Captain Hinata explained: "After seeing the power of the 'Pedenium Elemental Cannon', we believed that this weapon that can destroy the planet must be used with caution, so I asked Kumano to add a restriction to it."

Kumano, who sat down in the driver's seat in front, said: "Unless you use BOSS's ZAP card for voice fingerprint recognition, don't even think about starting it."

As he spoke, he avoided the Qilu Planet's spaceship and sailed in another direction.

Dayir was furious: "Are you crazy?"

Yuhui stared at the spaceship that was gradually disappearing on the main screen. He felt that the thing looked familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was.

There is a sense of déjà vu that “I vaguely remember that the teacher taught me this question, but I remember clearly that I didn’t listen at the time.”

After all, he has been watching "Big Monster Fight" for too long, and many memories have been diluted over time.

He remembered the Zarabian who stole the combat instrument and disguised himself as Vice Captain Haruna, and the Mephorasian who was selected by the Dark Armor.

I still remember [Grundy] who used the upgraded version of the battle instrument to summon Tyrant and EX King Red, and killed King Airei of [Thunder].

But he really couldn't remember what Chilu's newcomer was.

It's probably an insignificant role.

At the same time, a dispute inevitably came.

"Why are you doing this!" Dayer's whole person was shrouded in anger:

"Power is everything! In this universe, only civilizations with powerful weapons can survive!"

"In the future fifty years from now, Pedan Star will be destroyed!"

Leonix, who might destroy the planet Pedan in the future, was let go. Dayel seemed hysterical and seemed to be on the verge of losing control.

Seeing that the verbal conflict was about to escalate into a physical conflict, Yu Hui quickly stepped out to stabilize the situation:

"Even if you want to prevent future problems, don't attack indiscriminately."

"You should know the father of Ultra from the Kingdom of Light. He once had a very good friend named Beria, who later turned black."

Dayle nodded confusedly.

But Beria in Yuhui's body knew that Yuhui was talking about Bei Laohei of this [Main Universe], so he didn't say anything.

"Ultraman Taro, the son of Ultra's father, also had a good friend. That was Ultraman named Tregear. Later he was also lost in the darkness."

"Now his grandson Ultraman Taiga also has two friends, called Ultraman Fuma and Ultraman Titus. They are both righteous Ultra warriors."

Beria screamed: "What! I already have grandchildren!"

Yuhui continued: "Then should we follow the previous 'rules' and arrest Ultraman Fuma and Ultraman Titus first?"

Dayir understood that Yuhui was telling him not to be too extreme, but he still retorted:

"Almost all Ultra warriors are bright and righteous, but one of them, Leonix, is a bastard full of evil!"


Brother, your cannon fire on this map was too high and it hit me.

The next moment, Beria's shadow emerged from behind the afterglow, and he said:

"You dare to say bad things about Yu Hui to your face. This is intolerable. I need to teach you a lesson!"

Finally found the opportunity to beat him, it's not easy.

Only then did Dayle realize... Afterglow seemed to be classified as [Leonix].

Seeing Beria driving Dail back aggressively, Vice Captain Haruna secretly said, "Wonderful!"

She had hated this Dayel from the beginning, and she couldn't help but gloat at this moment.

However, Yuhui would definitely not sit back and let Beria act recklessly. He first asked Beria to go back, and then changed the explanation to one that Dayir could accept.

"My prophecy screen didn't show any Qilu Planet people. He should be an insignificant little character. Maybe he was killed by someone else just after he went to Planet Hama."

"Rather than this, you should care about a guy named [Grundy]. He is probably the strongest Leonix besides me."

As expected, Dayle said the same thing, "Who is Grandy?"

Yuhui pulled him away from the bridge: "Come to my room and I will draw it for you."

But after dragging Dayel to his room, Yu Hui asked him to sit down first:

"The room is a bit messy, don't mind."

Dayer said: "Well, it's okay... Do you have something to say to me alone?"

He's quite smart.

Yu Hui said: "In my opinion, except for me...and my sister, Leonix is ​​indeed a 'rotten orange'."

"So when we were on the bridge just now, I actually supported you in firing."

Dayel felt a little more comfortable, but a little unwilling:

"Then why didn't you speak for me when you were in the bridge just now?"

Yuhui spread his hands:

"After the Panlong was converted into a combat ship, other team members were already very unhappy. I have to take care of their emotions."

Dayil was stunned.

As the human form of Ultraman Beria, Yuhui actually takes care of the emotions of his companions, how rare it is!

Yuhui continued:

"The crew of the Panlong were just peace-loving navigators more than a month ago, and they tried their best to avoid meaningless battles on Polis."

"I also understand that you are responsible for saving the planet Pedan and are constantly hunting Leonix. However, although you are both right, you should try to have as few conflicts as possible."

Dayer was a little depressed: "Those guys... are really holding us back!"

Yuhui waved his hand: "Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity. Besides, we can do things like murder secretly."

Dayer quickly asked: "How to do it?"

Yuhui agreed on gestures and codes with him, and Dayir nodded repeatedly.

Yuhui breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Dayel and the Panlong crew members could seek common ground while reserving differences as much as possible.

Otherwise, there would be chaos within the team before they even met Reblondo, and that would be the end of it.

"By the way, what does that Grandi look like?" Dayl has not forgotten this.

He thought that if that guy was really as powerful as Yuhui said, he would find a way to kill him first after reuniting with the other members of the Pedan Star.

"In this case, let me draw it for you."

After Yu Hui finished speaking, he began to paint. While thinking about what Yu Hui had just said to him sincerely, Dayel helped him clean up the room.

Clean the table, make the bed, hang the a male mother.

Soon, Yuhui drew the appearance of [Grundy]. This guy looked exactly like Naoki Begonia in "Kamen Rider FAIZ".

Dayir looked at the painting with a troubled face: "This... are you sure he is wearing this armor?"

Yu Hui said: "Yes."

Dayel's face twitched: "This is the unique standard armor of the Chiru Planet!"

Yu Hui was stunned.

Nani, it turns out that [Grundy] is from the Qilu Planet.

Was that bat-like spaceship just now his spaceship?

Damn it, how could it be such a coincidence!

After a while, Yu Hui coughed in embarrassment: "My prophecy method is to see the future. I really don't know that he is from the Qilu Planet. I'm sorry."

"Besides, don't worry. I have a special secret for dealing with Leonix. I can win almost every battle."

Dayir immediately became excited: "What's the secret?"

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