this moment.

Hannis and others were all stunned.

A six to seven meter tall, seemingly ferocious bald giant died in Xia Yang's hands in twos and twos!

Such a scene even made some people around who were busy escaping cast a shocked look.

It's really shocking!

And while Hannis and others were stunned in shock, Xia Yang raised the corner of his mouth again.

While he was sighing at the sharpness of the two knives in his hands, he was also somewhat pleased to verify his previous thoughts.

Killing a giant... there is a really high chance that the giant's power will drop, or even it will definitely drop!

Just like this moment, after the bald giant fell, another seven-colored light group appeared!

Moreover, there are two of them all at once!

"Pick it up!"

Without any hesitation, Xia Yang started thinking.

In the current situation, every time he obtains giant power, his survival rate will be greatly improved.

"Ding! You picked up Giant Power and gained Unsullied Giant Power +2!"

"Ding! You picked up the giant power and randomly obtained the physical attribute +1!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xia Yang suddenly nodded secretly.

Yes, he suddenly gained two points of the power of the Immaculate Giant, as well as some physical attributes.

Xia Yang felt a warmth in his body, and he felt vaguely stronger.

And picking up the power of the Innocent Titan again and again made him suddenly think:"It seems...these unintelligent Innocent Titans, even if they have the power of the Titan, are just the power of the Innocent Titan, and Not the power of the other nine giants"

"So, if I want to obtain the power of the other nine giants, I have to get close to the host of those giants?"

Xia Yang thought like this, and quickly converged his thoughts.

Because as the bald giant fell, another giant suddenly noticed Xia Yang, and then strode towards him.

"Do you understand? It's your turn!"

When Xia Yang saw this, he did not fight. Instead, he retreated and shouted to remind Hannis and others.

The giant attracted this time was also no more than ten meters tall. Xia Yang should be able to deal with it by himself.

But don't forget Well, there is more than one giant here, so Xia Yang must get Hannis and others into a state before the giants attack one after another, so that they can share the pressure with him.

"Oh, oh, good!"

Hannis and the others were startled and came to their senses one after another.

Immediately they looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and rushed towards the newly attracted giant!

It must be said that Xia Yang's demonstration behavior was still very effective.

Hannis Not only did Nice and others completely understand the"cutting off the feet" operation mentioned by Xia Yang, but they also gained invisible courage and encouragement because of Xia Yang's swift action of killing the giant!

Just the next moment, when the body like a house was in the distance! As they got closer and closer, the courage they had just raised suddenly began to drain quickly again.

Hannis and the other two soldiers slowed down their movements.


On the contrary, the fat soldier who was knocked unconscious by the giant just now seemed to be more courageous because he had fought with the giant. With an angry roar, he slashed towards the giant's heel with an even faster speed!


A cold light flashed, and blood suddenly flowed. It splashed out!

The fat soldier's sword cut off a third of the giant's right heel!

Seeing this achievement, the fat soldier's expression suddenly changed, but then his expression changed.


His knife obviously attracted the attention of the giant. After looking down, he immediately stretched out his big hand to grab it.

The fat soldier quickly retreated, but in his haste, how could he retreat so much that the giant's big hand could catch him?


As a result, the fat soldier suddenly turned pale and shouted. Seeing the shadow cast by the big hand, it quickly enveloped his body.


Seeing such a scene, Hannis and others' expressions also changed. Originally, they could have dealt with the giant together with the fat soldier, but because of fear, they took a few steps slower.

Now it is too late for them to want to help. I could only watch the giant's big hand getting closer and closer to the fat soldier.…


The fat soldier's screams became more and more distorted. He could almost predict the fate of being caught by the giant's big hand! He would definitely be sent into the bloody mouth, and he would even suffer astonishing torture, tearing, and chewing during the process.!


Despair appeared on the face of the fat soldier.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to them!

There was a flash of cold light, and three fingers of the giant hand that was grabbing the fat soldier were suddenly broken!

As a result, the fat soldier's big hand suddenly failed.

The fat soldier reacted quickly and ran away from the giant. At this time, he had time to look at Xia

Yang gratefully.!

The reason why the giant hand suddenly broke three fingers was because Xia Yang came to the rescue at the critical moment!

When Hannis and others saw this, they suddenly looked ashamed.

But what they didn't expect was that Xia Yang did not blame them, but continued. Encouragement:"Don't be afraid, that's what a giant is. Continue, its movement speed has been reduced a lot now."

Hearing Xia Yang's words, Hannis and others felt even more guilty. The courage that had disappeared was miraculously restored at this moment!

"Let's go!"

Hannis gritted his teeth and finally rushed forward with his two swords in hand!

The other two soldiers looked at each other and finally followed without hesitation.

The fat soldier did not lag behind. Several battles with the giant gave him a vague It took a lot of training.

But this time, there was no surprise.

Under the siege of Hannis and others, both of the giant's heels were almost cut off, and then they fell to the ground hard! Seeing Xia Yang successfully harvesting the giant, Hannis and others couldn't help but feel stunned. Did they really do it? It turns out that the giant... is really not scary?


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