Although the situation with the power of the Immaculate Giant was somewhat different from what he had expected, Xia Yang was still quite satisfied.

But the power of other giants is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The first is the sub-giant power from Mikasa.

I don’t know if it’s because the current sub-giant power has been upgraded to the primary sub-giant power. In short, in the past two years, Xia Yang has really discovered that the titan power dropped from Mikasa, especially the sub-giant power. The giant's strength has been significantly reduced.

It is precisely for this reason that after so long, Xia Yang's current sub-giant power is only twenty-five points.

It is worth mentioning that in Xia Yang's opinion, the power of this junior sub-giant should be upgraded.

But even though he already had twenty-five points of sub-giant power, the system prompt was still not triggered.

In other words, the current amount of sub-giant power is very likely not to be improved to the higher level he expected.

In this case, Xia Yang could only ignore it for the time being.

Fortunately, the current junior sub-giant power has brought him great help.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yang's thoughts changed and he thought of the power of the other two giants.

It is the power of Attack on Titan and the power of the Founding Titan.

Yes, even after two years, Xia Yang still has not obtained these two giant powers.

The reason is still unknown.

Xia Yang has tried many methods, and even deliberately asked Allen to fight the giant to see if he could drop a light ball containing the power of the giant, but he still failed.

In desperation, this idea of obtaining the power of two giants can only be shelved for the time being.

Also on hold was Xia Yang's idea of finding Diana Fritz.

As mentioned before, Diana Fritz is a bloodline of the Eldian royal family. Her blood is of great use, and it is the medium that uses the power of the coordinates of the ancestor giant.

At that time, Xia Yang was confidently preparing to obtain the power of the Ancestral Titan from Allen, so naturally he became more interested in Diana Fritz.

It's just a pity that maybe the blonde giant Diana transformed into has left Wall Maria. At least, Xia Yang has been out for the past two years and has not found any trace of her.

Of course, this may also be the reason why Xia Yang did not search extensively.

After all, although he is much stronger now than before, he is still not strong enough to completely swagger inside Wall Maria.

In addition, the idea of obtaining the ancestor giant has never been realized, so Xia Yang's determination to find the blond giant is not so determined.

And the above are Xia Yang's unfulfilled goals.

To sum up, these are the changes in Xia Yang in the two years since he returned to Wall Maria.

Xia Yang was quite satisfied with the transformation of the Innocent Giant, but the acquisition of the power of the other giants was somewhat unsatisfactory.

But at this time, there was no time for Xia Yang to continue the experiment, because two years had passed and it was time for him to return to the Wall of Ruth.

In this way, after dinner in the evening, Xia Yang immediately informed Allen and others of this idea.

"What! ? Go back to Wall of Ruth?"

When Allen and others heard this, they all looked surprised, even Karula.

In fact, over the past two years, they had become accustomed to this kind of life, and when they suddenly heard Xia Yang's thoughts, they were all surprised. Get up

"Why, brother Xia Yang?"

"Why should I go back? Have you forgotten what those people did to us?"

"And when they asked us to come back, they obviously wanted us to die. Now that we have finally gained a foothold here, what are we going to do?"

Alan jumped directly from the dining table and said with extreme confusion.

Armin and Karula also looked puzzled, and only Mikasa didn't react.

Of course, Xia Yang had already expected everyone's reaction, and he immediately said to Ai Lun smiled and said:"Alan, don't you want to go outside the wall and take a look?"

"Yes I do! Allen replied without hesitation, and then added:"Just because I wanted to go outside and see, I tried to learn from Brother Xia Yang how to deal with giants. I also have Mikasa Armin, and I have made great progress now. After a while, we should be able to fight our way out!"

At this time, Allen, even though he had experienced cruelty personally, still kept his enthusiasm.

However, his answer was also within Xia Yang's expectation.

After smiling, Xia Yang immediately said unhurriedly:"Since I want to go outside Look, that makes me want to go back even more"

"Allen, what I can teach you is actually very limited. The truly powerful and effective means to deal with giants are in the hands of those who drove us out, so we must go back."

When Allen heard this, he was stunned.

At this time, Almin said:"Mr. Xia Yang, but if we go back, will they allow it?"

Elmin was really smart and asked the key point at once.

After the government kicked them out, it was equivalent to abandoning them. Now it is not easy for them to go back.

After hearing this, Allen and others People also looked at Xia Yang again, waiting for his answer.

Xia Yang smiled again.

"The method is very simple, we just need to apply to join the training corps!"

Yes, he is going back this time to take Allen and others to join the training corps and become soldiers!

Allen and others suddenly looked at each other.


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