A snort.

The blond giant's right hand was cut open and almost fell to the ground.

A large amount of blood spattered out, and Hannis, Allen and others were stunned.

The figure that burst into the battlefield was a young man with a handsome face, holding a pair of sharp swords in his hands, who else could it be if it wasn't Xia Yang! ?


Hannes' eyes widened.

The same goes for Ermin, who also recognized Xia Yang, whom he had just met.

But then, his expression changed again and he shouted


But at this time, the blond giant's attention began to fall on Xia Yang, and then stretched out his intact left hand to grab him.

Seeing this scene, Hannis Allen and others' expressions also changed again.

However, at this time, Facing the approaching big hand, Xia Yang seemed to be unaware of it and still stood there. Even at an angle that Hannis and others did not see, he smiled slightly.

Speaking of which, Allen's mother was pressed in this position. , is really dangerous, because it is adjacent to a place where a large number of giants are raging.

Even Xia Yang cannot guarantee that he is 100% safe now. However, he had a reason to come here. As mentioned before

, because he had obtained the same power of the Unsullied Giant over and over again, Xia Yang understood that if he wanted to pick up the other nine giants, he would most likely need to deal with those hosts of the giant's power.

, Allen is naturally Xia Yang's first target.

After all, his father will pass on the power of the two giants, Attack on Titan and the Ancestral Titan, to him soon.

Secondly, there will be Ermin, the super giant. The next host of

Mikasa. As a member of the Ackerman family, her power cannot be underestimated. Coupled with her attributes as a beautiful girl...

In short, Xia Yang has contact with the iron triangle of Ellen, Mikasa and Ermin. Even if it was necessary to make good friends.

With this idea, Xia Yang rushed over.

Of course, to be on the safe side, he had to deal with the two giants over there first, and then gained the giant's strength to increase his physical strength and agility, which was like the wind. He rushed to the scene and rescued Hannis.

In addition, Xia Yang did not forget to bring the three fat soldiers.

Then, a scene similar to the one before happened. The blond giant stretched out his left hand towards Xia Yang, and was slashed hard again. Even this time, it fell directly!

But this time, it was not Xia Yang who took action, but the three fat soldiers who arrived later.

"Haha, Hannes, why are you so dazed?"

"Hannes, you can’t do it without us!"

"Hey, little guys over there, uncles are great, right?"

The three fat soldiers laughed and looked like they didn't take the blond giant seriously at all.

Of course, this is not surprising.

After all, including the two giants just now, now, the fat soldier and Xia Yang have a total of Four or five giants have been killed.

The impression that giants are not scary has been deeply rooted in their minds, so even though they have not killed the blond giant yet, they can still talk and laugh.

But Allen and others naturally don't know this. Inside, except for Hannis, Allen and others were greatly shocked.

Allen's eyes were bright, and he swept away his previous contempt and disdain for the soldiers.

However, at this time, he naturally did not forget that he was still suppressed. Seeing that the situation was improving, he quickly said:"Uncle Hannes, please save my mother!!!"

Hearing this, Hannis subconsciously looked at Xia Yang.

As mentioned before, after a series of contacts, both Hannis and the Fat Soldier and others regarded Xia Yang as their backbone.

At this time, Hannis subconsciously consulted Xia Yang had an opinion.

After all, it would take some time to save Allen's mother. During this time, it was hard to say whether the blond giant would harm them and whether other giants would appear again.

In this case, Xia Yang could not tell. Naturally , he has the final say.

At this moment, Allen and others looked at Xia Yang.

This situation was just what he wanted.

Of course he wouldn't let it go, so he immediately said to the three fat soldiers:"You three, deal with this giant first..."

Then he turned to Hannis with a serious look on his face:"Hannis, come with me to save people!"


Just like before, whether it was Hannis or the three fat soldiers, they all responded loudly without any objection, and then took action quickly.

"Who is that man?"

Allen and others became more and more surprised.

Although Xia Yang performed amazingly just now, it was still difficult for them to understand that Hannis and others obeyed Xia Yang, who was so much younger.

But then, they had no time to say more. I thought about it, because as the three fat soldiers faced the giant, Xia Yang and Hannis quickly ran to Allen's mother.

"Wait a minute for Hannes and I to lift these things, and you three will pull her out right away! Xia Yang said vigorously.

Unknowingly, Allen and the other three were also infected by Xia Yang's calm aura. Hearing the words, they nodded quickly to indicate that they understood.

Then, Xia Yang and Hannis were on one side, on the left and right of Allen's mother, and at the same time Use force.

Just like that, the debris that was holding down Allen's mother was finally lifted up.

But it is worth mentioning that the lift of Xia Yang on the left was obviously much greater than that of Hannis on the right.

At this scene, Allen and others were even more surprised.

But they didn't dare to neglect it. The moment the debris was lifted, they immediately grabbed Allen's mother. Then there was a bang. But at this time, Allen's mother had successfully escaped.



Ellen and his son immediately hugged each other happily.

Hannis, Armin, and Mikasa also showed a smile.

Only Xia Yang looked a little weird.

Because at this moment, beside him, something slowly appeared. A colorful light group appeared.

That was... giant power!

"Um? How come there is giant power?"

Xia Yang couldn't help but wonder.


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