Early morning.

The first rays of golden light appeared from the far east.

Then, the red clouds stretched for thousands of miles.

The sun is shining brightly and full of life.

The entire Tianyuan City was bathed in endless auspiciousness.

The streets have long been full of people, with open arms, enjoying the gifts of heaven and earth.

The mortal disease was gone, the old man of the wind candle was full of glory, and even the cultivator could clearly feel that the flow of spiritual power was smoother.

God bless the Terrans!

Terrans are booming!


The seven academies assembled at the gate of the Colosseum.

According to the comprehensive strength ranking, Tian Yuan Academy still stands at the top of the seven major colleges.

Looking at the red light in the sky, the trainees wanted to shout [Lying groove] twice.

But in order to show that he has seen the world, he can only do something else to distract him.

Hejing glanced sideways at Li Shu and revealed a charming smile.

The female trainees were all crispy.

I have to say that the crane path can become the face of the Tian Yuan Academy, in addition to being ahead of everyone, its appearance is also beyond everyone's reach.

The so-called more handsome, the stronger the strength, is not just talk.

Li Shu was expressionless, her eyes always on the huge statue in front of the Colosseum.

It was a heroic and extraordinary man.

The eyes are sharp, as if looking at the void.

The divine beast Golden Dragon accompanied him.

The evil demon wrath wailed at its feet.


It is the strongest person in the history of the Terran race - Ji Xuanyuan.

Staring into his eyes, Li Shu could still feel the aftermath from ancient times.

Chu Zi also looked solemn.

Standing on Li Shu's shoulder, tears appeared in the corners of his eyes, and he looked solemnly at the huge statue in front of him.

Ji Xuanyuan.

This name has a special meaning to him, to the people of Blue Star as a whole.

Because Ji Xuanyuan also has another title - the Yellow Emperor.

The ancestor of humanity.

The most noble of the dragon family is the green dragon.

However, Chu Zi knew that above the green dragon there was also the legendary golden dragon.

It's just that the golden dragon doesn't show up in the world.

The only time it was clearly recorded was to appear next to the Yellow Emperor.

The extraordinary appearance of the man in front of him and the golden dragon behind him confirm that he is the ancestor of Blue Star, the Yellow Emperor.

According to legend, the Yellow Emperor was led by the golden dragon in Dinghu and rode the dragon to meet the Heavenly Emperor.

It's just that somehow, he ended up in the Tian Yuan Continent.

As a Blue Star person, it is difficult to calm down when you see the statue of the Yellow Emperor.

It's a sense of belonging in your blood.

As a fantasy author, Chu Zi has a particularly strong feeling for this feeling.

While thinking, the auspicious clouds dispersed.

The cadets waited in strict formation, quietly waiting for the arrival of the high-level of the empire.


The King of the Terran turned a little pale, and slowly withdrew his hands placed in the Gathering Spirit Law Array.

The red light in the sky was the alien phase condensed by him with great mana.

But it's not a celestial phenomenon.

Although it is a bit self-deceptional, it is not to be taken for the sake of enhancing the confidence of the Terrans.

"Let's go! Witness the future of our Terrans! The

king of the Terrans was just about to take off into the air, but a flash of black qi suddenly flashed on the little finger of his right hand.

The originally tall body suddenly froze in the air, and then trembled.

Closed teeth.

The green tendons burst out.

The sect-level powerhouses in the rear panicked for a while, and wanted to step forward, but they were pushed out by the violent spiritual power.

"None... Impede! Just

two words, he had to grit his teeth to say it.

In order to create the abnormal phase just now, he spent too much spiritual power.

Now, the demonic qi in his body was on the verge of breaking out.

Once the demon qi breaks out, it is in danger of falling at any time.

The sect-level powerhouses were anxious in their hearts, but they were overwhelmed.

At this time.

A pair of slender jade hands appeared on his broad back and patted them gently.

In an instant, the violent spiritual power was like a long whale absorbing water, and it was all in the body.

Everyone was overjoyed and quickly leaned over to salute.

"Lord Dragon Girl!"

The Empire's Protector Spirit Beast, the Green Dragon, one of the four divine beasts, appeared in front of everyone.

"You guys go, he needs to rest."

The king of the Terran just wanted to speak, but was glared back by the dragon girl, and had to shake his head helplessly.

"There you guys."

The sect-level powerhouses looked solemn and soared into the air.

Eight of them galloped towards the eight directions of Tianyuan City.

Between breaths.

Eight mountain-like curtains of light slowly rose from the eight city heads.

When the brilliance was slightly weaker, the scene inside the Colosseum appeared on these eight light curtains.

The move sparked cheers from the city.

This is a powerful mana!

Although the Colosseum can accommodate tens of thousands of people, how many tens of thousands of people do you want to see the future of the Terrans?

With the real-time projection of the light curtain, even those who can't get there can still enjoy the supreme style of the future of the Terrans.

The first thing that appeared in front of everyone's eyes was Tian Yuan Academy, which ranked first in comprehensive strength.

"Hey! If this is a fee, how much money must be earned! The

old treasurer looked at the light curtain and sighed.



" "Hiss~" "Hiss~!"

"Tsuru Trail! That's the Crane Trail! This year's biggest hit, the Crane Trail! Looking

at the people of Tian Yuan Academy who were as white as jade and had a tall posture, the crowd made a sound of gasping for air.

Especially the teenager standing at the front has brought the four words of extraordinary temperament to the extreme.

God is not fair.

It is clear that he gave him such a handsome face, but he also had to give him such a good talent.

Envy others too!

"Big hit? Have you forgotten our Li Shu from the Exploding Heaven Academy? "

The four big characters of Li Shu at the top of the list gave the supporters of the Exploding Heaven Academy a strong self-confidence.

"Huh! When does the top spot mean winning? That's just a reference! Hearing

this, the supporters of the other academies could not help but secretly nod.

King-level beginner.

A+ Spirit Beast.

This is almost the top configuration to win the championship.

They couldn't think of what kind of trainees could defeat the crane path.

"Then you don't recognize the ranking of the sect-level powerhouses? Don't forget, our Li Shu's spirit beast is a divine beast that can already transform into a human form!

"With your identity, it is naturally impossible to have seen a divine beast!"

"Unfortunately, the contemptible person is from Xuanwu City, and I am fortunate enough to meet Li Shu, and I have even seen her divine beast Pikachu!"

The person who opened his mouth looked at the hillbilly with an expression and looked at the supporters of Tian Yuan Academy with disdain.

It's so cool!

Since coming to Tianyuan City, he has always been regarded as a hillbilly.

Now he finally experienced the feeling of superiority.

Everyone immediately gathered around.

Divine beasts have always been the best talking point.

This is especially true of sacred beasts that have never been recorded.

"That divine beast Pikachu is more than thirty meters tall, and the spread of its wings is even more amazing! Covered in iron scales, even ordinary spiritual power is difficult to move.


"The divine beast should be like this!"

"I am fortunate to meet Pikachu today, and I am lucky to have three lives!"

"It's nothing! What is really powerful is Pikachu's temperament, majestic and arrogant! The eyes are murderous, and the view is heartbreaking!

"That roar is enough to shock 30,000 alien races!"

"Tell me, if Li Shu cooperates with him, how can he lose?"

"Excuse me, how do you lose?"

Everyone nodded again.

What he said is very much in line with the image of the divine beast in everyone's hearts.

The supporters of Tian Yuan Academy were flushed, wanting to refute, but they didn't know how to speak.

He really couldn't think of a reason for Pikachu to lose.

Not to mention the coercion of divine beasts against ordinary spirit beasts.

Pikachu's huge body that was thirty meters long alone could not be hit.

The so-called strength is not a loss.

"Hehe, ear, nose and throat, your mouth is the hardest!"

In the midst of the quarrel, the second light curtain became clearer.

Exploding Heaven Academy!

Li Shu's face appeared in everyone's sight.

The huge Tianyuan City was silent for a moment after Li Shu appeared.

Everyone was shocked by Li Shu and couldn't speak!

Fairy Linfan should be like that!

Then, everyone's breathing accelerated, and they gasped heavily.

The divine beast is about to appear.

No one can handle it calmly.

Here it comes!

Here it comes!

He's coming!

Divine beast, he is finally coming!



Li Shu did not hold the spirit beast ball to her chest like others.

Instead, there was a small goose yellow beast lying on her shoulder.

I don't know if it was intentional, eight light curtains focused on the goose-yellow beast at the same time.

The eyes of the whole city are focused on this.

Other words... This little goose yellow beast... Is it the mythical beast Pikachu?

Help me!!

This TM is a thirty-meter-long and majestic divine beast?!

Everyone wanted to ask the person who had just spoken, and three shocking drumming areas sounded in their ears at this time.




Chu Zi's figure disappeared from the eight light curtains.

Then, the names of the opposing sides slowly appeared.

Zhang Bufan of Exploding Heaven Academy against Lu Qi of Tianyuan Academy.

Academy Championship Main Tournament, begin!

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