Seeing Ani kill the giant E that Ymir transformed into, Xia Yang suddenly nodded secretly.

What he didn't expect was that after Ymir's giant form collapsed like a dead one, a seven-colored light group containing power attributes actually fell out.

This reminded Xia Yang of the situation where the Unsullied Giant would definitely lose the power of the Giant after death.

Could it be that these two are the same?

But then, before Xia Yang could figure out the reason, something happened that made his expression change!

Ani, who had killed Ymir in front, did not cancel the transformation. Instead, she suddenly turned around and looked towards the hole where he was hiding with a pair of cold sky-blue eyes!

"Found! ?"

Xia Yang was startled. He subconsciously shrank his body and tried his best to hide his body in the cave entrance.

At the same time, his eyes locked on Ani through the gap between the ice and snow.

He did not expect that Ani was fighting fiercely. At the same time, she could still find his peek.

But...did she really notice it? Xia

Yang had to confirm this, so he did not completely retreat, even if it increased the possibility of exposure.

He also began to think about what to do if he was really discovered by Ani...

That's it. Next, what made his face become more solemn was that Ani not only looked at him, but also slowed down.

Slowly taking huge steps, walking towards this side

"Huh...did you really find out?"

Xia Yang took a breath and really started to think about countermeasures.

Although Ani's giant transformation just now showed more power than he expected, he did not lose confidence. If he activates the Wushu Giant, He still has the confidence to fight Ani.

He is afraid that Reiner and Berthold will join the battle together and the three of them will attack him together.

He was sure to win.

What should he do? However, at this moment, Reiner and Berthold suddenly shouted.


"Come and take a look!!"

When the giant Ani turned into heard this, he immediately moved.

Xia Yang raised his eyebrows.

He turned his eyes and saw that at this time, Reiner and Berthold were already familiar with hiding the upper body of the giant in Hubei. Inside, Ymir, who had fallen into a coma, was pulled out, and the broken body of the Titan of E began to vaporize and dissolve, as if it had been poisoned by the most powerful corrosive poison in the world.

From this point of view, it should be Reiner and He. Berthold discovered that the Titan of Hubei was Ymir, so he exclaimed.

After all, they were unaware of the host of the Titan of Hubei before and were called by Reiner and Berthold. Ani stopped walking towards the entrance of the cave and turned to look at the figure held by Reiner's hand.

After seeing Ymir's figure, her sky-blue eyes visibly fluctuated, but they soon returned. He regained his indifference.

In the next moment, the giant woman transformed by Ani slowly fell down, and then a large amount of steam emitted from her body.

As it vaporized and dissolved, Ani's figure emerged from the spine of the giantess and jumped up. Down

"How could it be her?"

She came to Reiner and Berthold and asked indifferently.

Reiner and Berthold naturally shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

When Xia Yang saw this, his heart suddenly moved.

So, Ani just now Didn't notice him, just vaguely sensed it?

Thinking of this, Xia Yang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, it seemed that he didn't have to face the three giants at the same time.

At this time, the three of them were surprised. After identifying themselves, they quickly discussed how to deal with Ymir.

"What to do now, do you want to kill Ymir...?"

"If I kill her... I don't know where the power of the Titan of Hubei will go."

"But we already know our identities..."

Ani had a cold face, obviously leaning towards the simplest method.

But then Reiner disagreed and said:"Let's wake her up and see what she says first. If she is willing to help us If so, it can be regarded as a helper.

Berthold also agreed:"I think Reiner's idea is good, but the noise here is a bit loud. Let's leave here first and then talk..." In this way, the three of them carried the unconscious Ymir and left the scene.

Xia Yang watched silently. There is no doubt that unlike in the original work, when Ymir was discovered by Reiner and others, it happened that Allen was arrested, so Reiner and others also tricked Ymir into following him. They returned to the Marley Empire together, but this time it was different. Reiner and others had not yet found the"power of coordinates", so they would not leave easily, so if Ymir did not cooperate, they might really destroy her. Kill.

Just thinking about it, Xia Yang didn't have the slightest intention to rescue. He just looked at A Ni and others quietly. He didn't look back until they disappeared from sight.

Then, Xia Yang turned his eyes. It fell on the body of the giantess left by Ani.

At this time, most of the body had been vaporized, and only some bones were left.

However, what Xia Yang mainly looked at was not these bones, but a colorful figure under the bones. The ball of light!

That's giant power!

Yes, this giant power was dropped by Ani just now, but it was too far away, so Xia Yang didn't get it for the first time.

After A Ni and others left, Xia Yang had time to look at the giant force. However

, Xia Yang did not rush to pick it up, but continued to lurk quietly next moment. At the same time that the giant's remains completely disappeared, there was a sound in the forest nearby, and two figures, a man and a woman, suddenly appeared.

It was Ani and Reiner who had returned!

When Xia Yang saw this, there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"Ani, why do you want to come back to take a look?"

At this time, Reiner glanced at the scene where there was no abnormality, and asked Ani suspiciously.

From these words, it is not difficult to hear that it was Ani who advocated coming back here to investigate.

"Let's go."

Ani also scanned the scene, but said nothing, and left directly.

The two figures disappeared again.

Xia Yang waited for a while, and saw that Ani and others really no longer appeared. Then he crawled out of the hole and picked up the giant power

"Ding! You picked up the power of the giant and gained the power of the female giant +1!"

Xia Yang was immediately overjoyed when he heard the system's beep.

Although the process was a bit thrilling, in the end he realized his idea and secretly picked up a lot of giant power!

And what moved Xia Yang's heart was that Ani The situation of losing giant power after canceling the giant transformation seems to be the same as when Ymir was killed!

From this, Xia Yang couldn't help but think:"Could it be said that every time the nine giant hosts cancel their transformation, they will look like this ? Just like the death of the Unsullied Titan, it will definitely drop the power of the Titan! ?"

If that's the case, that would be cool.

After these years of experiments, he has tested that the giant power obtained from the Unsullied Giant is not infinite.

Every time it drops the giant power, it seems to decrease. The chance of one drop, that is to say, the more the Titan's power drops, the less it will be.

Of course, in such a situation, if you just kill the Titan, you will definitely get a ball.

But now, with this discovery, Xia Yang saw the possibility of continuously obtaining giant power! Thinking of this, Xia Yang couldn't help but get excited again.

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