warehouse, in addition to Zhang Long, there are about a hundred home robots busy working, constantly helping Zhang Long unpack the remaining packaging. The rest of the robots are on standby, and when the working robot runs out of power, it will take the other party’s place and continue to work.

Now in Zhang Long’s home, whether it is the living room or the bathroom, as long as it is a place where the socket is installed, there will definitely be a home robot that is charging. And the price of Zhang Long’s doing this is naturally a high electricity bill of up to 30,000 yuan.

Even the people of the power bureau called Zhang Long, and Zhang Long directly posed as the president of Mastiff Dragon Technology with the other party, telling the other party that he was doing scientific research activities, which barely dispelled the other party’s doubts.

However, in the long run, this strange phenomenon will definitely be seen, and it may even be checked by the relevant departments! So Zhang Long plans to build a wind farm on the Blue Star side to supply the electricity needs of the robot army.

For example, Zhang Long has been exploring here for such a long time, he has never seen the existence of a lake, only countless dry riverbeds, and the ubiquitous wind.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Long feels that as long as he finds an empty plain and then builds a large wind farm, the huge amount of electricity produced every day can help him completely solve the problem of electricity consumption.

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