"Jingle bell~!"

The bell suddenly rang on the altar in the depths of the demon race.

Shocked by the bell, the witch qi that permeated the mouth of the copper bell began to spin wildly.

Even the scenery above the bell was disrupted.

In the picture, the

tree species breaks through the ground again, and in the blink of an eye it is a towering tree!

Rivers enter the sea, and heavy rain pours down!

It seems that in the blink of an eye, the countercurrent time has returned to normal operation.

The two women looked at each other and saw the shock and puzzlement in each other's eyes.

"Has this happened before?"

The demon lord's face was already a little sickly pale, and now it was directly and completely white.

Shaking his head, he said, "The copper bell rings once every hundred years, but it has never been as non-stop as it is today!"

"Could it be Senior Chu Zi..." The

two women did not speak, but they already recognized the demon lord's speculation in their hearts.

"Jingle bell~!"

Another hurried bell rang.

The scenery of all things is completely shattered!

Four rays of light lit up at the same time, protecting Li Shu and the other four from the erosion of the power of time.

However, the four still underestimated the power of time.

Because the ghost lord fought with the three-legged golden crow, the ghost qi in his body was not as good as before.

The first one couldn't hold on and coughed up blood.

The demon lord has the same source as the power of time, and can barely support.

But it doesn't seem to last long.

Instead, Li Shu fused with the eighth gold-black enchantment and was temporarily unharmed.

The four gritted their teeth and persevered, feeling the mystery of the power of time up close.

"Jingle bells!"

"Jingle bells!"

"Jingle bells!"

"Stop arguing! Made! It's endless, isn't it!

Chu Zi closed his eyes and scolded angrily.

This ringing is the fear etched in his DNA.

He unconsciously remembered the fear of being dominated by an alarm clock.

Another point is that the tinkling keeps him into thinking that the system is ringing, causing him to constantly check the system.

Mahjong is uncomfortable!


The ringing stopped.

The altar has returned to its former tranquility.

The landscape of all things is still evolving on it according to its own trajectory.

The Four Who Resisted Desperately: ???

Looking at Chu Zi, who was too lazy to even open his eyelids, the four of them were completely speechless.

All right!

It's you!



Chu Zigang was about to scold, but found that this time it was the voice of the system.

Sure enough, the special taskbar lit up.

[Special Mission: Alien Fish Touching (1/3) Demon Race Chapter, completed, get reward] [Mission Reward (1/3

): 100 million lying average value

] [Basic Attribute Dan *100000] [Five Elements Attribute Dan *100

] [Yin Yang Attribute Dan *10] [Chaos Attribute Dan *2

] [Unlock Terran Ability:

Contract Spirit Beast]

Contract Spirit Beast?


But if there is a little use, Chu Zi will not scold people.

Does the spirit beast still use a contract?

【Reward Avatar Pill*1】

Solemnly put it away!

This is called lying flat task!

Don't do anything, just wait to collect the reward!

"Go to the ghost clan!"

After speaking, Chu Zimeizi closed her eyes and prepared to squint for a while.

After two days of rubbing mahjong, he was so tired!

But apart from playing mahjong and playing cards, he had no other entertainment.

You can't play hide-and-seek with these mythical beasts, right?


Li Shu still wants to understand here.

However, the eighth did not give her this opportunity.

"Can't you go? If you don't go, I'm leaving!" "

The eighth generation got up and took the demon two masters and flew towards the ghost clan.

Li Shu cursed secretly in her heart, but she was helpless.

If the eighth generation did not lead the way, I don't know how long I would be trapped in the demon clan.


Just shortly after several people left.

The copper bell, which had been lying quietly in the center of the altar, suddenly sounded without wind.

With the copper bell as the center, layers of water ripples towards the altar.


Four long poles erupted with dazzling black light, connecting with each other to form a dark light curtain.

Trap water ripples in it.


The bell on the altar turned over, and the body constantly trembled in the void.

The water ripples were also constantly colliding outward layer by layer at this time, and even the void was strangled out of folds.

If Chu Zi was here, he would definitely sigh:

The pole and the bell are fighting!

After two breaths, the water ripples have been superimposed on dozens of layers.

The void was torn into gaps.


The dark light curtain could no longer hold on, and it shattered into dozens of segments after a crisp sound!

The strong man who laid the back hand here only thought that the copper bell might be taken away from the outside.

That's why four long poles are laid out just in case.

But he never thought that one day the copper bell would collide from the inside and break the light curtain.

"Jingle bells!"

After pausing in the void for a moment, the copper bell finally flew towards the direction of Li Shu and the others, without turning his head.


Four people fly at high speed above the sky.

The eighth hummed an unknown ditty and was in a very good mood.

The peach leaf is on the tip, and the willow leaf is

hiding the heavenly Ming Ah Gong, listen carefully to my words~ Ah

this matter....

"Stop singing!"

Li Shu snorted coldly with a dark face.

The eighth shrugged, still smiling.

She had seen the bronze bell on the altar more than once.

But those four long poles use time as a formation, shielding them from all prying eyes.

If spiritual power wants to enter it, it has to pass through the torrent of time.

Not to mention the dangers are unimaginable, the slightest carelessness of mental power may be imprisoned forever.

Even if it is a smooth journey, it is difficult to touch the bell on the altar for tens of thousands of years.

That's why she put all her energy into the Wu Clan Altar.

I can only look forward to making plans after ascending to the Emperor Realm.

Unexpectedly, the Time Law Array was actually broken by Chu Zi today.

To be precise, it should be that Chu Zi found a way to open the Time Law Array.

A word of poetry!

That poem is the key to breaking the time formation!

When you have time in the future, you can slowly activate the time formation and feel the power of time in it.

Thinking of this, the eighth could not help but hum again.

Little Sister Nine, you go slowly, wait for my Eighth Sister ~ Ah!

Li Shu's face became darker and darker.

How could she not know what the eighth life thought.

But there was nothing she could do.

With her current strength, she can't move the bell of time at all.

I can only watch the eighth world take it for myself.

You can't expect the Bell of Time to run over to find yourself, can you?




The two women's bodies shook at the same time.

The eighth Huo Ran turned back.

Just now... It seems to be a ringtone?

However, the rear is nothing special except for the long witch atmosphere.

The eighth life can't help but wonder, is it my auditory hallucinations in the twilight of the bell of time?

Li Shu was expressionless, looked at the eighth and asked, "What's wrong?" "

I'm tired of flying and want to take a break." What about you, why did you stop too? Listening

to her say this, Li Shu was sure that the ringtone just now was indeed something.

Without thinking, he said, "I was thinking about something else." "

What's going on?"

"Something you don't know."

This time, it was the turn of the eighth generation to snort coldly and fly forward at great speed.

Li Shu followed silently.

No one looked back.

It seems that the ringtone just now is really an auditory hallucination.


Just shortly after the two left.

As the demon qi turned, a copper bell as bright as new slowly appeared in the void.

After pausing for a moment, he continued to chase Li Shu and the others.

However, this time it was much more careful, hiding in the void from time to time with the power of time.

There was no more noise.


In this way, after more than a month, the final destination of the alien journey - the deep capital of the ghost race.

It's finally here!


Li Shu was taken aback!

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