


Finally about to sign a contract!

Li Shu almost cried.

As a female emperor all her life, when did she whisper so lowly?

Everywhere you go, don't you have to be honored as "Lord Female Emperor"?

Even if he came to this life, he was a unique existence after entering the Exploding Heaven Academy.

I never have to attend classes and have my own private room.

No one is allowed to disturb without their own permission.

In a word, Zheng Bojun took her to the Spirit Beast Pavilion and randomly selected the spirit beast.

Entering the Spirit Beast Pavilion, as soon as the contract mark was taken out, four A-grade spirit beasts scrambled to grab the contract.

Even if he is the dean of the Exploding Heaven Academy, doesn't he also need his own guidance?

It's biased!

I can't do anything about a little goose yellow beast!

If only he were just an ordinary little beast!

It's biased!

He is a primordial divine beast cub!

What does the original divine beast mean?

He will mean a strong bloodline.

Bring your own gifted skills!

It will even inherit the treasures of the beginning of heaven and earth!

Once it grows up, it is not weaker than the legendary four divine beasts!

It will be even stronger!

The four divine beasts have such a high wisdom as him when they are young?

Know how to kill with a knife?

Not at all.

There are mythical beasts, and Xiaoai classmates have.

What the divine beast does not have, Xiao Ai classmates also have.

Only one point is that Xiao Ai classmate does not have the majesty of being a divine beast at all.

So what's the matter?

As long as I teach him well, coupled with his diligence, in less than a hundred years, he will definitely grow into an existence that is not weaker than the four divine beasts!

Li Shu thought like this, full of confidence in creating a powerful divine beast.

Hold your breath.





Li Shu once again took out the soul mark.

Powerful, majestic, and divine breath comes to the face.

The entire Spirit Beast Pavilion fell into madness.

The four A-grade spirit beasts on the top floor were roaring.

The more powerful the spirit beast, the more it could detect Li Shu's proud talent!

Chu Zi reached out and took it and placed it on his forehead.

Strands of filaments emanated from the soul imprint, condensed into chains, and communicated the souls of the two.

Then, an overwhelming stream of information flowed back and forth.

It was a fragment of the memory of the two.

At this moment, the memories of the two began to be shared.


In the picture, a young girl is born.

With her innately strong spiritual power, from the moment she stepped into the world of immortal cultivation, she attracted all the attention of the Terrans.

Decisive along the way, never hesitating.

The enemies along the way transformed into her long steps to the Imperial Realm.

Fight, fight, fight!

Step away!

Even if she is a daughter, she is just as arrogant!

A sword swings out of the mountains and rivers, and the people of the same generation are invincible.

Chu Zi sighed and sighed.

"This is also outrageous!"

"It's unreasonable!"

"If I were to write a novel, I wouldn't dare to write that!"

"Any genius has to have a growth process, right?"

"But she seems to have been born strong!"

Chu Zi commented.

The screen turns again.

The girl's face was still grim, but the years had left traces on her jade-like face.

The wind hit, the hair flew, and the soft clothes were blown with a grin, outlining Li Shu's perfect figure.

Chu Zi's eyes straightened.

"Groove! That's too big!

"I want to be a point guard..." As

soon as the words fell, she drew the long sword at her waist.

A sword swings out of the mountains and rivers, everything falls, and the demons are pawns!

Countless creatures groaned in pain at her feet. groaned.

But she just took up the knife and fell with the knife in her hand, slashing from Mount Penglai Immortal to the foot of Mount Meru.

Not blinking!

Although Chu Zi had never seen it, he also guessed that these should be the alien races in Li Shu's mouth.

The sword light lasted in the void for months, and the entire continent trembled.

All the aliens were crawling at her feet.

She's alone!

Her name is Li Shu, also called the female emperor!

A woman who truly stands at the pinnacle of the Terrans!

In the final battle, she sacrificed the immortal weapon in her hand alone, breaking through the dimensional barrier and saving the fire of the Terran race rising again.

Through the dimensional wall, from another world.

That's all about Li Shu.

It's wonderful but also boring.

Wonderful battles, boring life.

Afraid of omissions, Chu Zi took a cursory look at her memory again.

Gradually, the corners of Chu Zi's mouth turned up slightly.

"Xiaoshu really hasn't been in love~" Chu

Zi didn't know why he was so vicious, but he wanted to do it.

Opening his eyes and looking at the jade-like woman in front of him, Chu Zi suddenly felt incredible.

It was hard for him to imagine that the woman in his memory would be the same person as Xiaoshu in front of him.

Although Xiaoshu in front of her is also cold, she can do SPA, can sing the outside world, can sing Only You

Chu Zi has no doubt, if she lets that female emperor do these things, she is afraid that she will be hacked to death.

To sum up, Li Shu gave him a feeling of indifference but surprisingly strong.


Li Shu closed her eyes and was also reading Chu Zi's memory.

Three years ago.

The same three years ago.

Three years ago it was when she came into the world.

And it was the same day.

The fragments of memories about Chu Zi began three years ago.

A small goose-yellow beast opened its eyes in confusion.

Dull, cute, silly, silly, somewhat stained with cerebral palsy.

The corners of Li Shu's mouth turned up unconsciously.

She knew that this cute little beast was the little love classmate in her mouth.

Then, Xiao Ai's classmate was pulled up by the bounty hunter with his tail.

He doesn't struggle either.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is too lazy to struggle.

Then, Xiao Ai was sold to Fried Sky Academy by a bounty hunter.

After a series of tests, he was placed in the Spirit Beast Pavilion of the Exploding Heaven Academy.

Then, Xiao Ai began his salted fish life.



Look at other spirit beasts cultivating.



Look at other spirit beasts cultivating.

And so on for three years.

If anything, he's fat.

Other than that, Li Shu hardly saw any difference in him than when he first arrived.

This is all the memories of Xiaoai.

To sum it up, it's one word.

Surprisingly lazy.

The memory of the two sides was exchanged.

The next step is the reciprocal disclosure of the identity information of the two.

As the initiator, Li Shu first saw Chu Zi's information.

[Name: Chu Zi

] [Race: Beast, Pikachu

] [Age: 3

] [Bloodline Level: D (Growable)

] [Five Element Attributes: Wood, Water

] [Skill: Lightning Whip]



The more Li Shu looked at it, the more surprised she became.

He actually has a name and a surname?

Chu Zi?

Much worse than Xiaoai's classmates.

Li Shu was not very satisfied with Chu Zi's name.

But happy with the rest of him.

His ID tag was marked with a G, which was tested by the academy when he entered the cabinet.

There can be absolutely nothing wrong with that.

When I saw him for the first time, Xiao Ai quietly became F.

Now it is already a D-grade spirit beast.

Although the D-level spirit beast is not a strong spirit beast, [Growth] means that he has unlimited possibilities.

Although many spirit beasts are grown, [Growable] is not the same as [Growable].

The growth of other spirit beasts is only slightly enhanced on the original basis.

But Xiaoai's growthability refers to [can grow on a rocket].

Speed is not the same.

At the same time, Chu Zi also got Li Shu's information.

This is the benefit of equal contracts.

Information can be shared between the two sides, so that they can give full play to their respective strengths when fighting against others.

However, not every spirit beast is qualified to sign an equal contract with the host.

This requires the host's mental strength to be strong, and it is more necessary for the two parties to fit perfectly in spirit.

Obviously, Chu Zi and Li Shu have a perfect fit.

[Name: Li Shu

] [Race: Terrans

] [Realm: Spirit Level (Growable)

] [Contract Beast: Pikachu]

The information is very simple, just like her person.

Not long after, the contract imprint that the two fused together split in two.

Each one is the original size.

One flew back to Li Shu's forehead and merged with her.

The other remained at Chu Zi's soul.

Li Shu opened her eyes, and the surprise in her eyes became stronger.

She didn't know him because she signed a contract with Chu Zi.

On the contrary, she felt that she could not see through Chu Zi even more.

For example, why can he become able to advance while lying down?

For another example, how is Xiao Ai's contract imprint different from what is written in the book?

How do I feel that I signed a contract not as a spirit beast, but more like a person?


Opening the door of the spirit beast cage, Li Shu took Chu Zi out and put it in his arms.

She did not put the spirit beast inside the spirit beast ball like other imperial beast masters.

However, Chu Zi still felt the existence of [Ball].



[Sign successfully, hidden tasks completed, get rewards].

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