Looking at the slowly lit up Pikachu head, the beasts were not surprised.

I even think it's reasonable.

Anyway, when he reached the realm of Chu Zi's predecessors, he didn't care about his appearance for a long time.

All things are me, and I am all things!

All beings have no self and no appearance, and are regarded as the true self and all appearances!

That's what it means.

The spirit beasts shook themselves for a moment, and then began to think about the next more important question.



Senior Chu Zi wants to guide us?

The spirit beasts did not rush to speak, but fell into deep thought, thinking seriously.

To be guided by a [master] of Chu Zi's senior's level, the opportunity is not available at any time.

You only get one chance.

What should I ask a question?

Well... You have to ask a question that is deep enough to bother you for a long time.

Once this problem is solved, he will break through the shackles of the bloodline and become an existence at the level of the four ancient divine beasts.

After pondering for a moment, the Sea Dragon King asked first.

"Senior Chu Zi, I have cultivated for more than a thousand years, but I have never been able to break through the shackles of my ancestral bloodline, does this mean that my efforts for thousands of years have been in vain?"

"Could it be... Is hard work really no match for genius? The

words showed the unwillingness of the Sea Dragon King.

He thought that he was no worse than the bloodline of the four ancient divine beasts.

But after cultivating so far, he has a sense of confusion.

No matter how he chased after him, he found that it was always difficult to erase the gap with the four ancient divine beasts.

Especially the steady breathing of the old beast king from the Ten Thousand Beasts Palace, which made him even more disheartened.



Why is genius destined to be superior?

I'm going to go against the sky!

The Sea Dragon King wanted Chu Zi to say these words in person to strengthen the belief in his heart.

This behavior is colloquially known as chicken soup for the soul.

"Yes! Your thousands of years of cultivation have been in vain! If hard work works, then what do you need to be a genius for? Isn't genius there to hit you?

"Next question!"


The Sea Dragon King was stunned for a moment and dried up this bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

Instantly depressed.

Chu Zi: Comfortable!

The mood is much better.

Sure enough, true happiness is built on the pain of others.

"Senior Chu Zi, I am obviously not weaker than other spirit beasts, but I can't do anything well, even the transformation is a few years later than other spirit beasts, I feel that my beast life is dark. What do you think?

"I think you're right! You're so dark, beasts should be dark! Don't worry, your future beasts will be even darker!

"Next question!"

Will it be darker?


"Senior Chu Zi, I don't think my talent has been shown yet, should I fight again and hit a higher level?"

"I don't want you to think, I want me to feel! I think you're out of play, so it's better to hold on and live for two more years.

"Next question!"


"Senior Chu Zi, I suddenly found that I was very small, is it that the higher the realm, the more I see and know, the more I will feel small? Am I right to feel that way?

"That's not right! I feel great!

"Next question!"

"Senior Chu Zi, do you think my bloodline is still possible?"

"No such thing!"

"Next question!"

Chu Zi's fluttering words blocked all their way forward.

It didn't take long.

The mythical beasts of the older generation are collectively closed and fall into self-doubt.

"Who's in trouble?"

None of the beasts answered.

Even if you have questions, you don't dare to ask.

If I continue to ask, I'm afraid that the demons in my heart will be asked.

There are some things that I still don't know.

"Young man, what about you? Your beasts still have a long way to live, don't you know what lies ahead?

"Don't you have doubts about your beasts?"

"If there is any confusion, just ask! I must know everything!

Chu Zi set his eyes on these spirit beasts that had not yet transformed, and said indifferently.

It's not that he wants to solve the puzzle too much, but the feeling of hitting people is too pleasant.

Especially to fight these self-esteemed beasts.

The original depression was swept away.

The young spirit beasts looked at each other, and it was really difficult to speak.

But Chu Zi asked them to ask, and they didn't dare not ask.

Not asking is disrespectful.

Moreover, the question must be profound, otherwise you will not be able to show your understanding of cultivation.

That... What are the most profound and complex questions in the world?


The young spirit beasts couldn't help but fall into deep thought, thinking about how to speak.

Suddenly, a trace of pain flashed in the depths of the young Xiao Haijiao's eyes, and then she let out a long sigh and asked.

"Senior Chu Zi, do you think... Should I find someone who likes me, or find one that I like?

King Haijiao nodded with satisfaction and called filial piety.

The expressions of the older generation of divine beasts were complicated, and it was difficult to keep calm.

Some people look up at the sky and pretend to be relieved.

Some people sigh for a long time, still thinking about the past.

The Sea Dragon King's face turned pale, and he remembered the incident when the Sea Dragon King peeked at his wife taking a bath hundreds of years ago.

The young spirit beasts were overjoyed.

Senior Chu Zi said that he could ask any question, and he didn't say that he couldn't ask emotional questions!

Instead of being hit by the problem of cultivation, it is better to ask a question of feelings.

Although Chu Zi's predecessors have worked hard in cultivation, they can't also hit people on emotional issues, right?

Chu Zi was really stunned, what kind of problem is this?

Emotional experts?

Friends of Women?

Shouldn't you spirit beasts ask about cultivation?

Why are you still interested in relationship problems?

After pondering for a while, Chu Zi understood the reason.

The spirit beasts can't get out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Enchantment, and in addition to cultivation, it seems that they can only fall in love and kill time.

Whose youth is not confused?

No wonder this kind of question is asked.

If you like me, what do you choose?

This is indeed a problem.

If you had to choose, you would have to do it all.

"Wake up, no one will like you."

Chu Zi replied.




In an instant, more than half of the spirit beasts' bodies shook and vomited blood.

"Of course, you can't look down on what you like!"





Only the seven big characters of [Blind Date and Love Family] shine brightly.




Outside the Dark Forest.

Tianhe place.

The girl with a black six-pointed star on her forehead sighed as she looked at the boundless huge enchantment.

"Ten Thousand Beasts Enchantment... It's terrifying!

"Even if an emperor-level powerhouse is there in person, it is impossible to break through the Ten Thousand Beast Enchantment with brute force."

"Except for me after Mahayana, I'm afraid no one in the world can break the enchantment of ten thousand beasts!"

The words are full of confidence and domineering.

"The hosts! News came from the Dark Forest that the Ten Thousand Beast Enchantment that covered the sky above the Bright Forest a few days ago had been broken!

The Three-Headed Hellhound said in a deep voice.

"What? That's impossible! The

girl exclaimed, she didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

Then he closed his eyes and began to read the memories of the three-headed dog of hell.

In the picture, five rays of light pierced the sky like a sharp sword, completely piercing the enchantment of ten thousand beasts.

A young man stood proudly under the pillar of light of the five heavens, like an immortal.

The girl's heart trembled, "... It's him... Really... Only he can do it..."

"So you're in the Forest of Light... You're so close to me..."

"I miss you so much... Do you miss me..."


The three-headed dog of hell couldn't help but cough lightly, interrupting the girl's fantasy.

"You're going to die?!"

The girl's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she wanted to chop the three-headed dog of hell alive.

"Master, you... Drooling. "

Get out!"

"Li Shu, it seems that the day when you and I are broken is afraid that it will be advanced!"

The girl bowed her head and muttered to herself, the cold killing intent that made the three-headed dog of hell tremble.

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