"Ding! You picked up giant power and gained sub-giant power +3!"

Hearing the notification sound from the system, Xia Yang suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

While retreating, he could also pick up the power of the giant. This feeling is simply not too good!

And the power of the giant that appeared this time also completely proved that, The giant power just now that also contained the power of a sub-giant originated from Mikasa!

But what made Xia Yang a little confused!……

"The amount of sub-giant power dropped from Mikasa seems to be quite a lot!"

With just two picks, the number of sub-giant powers he possesses has reached five, which is more than the number of unsullied giants he obtained by killing many unsullied giants before.

"Could it be that Mikasa has awakened the power of the sub-giant?"

Xia Yang narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but think of this.

It is worth mentioning that although the Ackerman family is born with special power, this power needs to be awakened. In this regard, whether it is Levi , or Mikasa, have all experienced that at a certain point, there is a steady stream of power flowing out of the body...

That is a sign of awakening.

Mikasa had already awakened because of Allen, so Xia Yang couldn't help but think. The large number of sub-giant powers was attributed to Mikasa's early awakening.

But then, he shook his head and rejected this idea.

After all, if we only look at the"awakening" time, then those who have nothing to do with it. The Kumu Titan obviously"awakens" earlier, but the amount of Wumu Titan power that is dropped randomly or after death is generally less than that dropped by Mikasa.

The logic behind this is obvious. It didn't make sense.

He couldn't figure it out for a while, so Xia Yang had to suppress this idea for the time being, and continued to retreat with Mikasa and others, and then secretly picked up the power of the giant.

"Ding! You picked up Giant Power and gained Sub-Giant Power +2!"

"Ding! You picked up Giant Power and gained Sub-Giant Power +2!"

"Ding! You picked up Giant Power and randomly gained Strength attribute +1!"

During this period, Xia Yang was a little surprised to gain four points of sub-giant power from Mikasa.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that they also encountered a giant eating a corpse.

The three fat soldiers were a little bit They were eager to kill the opponent, but they were stopped by Xia Yang.

At this time, what they had to do was to enter the inner gate as soon as possible, and then continue to take refuge on the second city wall. Of course

, there was no need to worry about anything else.

, Xia Yang was not without gain.

When he passed the giant, he suddenly picked up another randomly dropped giant power, which added a little strength attribute! Unknowingly

, everyone was approaching the inner gate.

, the crowd that was bustling just now has almost disappeared, most of them have passed through the inner gate, and then left on the rescue boat in front of the moat.

Only a small number of people were still crowded in front of the inner gate, waiting to pass.

At the inner city wall, many soldiers could be seen from a distance, nervously maintaining order and urgently deploying city defenses, artillery, etc.

After arriving here, they saw many humans, Hannis and others, as well as Ellen Mikasa and others. Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were able to kill the giants under Xia Yang's leadership, it was still a bit depressing to travel through a battlefield where giants were wreaking havoc and being devoured by the same kind of people everywhere.

At this point, their tense nerves finally relaxed.

Among them, Xia Yang was probably the most relaxed, because when he actually fought, he found that fighting, especially fighting against giants, was not as he imagined. It was so terrifying that after just a short period of time, he had somewhat adapted to it. It would be no exaggeration to say that he felt like a fish in water.

Of course, the most important thing was that during this period, he continued to pick up the power of giants.

This feeling was almost astonishing! In other words, Xia Yang is getting stronger every moment!

In this way, Xia Yang certainly doesn't feel depressed and nervous, but instead feels excited.

And what makes him even more excited is that at this time, he is close to him. Mikasa lost the power of a giant again!

When Xia Yang saw this

, his expression suddenly changed! Boom!

The ground exploded not far away!

At this moment, the world was dyed red and golden!

The thunderous explosion was deafening!

The golden thunder came and went quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. However, in the center of Jin Lei's disappearance, a huge and sturdy figure suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"What? That's... a giant! ?"

"What happened to that golden thunder and lightning just now! ?"

"etc! Why does this giant look different! ?"

After the trembling sound of the angry thunder, there was overwhelming discussion.

I saw the huge figure that appeared in the center of the disappearance of the golden thunder. It was a tall giant with a height of more than ten meters. What is surprising is that, Its skin was different from that of ordinary giants. It was gray-black and shimmering, as if it was wearing a layer of armor!

Xia Yang's face changed completely...

This was... an armored giant, but at this clever time, he! Appeared!!!


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