"I remember I told you very clearly, don't let others sign my spirit beast, don't you understand?"

Li Shu spilled all the anger he received from Chu Zi on the old dean's body.

Being pointed at by the trainees like this, the old dean said that it was the first time he had been a dean for so many years.

However, not only did he not dare to be angry, but he also had to serve with promises.

After all, this matter was something he had guaranteed before.

There is a more important point.

When Li Shu just entered the door, he broke his current bottleneck with a word.

"You have a good talent, the imperial level should not be your limit, but your cultivation method is not right, I will give you four mantras, you help me suppress this matter."

"Recognize the nine houses and nine stars, and the eight doors go one by one."

"The nine palaces are the value symbols, and the eight gates are self-distinguishing."

A few simple words directly shocked the old dean.

With his imperial cultivator's state of mind, he couldn't understand what Li Shu was saying at all, but he felt that these words were very powerful.

I didn't understand but I was shocked.

I don't know how to feel it.

Pondering carefully, these few sentences are his point.

Non-profound people cannot have such understanding.

But why did Li Shu have such an understanding?

The old dean carefully studied her materials when she was enrolled.


Everything about Li Shu is a mystery.

But one thing is certain.

Li Shu is a Terran.

It is enough to know this.

As for Li Shu's origin, why delve into it?

In case there is really some earth-shattering secret involved, it will not benefit the old dean at all.

It's hard to be confused.

"Xiaoshu, don't be angry, you listen to my quibbles."

"Let's not talk about that G-class beast, so to speak, he will not help you at all, and will even drag you down."

"With your qualifications, you can completely sign those four A-grade spirit beasts."

"Of course, the A-grade spirit beast is only your transition, and the S-grade spirit beast is your real beginning."

The old dean said seriously.

"Our academy can't provide you with the opportunity to sign an S-grade spirit beast so far, you need to fight for it yourself."

"In three months, the competition of the seven colleges will begin."

"The winner will have the opportunity to sign an S-class spirit beast, and that is your goal."

"Originally, freshmen were not qualified to participate, but I tried my best to get you a chance."

"With the strength of your current Spirit Level cultivator, plus an A-grade spirit beast, you have a great chance of winning the championship in the Seven Great Academy."

"Although it has been nearly a hundred years since no trainee can sign an S-grade spirit beast, I have inexplicable confidence in you."

The winners of the seven academies will be eligible to sign S-class spirit beasts.

However, being eligible does not mean that you can sign up.

[Winner] is just an admission ticket to sign an S-class spirit beast.

If you want to sign a successful contract, you need to be recognized by the contract beast.

Let them see the benefits of signing up with you.

However, the strength of the trainees is generally not very strong, and what can really attract the contract beast is the talent and potential of the trainees.

In a hundred years, no academy has been able to sign a contract with an S-class contract beast, which is enough to see the difficulty of this matter.

Because the higher the level of the contract beast, the higher the wisdom.

When the Terrans choose the contract beast, the contract beast is also choosing the Terran race.

Of course, Li Shu knew this, so she chose to join the academy in the first place.

This is the fastest way to sign an S-class spirit beast.

However, Li Shu changed her mind when she saw Chu Zi.

S-class spirit beasts with high intelligence?

Can you have a little love classmate high?

S-class spirit beasts are strong?

Xiaoai classmates have high potential!

Can S-level spirit beasts share skills with their masters?

Xiao Ai classmates bring their own gifted skills!

S-class spirit beast?

Conservative estimate, Xiao Ai classmate started SSS first generation divine beast!

How to compare?

There is no comparison.

For Li Shu, letting Xiao Ai compare with S-class spirit beasts is the biggest insult to him.

"Not interested."


"Don't touch that little beast, I don't want to kill."

"The one named Xiao Yu, you will see how to deal with it yourself, don't let him affect me to sign Xiaoai classmates."

"Otherwise, one day I will destroy his entire clan."


The office door was slammed shut.

The old dean was messy.

Not interested in signing S-class spirit beasts?

You're going crazy!

Your talent is visible to the naked eye and can definitely attract the attention of S-grade spirit beasts.

Don't talk about S-grade spirit beasts, if I were a spirit beast, I would have to rush to sign a contract with you!"

The old dean thought so.

That little goose yellow beast left it alone for the time being.

The current priority is to let Li Shu participate in the Academy Championship.

Thinking of this, the old dean suddenly felt very funny.

In previous years' competitions, the trainees fought for the first place.

In the end, it was no longer a fight between the trainees, but a family fight behind the cadets.

As a last resort, the empire established an internal selection system.

Only the top eight in terms of combined combat power are eligible to participate in the tournament.

Such a rare opportunity, Li Shu was actually not interested!

What was she thinking?

The old dean fell into a long thought.

As for Xiao Yu, who was injured, it was not in his consideration at all.

"It's [normal] for classmates to fight each other, and it's [normal] to break arms and legs, and whoever is dissatisfied can directly submit a protest to a higher level."

A fluttering sentence sent the Xiao family away.

The people of the Xiao family did not dare to say anything more.

Because this is the Exploding Heaven Academy directly under the empire, it is a place to cultivate talents for the empire.

If anyone dares to extend their hand to the academy, the controller of the empire does not mind killing chickens and monkeys.

Now, there are two things before the old dean.

One was to find a way to let Li Shu participate in the Seven Great Colleges Competition of the Tian Yuan Continent to win her a chance to sign an S-grade spirit beast.

Second, find a quiet place to understand Li Shu's four mantras.

Two things are equally important.

Not long after, the senior management of the college gathered in the old dean's office.

"Looking for everyone today, one thing."

"I want Li Shu to participate in the academy battle."

The mentors were just about to express their opinions, but were stopped by the old dean's raised hand.

"It sounds ridiculous to have a freshman go to the academy competition."

"However, Li Shu has this strength."

The mentors were in an uproar.

We all know that Li Shu is talented, but I didn't expect that the old dean would actually give such a high evaluation.

"The problem now is that Xiaoshu doesn't want to go."

Before the instructors could catch their breath, they were in an uproar again.

Don't want to go?

Every year for this place, I have to fight for a place and break the blood, and now the opportunity is in front of me, but I don't want to go?

"Everyone gave an idea to see if there was any way to persuade Xiaoshu."


Now, there is only one thing in front of Li Shu.

How can I get Xiao Ai to sign a contract with me.


Now, there is also one thing in front of Chu Zi.

It's a good thing, and it's a bad thing.

The salted fish system is seriously ill.

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