This gentle massage made Hong Gui’s state of mind extremely peaceful.

Even if he got up to urinate once in the process, he quickly fell asleep again when he lay down on the back chair, which was something he didn’t dare to think about before.

It wasn’t until early the next morning, Hong Gui stretched his waist and sat up, only to be completely impressed by the effect of the Mastiff Dragon pushing back chair last night.

After another two days, he was completely convinced by the Mastiff Dragon Pushback Chair, and even showed off to the elderly nearby.

Being able to sleep peacefully is not easy for many old people, even young people who work hard every day.

At first, no one believed Hong Gui’s words, but as Hong Gui’s complexion got better and better, many people believed what they didn’t believe.

“Lao Hong, where did you buy this high-tech chair? Can it actually promote sleep? Tell me about it. ”

“Yes, take us to your house to try it.”

“Walk around! If it works well, I have to let that kid buy me one. ”


Several of Hong Gui’s old friends said quite excitedly, all clamoring to go to his house to try it.

In desperation, Hong Gui had to take them to his room.

After trying for a few hours, the Mastiff Dragon Push-Back Chair not only relieved fatigue, but also promoted sleep, which made several elderly people stunned.

And the same scene has happened a lot in all parts of China. Netizens found that the Mastiff Dragon Push-Back Chair was much more effective than expected.

These 5,000 yuan are totally worth the money!

There are even some wealthy families who have replaced the chairs at home, and all of them have installed mastiff dragon push-back chairs.


In just a few days, the Mastiff Dragon Push-Back Chair has brought a huge benefit to Zhang Long, and netizens are no less enthusiastic about the Mastiff Dragon Push-Back Chair than the Mastiff Dragon generation, and the sales volume is increasing day by day.

Mastiff Technology has been running for a month, even if it has to pay huge staff fees and material fees every day, but it has already earned 10 billion yuan from the market.

It’s just that even so, Zhang Long feels that the scale of Mastiff Dragon Technology is not large enough. And the amount of money needed to scale the company is an unimaginable figure.

Even if it is 100 billion, Zhang Long feels that it is not enough to spend. For example, to build a company headquarters, plus land, it will cost more than 10 billion.

In the future, he will consider building a few more employee houses, a logistics company no less than a rookie, a high-end laboratory, etc., and the investment must be calculated in at least tens of billions.

Of course, recently, there are several well-known investment companies at home and abroad, intending to inject capital into Mastiff Technology, as long as Zhang Long nods, he can get billions of financing.

However, he turned down all these investment companies.

With a planet as a backing, as long as he doesn’t make serious mistakes, it’s only a matter of time before he becomes the world’s number one technology company.

Even if the money is not enough to spend, Zhang Long will pry a few more Blue Star’s treasury and sell it, which is better than being pointed at after financing.


“Zhang Long, I’m going to Kyoto soon, it may take two or three days.” Yang Yueying said reluctantly.

The two have just fallen into a sweet love period, and every time Yang Yueying separates from him, even if it is a short time, she will feel uncomfortable.

“Is it for the bidding of the land? By the way, is the money enough? Zhang Long asked.

“The funds are enough, and the Mastiff Pushback Chair is hotter than we predicted to sell. We made more profits, so this time the land auction should be stable. Yang Yueying nodded.

At night, Yang Yueying wore a serious women’s suit and two personal assistants and boarded a plane to Kyoto.

Even on the plane, she did not forget to open a WeChat video with Zhang Long, smiling and chatting about her work in the past two days.

And the two female assistants next to them, looking at their superiors, also looked envious.

Unexpectedly, the other party was silent, and he got along with the big boss behind the scenes, why didn’t he have this kind of blessing!

On Zhang Long’s side, he drove a super chariot with a look of anticipation, with an army of a thousand robots. After half a day, he finally came to the legendary Xiangchun City.

As soon as he got off the car, Zhang Long found that it had just rained in Xiangchun City.

This discovery surprised Zhang Long, and there were signs of rain, indicating that the ecological environment of Blue Star is slowly recovering.

It may be slow to recover, but it’s always a good thing.

The scenery of Xiangchun City, looking at the past is a barren landscape, and the eyes are all collapsed high-rise buildings and the yellow surface, which is an enlarged version of Wangzhu City. There is not a single green grass either, let alone any shrubs and bushes.

“Master, I searched the map, and the closest place to us is an agricultural science and technology university.” Yaya said.

“University of Agricultural Technology? What’s good about that place? Wouldn’t it be a seed? Zhang Long guessed.

“The master guessed correctly, the research direction of this agricultural science and technology university is a seed that can transform the environment.” Yaya said.

“Seeds that can transform the environment? This is not useless, but after more than a hundred years, can those seeds still germinate? Zhang Long asked.

Before this, Zhang Long had visited the seed bank in Wangzhu City once, but the seeds inside were all destroyed by nuclear explosions, and none of them could germinate.

So subconsciously, he does not have much expectations for the seeds of plants, if he has worked hard for most of the day, but the seeds in his hand are dead, it will be too much to lose.

“In fact, most seeds have a self-protection function. Environmental modification seeds are no exception, and because of this seed, it must take root and germinate in various harsh environments to improve the environment. So its probability of surviving a nuclear explosion is many times greater than that of ordinary seeds. Yaya explained.

“Okay, Yaya. You help me find a map of this agricultural university, I want to be specific. Zhang Long said.

He thought about it, if he could find a living seed, it should be of great help to the heavily polluted earth or the barren blue star, right?

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