
At this moment, the earth-shattering explosion became the only sound in the world.

The inner gate that had not yet fallen was instantly torn apart, and the surrounding large sections of the city wall also turned into rubble and dust!

It was as if a huge explosion had risen from the spot!

An astonishing shock wave swept across, and countless people were rushed high into the sky like rubber balls, with rubble flying around!


The explosion was also mixed with a lot of screams and roars. The scene was chaotic, like the end of the world!

At this moment, Xia Yang and others just squeezed out of the inner door with all their strength.

However, the distance between them was still unable to Escaped!

The invisible impact mixed with mud and dust swept over!

Although Xia Yang tried his best to protect Allen Mikasa and others, it was still useless in the face of the shocking force! As a result, their bodies began to be blown up violently!

The assembled lineup suddenly fell into pieces, and then broke apart.


At this moment, Xia Yang could no longer care about Allen and the others, because His body was suddenly rushed to a height of more than 20 meters!

Everything around him seemed to be frozen... At this moment, Xia Yang smelled the breath of death!

Not to mention his injuries at this time, just from a height of more than 20 meters. If he falls, he will be disabled even if he doesn't die!

Although Xia Yang seems to have some self-healing power after picking up the power of the Unsullied Titan, it will obviously not help if the injury is too serious.

In short, In such a situation, if he is disabled and seriously injured, what awaits him will definitely be death!

"Am I going to die?"

Xia Yang murmured, but did not give up.

If he died like this because of the aftermath of the collision of the armored giant, it would be too embarrassing!

In this case, he would still talk about being the ancestor of giants, or even Becoming a god?

At the moment of life and death, Xia Yang's mind began to think quickly.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

"correct! When I picked up the sub-giant power just now, the system clearly gave me an extra prompt!"

At this time, Xia Yang suddenly thought of something, and quickly thought

"System, open personal properties!"


The light curtain appears again!

【Giant Power Pickup System】

【Host]: Xia Yang

【Strength]: 10 (+7)

【Agility]: 10 (+6)

【Spirit]: 10

【Constitution]: 10 (+6)

【Giant's Power]: Unsullied Giant's Power (+4) Sub-Giant's Power (+10 can be upgraded)

(all attributes of ordinary people are 10)


Xia Yang turned his eyes and suddenly focused on the Giant Power option at the bottom.

Sub-giant power +10? Upgradeable?

"Yes, the extra prompt from the system just now is about the power of the sub-giant!"

Xia Yang cheered up.

Yes, just now, he once again picked up the light ball that fell from Mikasa, and then the amount of sub-giant power he possessed reached ten points.

At that time, the system reminded him additionally , Do you want to upgrade the power of the sub-giant!

It just happened that the armored giant appeared at that time. Because of the armored giant's strange movements, Xia Yang was so shaken that he forgot about it for a while.

But now, under the great stimulation of life and death, he finally remembered it! At this moment, Xia Yang didn't hesitate at all, as if he had grasped the last life-saving straw, and roared in his heart:"System, I want to upgrade, upgrade the power of the sub-giant!"

Although I don't know if upgrading the power of this sub-giant can bring about a change in his current situation, but for now, it seems that this is the only thing he can do!

"Ding! The power of a sub-giant was successfully upgraded to the power of a primary sub-giant."

Immediately afterwards, the system's prompt sound came quickly.

At the same time, Xia Yang was shocked.

At this moment, his body seemed to be electrocuted, and a magical feeling suddenly occurred!

There seemed to be a steady stream of power. It surged out of the body!

It was too late, but it was faster.

During this period, Xia Yang seemed to have thought a lot and done a lot, but it only happened in an instant.

So at this time, the impact was on him. The force had just subsided, and then his body began to fall rapidly under the influence of gravity.

Huh... the strong wind hit his ears...

However, at this moment, Xia Yang suddenly clenched his fist, and his eyes flashed wildly in the next second! A scene appeared!

Xia Yang was seen in mid-air, turning around suddenly to face the earth accurately. Then, he moved his hands, and the two knives tied to his body were immediately held in his hands, and he began to swing them.

Xia Yang is not swinging randomly.

Every time he swings the blade, he can accurately cut the surrounding objects, whether it is gravel, bricks, flesh, or tiles... and then slashes these objects. Xia Yang's falling speed gradually slowed down due to the reaction force.

In this way, when he fell only a few meters away from the ground, his falling speed was already within a controllable range.

Xia Yang's eyes suddenly flashed again. After hesitating again, he bent his body in mid-air and fell to the ground in a kneeling position.

But the moment he landed, his body rolled again, and then he got up, truly down to earth!


Xia Yang let out a breath of turbid air.

He was now down to earth, and the power of falling from a high altitude was completely released by him!

After coming back to his senses, Xia Yang subconsciously looked at his hands... feeling the strangeness inside his body, he couldn't help but curl up his lips.

"So, is this the power of a sub-giant?"


PS: I went to get the contract signed today, and I’m a bit busy, so I can only update three times. I’ll make up for it tomorrow.

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