"Grisha Yeager……"

Xia Yang looked at the inheritance and couldn't help but murmured with a complicated expression.

Grisha is undoubtedly a very tragic character.

He was born as a sinful Eldian and lived a humble life in the Marais Empire.

When I was a child, I just went out once, but I lost my sister because of the vain sins of my ancestors.

After growing up, he was attracted by"Owl", the host of Attack on Titan at the time, and joined the Eldian Restoration Faction, but was betrayed by his own son.

By some mistake, he became the host of Attack on Titan and came to Padilla Island.

After lurking for more than ten years, he finally found an opportunity to seize the power of the ancestor giant, but at this time, he was surprised to hear the news of Marley's attack.

With time running out, he chose to immediately pass on his Attack on Titan power and the power of the Ancestor Titan to his other son, Eren Yeager!

He firmly believes that Allen can control the power of the ancestors, save all the people he cherishes, and even revive Eldia!

After reviewing Grisha's life, Xia Yang couldn't help but feel a sense of respect.

But soon, Xia Yang put away his thoughts and walked towards Allen.

At this time, after swallowing Grisha, Eren naturally gained the power of Attack on Titan and the power of the Ancestral Titan, thus breaking away from the Unsullied Titan state and returning to normal.

But at this moment, there were still strong and strange traces around his eyes, which were like veins, and he was still in a coma.

Xia Yang was naturally not surprised by this situation.

Those vein-like things should be signs of transformation, and every Titan Power host will have them.

As for the coma state, it should be that Allen is too young and cannot bear the consumption of transformation.

What made him a little confused was who sent Allen back in the original work?

You know, in the original work, Grisha also brought Alan to the forest area for inheritance.

But after the inheritance, how did Allen return to the refugee area?


Xia Yang couldn't figure it out for a while, so he stopped thinking about it.

These are all minor details, so don’t worry too much.

The most important thing now is to send Allen back first to prevent the abnormality here from being discovered.

Thinking like this, Xia Yang immediately picked up Allen and headed back to the refugee area.

But at the same time, Xia Yang's thoughts became alive again.

As I said before, if he wants to plot the power of the Nine Giants, he must have more contact with those hosts.

And Allen, who is about to gain the power of two giants, is naturally his first choice.

But what Xia Yang didn't expect was that Mikasa also had the power of a giant, so by some mistake, he first obtained the power of a sub-giant from Mikasa.

But now, Allen has obviously become his primary target again.

Because now Allen already possesses the power of two giants.

One of them is the strongest ancestor giant power!

"I wonder when will Allen drop the power of giants?"

Xia Yang couldn't help but look forward to it.

Although according to previous experience, if he kills Allen, there should be a high probability or even a certain loss of giant power.

But this method is only used by Xia Yang to deal with the Unsullied Giant.

For Allen, Of course, keeping them alive and dropping them continuously is the best way!

Next, I don’t know if he was responding to Xia Yang’s idea, when he took Allen back to the refugee area. At that moment, a light suddenly appeared on Allen's body!

The light showed the power of a giant!

The seven-colored light group was extremely conspicuous in the night, but he was not worried when he saw it.

It was tested on Mikasa that those large light groups containing the power of the giant are invisible to other people. In other words

, only he who has the power of the giant can see the existence of the power of the giant.

Even though it was late at night, Xia Yang was not worried about being discovered. However , when he saw the light group appearing, he did not pick it up immediately, but fell into deep thought.

Regarding Mikasa, he has understood that the power of the giant that Mikasa drops is not necessarily the power of the sub-giant.

In addition, it will also drop attributes, which is similar to the two types of giants. From the comparison of the giant's power, Xia Yang can basically deduce that the giant's power he can pick up should be attributes and specific giant's power.

In other words, the giant's power dropped by Allen is also not an attribute. It is the power of Attack on Titan or the power of the Ancestral Titan.

If it is an attribute, Xia Yang will naturally pick it up without hesitation.

But if it is the power of the Attack on Titan or the power of the Ancestral Titan, he has some. He hesitated.

The reason is very simple, it is precisely because of the"tenure" of the nine giant powers.

As we all know, the term of the nine giant powers is only thirteen years. In other words, from the time when the host obtains the giant power, He can only live for another thirteen years, and this is why Grisha is anxious to pass on the power of the giant to Eren.

"In this way, if I gain the power of the nine giants, will I only have thirteen years left to live?"

At this moment, Xia Yang hesitated.


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