"Ding! You picked up the giant power and randomly obtained attribute spirit +2!"

The system prompt sound came.

Different from other attributes, Xia Yang couldn't help but feel refreshed at this time.

He was not surprised by this situation.

Because this is the phenomenon of increased mental attributes.

But at this time, from Mikasa Picking up spiritual attributes on his body made Xia Yang feel excited.

Speaking of which, according to his research, the specific attributes contained in the giant's power are also different when dropped.

This difference is reflected in individual performance.

For example, if a person is attacking, then the probability of him dropping strength attribute will be higher.

If he is moving, then it will be agility, and so on.

In other words, Mikasa will drop two points of mental attribute at this time, which is very likely. Maybe it was because she was mentally unstable at this time!

This also confirmed that her contact with Xia Yang this time was not calm. After realizing this, Xia Yang suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her again. Xiang Ermin.

Although Xia Yang won't gain anything from fighting Ermin, since he is competing with Allen and Mikasa, he naturally won't mind torturing Ermin again.

Ermin suddenly looked bitter again.

Fortunately, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side

"Ah, fierce brother, you are here!"

Elmin's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at the person.

This person was none other than the little bald man, Connie.

Speaking of which, everyone was not surprised by the appearance of the little bald man. After all, he had almost always been there during this period. At this time, after another round of greetings to Allen and others, the little bald man said to Xia Yang excitedly:"Brother fierce man, can I practice with you?

Hearing this, before Xia Yang could reply, Allen curled his lips and said,"You?""

"Let's forget it. Mikasa and I both lost to brother Xia Yang just now. Do you still dare to challenge him?"

At the same time, Ermin also looked at the little bald head with a look of"you are commendable for your courage."

The little bald head was stunned.

Then he scratched the back of his head and said with a smile:"Well, let's forget it."

After knowing each other for a while, the little bald man also understood the strength of Allen and others, especially Mikasa. Since Mikasa was defeated, he gave up this unrealistic idea.

But then, he seemed to As if remembering something, he sighed:"Brother fierce man, you are really amazing. In this fighting training, I think only another fierce man over there can compete with you.""

"Another tough guy? what does it mean?"

When Allen heard this, he suddenly felt strange.

Ermin and Mikasa couldn't understand it either, even if they called Xia Yang.

The little bald man immediately explained with a smile:"Actually, when the training started just now, I came over to find you, but there Next to me, I suddenly discovered another fierce man!"

"That fierce man had great fighting skills. He defeated six or seven people in one go, and it was a complete sweep. Woolen cloth! Now many people are gathered around to watch!"

The little bald head said and pointed to a certain direction in the square.

Xia Yang and others followed and looked over. Sure enough, they saw a lot of recruits gathered in that direction. Even Instructor Keith, who was responsible for supervising the training of the recruits, was there.

"oh! ? who is it? Brother Xia Yang, let’s go take a look too?

Allen immediately became interested and suggested immediately.

Hearing this, the little bald man's eyes suddenly lit up:"Okay, okay, I tell you, you will never guess who that fierce man is!""

As he said that, the little bald head also took the lead and walked away excitedly.

"Brother Xia Yang, Mikasa, Ermin, let’s go too!"

Ellen called out and followed.

Seeing that Xia Yang had no objections, Mikasa and Ermin also followed.

Xia Yang followed silently.

He had basically guessed the person the little bald head was talking about.

"She should be the person Connie was talking about."

Then, as expected.

When Xia Yang followed the little bald Allen and others to the gathering place of the new recruits, he looked across the crowd and saw a familiar figure.

"Hey, it’s…Ani! ?"

"Connie, you said the person who swept the recruits was, Ani?"

Allen and others were immediately surprised.

Yes, the figure in the crowd is exactly a blond girl with calm eyes and a world-weary temperament!

If not Ani, who else!?

At this moment, perhaps because Ani solved the problem The fighting was so fast that many of her opponents did not get up from the ground, including Reiner and Berthold, who looked embarrassed. Before this, he must have been defeated by Ani, and he was probably defeated mercilessly.

"Yes, it’s her, be surprised! ? Let me tell you, when I saw it just now, I was shocked. No one thought that she, who usually rarely talks and has an indifferent face, could be so good at fighting!"

The little bald man said in amazement.

At the same time, as if to confirm his words, Ani, who was on the field, suddenly flashed and directly grabbed the opponent's recruit's hand, and then threw it sharply! There was a bang , she won the victory like this!

When Allen and others saw this, they were even more surprised.

Only Xia Yang's eyes flashed, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


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