A flash of cold light.

Mikasa swung her two swords and cut off a piece of scalp from a buck-toothed giant.

Immediately, her eyes narrowed, and she was about to fly around and deal with the buck-toothed giant who was staggering...

However, at this moment, her expression suddenly changed again.


But at this time, she saw from the corner of her eye that Allen, not far away, seemed to be in danger again.

Because at this time, Allen was fighting a giant, but a giant next to him was also killed. Attracted.

Seeing this, Mikasa couldn't sit still, and quickly gave up on dealing with the buck-toothed giant, and flew towards Allen in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment.

, but Allen suddenly broke out!

His figure flashed, and with a large amount of blood, he cut off most of the neck of one of the giants!

In this way, the giant fell directly to the ground!

On the side, even if he was not dead, he almost lost his fighting power.

Then, Allen slashed at the remaining giant again.

But at the same time, he saw Mikasa approaching, and immediately frowned:"Mikasa.

" , why are you here again!


"Didn’t you say you don’t have to watch? I can handle it myself!"

Hearing Allen's words, Mikasa once again showed a hint of helplessness on her face.

"Got it..." As soon as she finished speaking, she flew back again.

The buck-toothed giant whose scalp she had just scalped suddenly stood firm at this time. Although his head was still bleeding and smoking, it was obviously already gone. He regained his fighting strength.

At this moment, he saw Mikasa flying back, and he was immediately attracted, and he strode towards him.

A cold light flashed in Mikasa's eyes, and he was about to finish off the buck-toothed giant.

However, at this moment, he was killed again. A giant appeared!

This giant had a fat body, a delicate face, and a pair of big eyes, which actually made Mikasa feel familiar.


Mikasa was startled, and then she quickly remembered something.

Isn't this giant the fat giant that just kept wandering around Reiner outside the wall and did a lot of strange things?

Mikasa didn't expect that this fat giant, It actually appeared at this time, and it seemed to be eyeing her, and it came almost in unison with the buck-toothed giant.

When she came back to her senses, Mikasa's eyes flashed with coldness again.

Since Allen could deal with two ordinary people. Giant, then she can do it.

Even if the obese giant among them is a strange species!

Besides, neither the obese giant nor the original buck-toothed giant is more than ten meters tall. This level is obviously not good enough. Relatively easy to deal with.

With this thought, Mikasa continued to fly away.

The first thing that came to meet him was the buck-toothed giant.

The blood and strange smoke spread in the wind.

The double blades in Mikasa's hands suddenly tightened..

Originally she planned to go around and kill the buck-tooth giant, but because of the existence of the fat giant, she decided not to do so, but decided to kill him head-on!

The next moment, when she came to the buck-tooth giant, Mikasa suddenly The figure condensed, and the two blades in his hands suddenly burst out! A cold light like a crescent moon flashed in the air!

There was a pop!

The buck-toothed giant's neck was suddenly split open.

Come on.

In an instant, blood started to flow.

Mikasa took a small breath of the sweet air, but did not stop.

She kicked the buck-toothed giant on the shoulder and jumped away in mid-air, just avoiding a grab.

The big hand came.

It turned out that just when Mikasa was attacking the buck-toothed giant, the fat giant also arrived, and then stretched out his fat hand to grab it.

Mikasa reacted quickly and took advantage of the situation to dodge.

But at this time, the fat giant didn't give up.

He slowly turned his fat hand and grabbed Mikasa again.


Mikasa noticed this and snorted coldly, and then shot out the steel rope.

With a whoosh.

This steel rope was shot directly by Mikasa onto the fat giant's shoulder and penetrated.

And in the fixed position, Mikasa shot the steel rope directly. In an instant, Mikasa stepped forward to meet the big hand instead of retreating. Huh... the wind suddenly rose, Mikasa actually took the steel rope, circled it several times, and directly wrapped it around the fat giant's grasping hand!

In this situation, the figure couldn't help but froze, and then the big hand that was grabbing it suddenly froze because it was entangled with the steel rope. Seeing this, Mikasa suddenly waved the blade in her hand and made another puff!

The giant's right hand was broken directly from the shoulder.

A large amount of blood spurted out, accompanied by thick smoke.

Mikasa felt relieved when she saw this, and was about to retract the cable, and then completely eliminate the threat of losing her right hand. The fat giant lost weight, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

The fat giant's intact left hand suddenly seemed to be grabbing Mikasa very quickly!

Its speed was almost several times that of the previous right hand!

"What! ?"

Mikasa suddenly looked shocked.

This change happened too fast, and the big hand came too fast, so fast that she didn't even have time to react, and her body had already fallen into the big hand.

At this moment, Mikasa Her face changed completely. Her body moved wildly, but it had no effect.

An almost suffocating force came...

The power of that fat hand was equally astonishing, clamping down on her body like an iron pincer!

Then, before Mikasa could do anything else, she felt a spin, and then her whole consciousness fell into darkness.

But it was the fat giant who grabbed her and pushed her body to the side. The wooden house was smashed down!

There was a sound of wood chips flying everywhere.

The fat giant let go of his hand, and Mikasa's body fell quietly inside the wooden house.


At this moment, Allen and Armin's expressions suddenly changed.

One of them was near Mikasa, and the other was looking at the top of the city, so they both saw the situation here for the first time, and then fell into shock!

They didn't Thinking that among their recruits, Mikasa, whose strength was almost second to Xia Yang, was actually defeated and knocked unconscious by the giant!

Subconsciously, when Allen and Ermin looked at their fellow soldiers to defeat Mikasa's giant, they were stunned again. They all immediately recognized this fat giant!

However, what Allen and Ermin didn't know was that this fat giant was none other than Xia Yang!

-------_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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