Early the next morning.

There was a happy atmosphere everywhere in the house.

Although something happened that broke the bottom line, Karula still got up early and prepared a hearty breakfast for Xia Yang.

However, sitting at the dining table, Xia Yang was completely uninterested in the sumptuous breakfast, but stared directly at Karula.

I don’t know if it’s because of the long drought, but Karula is extraordinarily beautiful today.

His eyes are like water and his skin seems to be white===She is much fairer and seems to be glowing.

At this time, although she was wearing simple clothes, she was also wearing a white apron. In addition to her delicate appearance, she couldn't help but add a bit of charm.

Xia Yang looked a little straight-eyed.

"What to see?"

Carula felt Xia Yang's gaze and couldn't help but blush.

Then, Xia Yang almost murmured:"I'm hungry.…"

"Eat breakfast when you're hungry."

When Karula heard this, she pushed the breakfast on the table strangely.

However, at this time, Xia Yang was still staring at Karula and said with a bad smile:"This is not what I want to eat."


Karula was stunned, and then saw Xia Yang's face full of desire.

She suddenly understood the meaning of Xia Yang's words, and the blush on her pretty face became a little thicker, like burning clouds in the sky. ,fan===People are abnormal.

There is no need to say more about what happens next.

Xia Yang ate two"breakfasts", and then he and Karula packed up their things with satisfaction and went to the training corps.

…… morning.

Training Corps.

It is worth mentioning that although Xia Yang did not come back last night, the inspection was not too strict during the gathering period, so he stayed out all night and was still not discovered. Then he arrived in time to participate in the morning training.

As soon as the training was over, Xia Yang immediately pulled Allen and others towards the cafeteria, saying that he had a surprise for them.

"Brother Xia Yang, where did you go last night?"

However, Allen and others are obviously more curious about Xia Yang's whereabouts last night.

One more thing to say here is that because of Xia Yang's existence, another situation has been changed.

That is Allen and others' roommates.

Mikasa will not say that for the time being. But in the original work, Allen and Ermin lived with Reiner himself, Berthold.

But this time, it was Allen Ermin who lived with Xia Yang. After finding out that Xia Yang was missing last night, both Xia Yang and Mikasa were a little curious. After hearing Allen's question, Xia Yang suddenly smiled and thought about how to answer this question properly..

It can’t be said that he and Karula spent a night of ecstasy yesterday, right?

But at this moment, a sound of laughter came from a distance.

"Oops, Brother Xia Yang, you are here, wait for me!"

Xia Yang and others heard the sound, turned around and saw that it was Connie, a little bald man, walking over with a smile.

In addition, there was Jean, who also came over with a friendly smile.

Several people had just After saying hello, the little bald man suddenly said mysteriously:"By the way, Brother Mengren and Allen, you guys probably don't know that a very popular cook has come to the cafeteria, right?"


Ellen raised his eyebrows.

Xia Yang raised the corners of his mouth.

"Yes, that one is really popular. I just heard about it. You will know later."

With that said, the little bald man walked to the cafeteria first.

After hearing this, everyone, except Xia Yang, became more curious.

Just like that, when they came to the cafeteria, what everyone saw was a scene of overcrowded people queuing up for food.

However, At this time, following the little bald head's signal, everyone clearly discovered that one of the queues was extremely long and very crowded. Many married people even wanted to sneak in.

"Did you see that? This is the charm of the cook. Many people are rushing to let her cook!"

"Let's go too, just in time to see what the cook looks like?"

The little bald man said a few words, and then took the initiative to lean over.

But at this moment, Jean spoke up:"What's so good about a cook? We'd better choose a team with fewer people, and eat quickly and go back to rest. Wait, is there training in the afternoon?"

Jiang was obviously more sensible and did not follow the trend blindly.

And Allen also agreed with his words:"Yeah, let's get food quickly and go back early, right?"


The little bald man hesitated for a moment.

But at this moment, what no one expected was that Xia Yang took the initiative and joined the queue of the cook the little bald man mentioned.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yang said to Allen and others:"You guys are coming too."

After hearing this, Allen and others were a little confused, but they didn't say much and followed immediately.

Jean also quickly shut up and followed the others wisely.

The reason why he is close to Xia Yang and others is entirely for Xia Yang!

In Rang's opinion, if there are no surprises, Xia Yang can definitely stand out among so many training recruits!

By that time, there is a high chance that he will join the Military Police Regiment. In this way, Rang, who had originally thought about joining the Military Police Regiment, naturally planned to have more contact with Xia Yang, a fierce man.

Xia Yang naturally didn't know what others were thinking. Now, he only thought about the chef that the little bald man talked about.

And then, when it was Xia Yang and others' turn, the appearance of the popular cook suddenly appeared clearly in front of Xia Yang and others.

The cook in front of me must be over thirty years old, but she is extremely well maintained, with smooth and fair skin, and long, silky hair tied into a big braid. There is always a smile on Guazi's pretty face, which is pleasing to the eye and feels cordial at the same time.

"Eh!! ?"

And after Allen and others saw the appearance of the cook, they were naturally stunned for the first time.

This very popular cook... If not Karula, who else!?


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