"Nine hundred and ninety-nine days away?"

"So many days?"

"You shouldn't be deceived, right?"

The girl glanced at the Lord of the Demon Race, who had a very determined tone.

"Of course not! How could I be scammed?

"Is there anyone in the world who can deceive me?"

"Don't forget! I am the lord of the demon race, and I am a quasi-emperor! The

more the demon lord said this, the more the girl felt that something was wrong.

"Old demon! Then tell me why you attacked me? The

ghost lord's face was originally blue, and when he thought that the demon lord attacked him and almost killed him, his face was so angry that his face glowed green.

"You still have the face to say! Mess with stuff! You almost killed me! "

It's good not to mention this stubble, as soon as this stubble is mentioned, the fire that the demon lord just pressed down immediately came.

If it weren't for the presence of the girl, I'm afraid he would have already made a big fight.

"What shit teamed up against the Terrans?!"

"What shit will appear to affect the pattern of the Tian Yuan Continent?!"

"It's all shit!"

"You still think I don't know?"

"Xiandu told me... No! I figured it all out myself!

"You vainly want to join forces with the Terrans to remove my demon race, and the alien race will be your family alone in the future!"

"If it weren't for my intelligence, discovered your scheme in time, and then chose to let the immortals join forces with me with my noble charm, now I am afraid of death and don't know how to die!"

"On weekdays, I pretend to be wise and foolish, and I can't imagine that I saved my life at the most critical time!"




The demon lord sometimes sighed for a long time, and sometimes cursed.

The ghost lord was stunned to hear it.

One thing is certain, though.

The demon lord was deceived by the human king.

"You, you! Scammed! "

Liar? Joke!

"Is there anyone in this world who can deceive me?" Besides, there is no need for Chu Zi to lie to me at all, or that his old man does not disdain to lie to me at all!

"You haven't seen Chu Zi old-timers, naturally it is difficult to appreciate his old man's demeanor, this will be the biggest regret of your life."

The demon lord looked into the void, revealing a look of memory, and muttered something in his mouth.

It is simply a little more sincere than the most devout believers in the world.

"On appearance... Gee! The

demon lord wiped his saliva and found that his cultural reserves were really barren, and he could only be described in the simplest words.


"On temperament... Gee! "


"What's more, the Dao Yun that surrounds him is almost crushing the void!"


The girl exclaimed, and finally changed her face.

The darkest aura erupted from the six stars on its forehead.

Its degree of purity, even the demon lord and the ghost lord are ashamed of themselves.

"Are you sure it's Daoyun?"

"You know, Dao Yun is only available to emperor-level powerhouses!"

"Could it be that Chu Zi... Already an emperor-level powerhouse? The

demon lord wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and struggled to speak under the powerful coercion of the girl.

"Nope! His old man is not an emperor-level powerhouse. Hearing

this, the girl's face eased slightly.

But then, a question appeared in her mind.

Since he is not an emperor-level powerhouse, then how can Chu Zi show his Dao Yun?

"His old man is an existence far beyond the emperor-level powerhouse!"


The girl screamed again, "Impossible! When pigs fly! The emperor level is the end point of the cultivation of all living beings, and there can be no existence beyond the emperor level in this world! Unless..."

Nine and one!"

The girl didn't say it.

The demon lord did not continue to explain, but sat down on the ground.

The demon purple aura continued to flicker out from the dantian.

The power of space-time!

Gradually, a figure slowly appeared above them.

It was a teenager.

The young man is eight feet tall, wearing a light yellow brocade robe, rich and handsome, and his temperament is matchless.

There was a hint of laziness on his face, as if nothing in the world was taken to his heart.

A pair of eyes like a vast starry sky.

It's like a fairy coming out of a painting.

Although the background of the alien battlefield is desolate, the unique temperament of the young man makes the alien battlefield burst with endless vitality.


The ghost lord gasped.

He... How is it so handsome?

Although the aesthetics of aliens and Terrans are different, the appearance of the teenager conforms to the aesthetics of any race.

The girl froze.

Staring at the figure in the void, his face was slightly red, his eyes were lost, and he was silent for a long time.


After a long time, Shao Chu let out a breath and opened his mouth faintly.

This breath seemed to empty her whole body.

"He... How is it so handsome?

Then, a trace of pure white Dao Yun formed around the young man.

It sets off his temperament even more extraordinary.


The demon lord spurted out a mouthful of demon purple blood, and the figure in the void suddenly dissipated without a trace.

The girl turned her head and glared angrily, and the piercing killing intent seemed to tear the demon lord to pieces.

"I haven't finished reading !! yet"

If it weren't for the fact that the realm hadn't returned yet, I'm afraid that the demon lord would now be a dead corpse.

The demon clan wiped the blood stains at the corners of his mouth and said helplessly, "This is already my limit."

"Actually... Chu Zi old-timers himself is more handsome! The

girl's pupils shrank sharply.

More handsome than that?

"Sleeping... "

You can help me get his contact information."

"Me? How could I have that honor? There are countless creatures in the world, and I am afraid that only Li Shu can contact his old man.

"Hey? By the way, I remember that you seem to be called Li Shu too, right?

"Hey? Why do you all look exactly the same? Only

then did the demon lord react.

The girl did not open her mouth to explain.

On this day, the depths of the alien race were full of demonic energy.

Under the intervention of the two demon races, the new lord

of the witch race was born and sat on the throne that symbolized the lord of the witch race, the girl's eyes were empty, and the figure after Chu Zi's transformation in her mind lingered.

Chu Zi's appearance completely disrupted her plan.

Retracting her gaze, the girl looked at the demon lord on the side and spoke.

"I see that your power of time and space is still a little sluggish, you can trace Chu Zi's figure, this will help you."

The demon lord has no doubt about him, and uses the power of time and space to go back.

The girl looked at the figure in the void and was intoxicated again.

He muttered in his mouth, "Chu Zi... Why are you so handsome..."


Tianyuan City.

The human king personally erected a statue for Chu Zi.

Three kowtows in the morning and evening, a furnace of incense in the morning and evening.

The people of Tianyuan City gathered under the statue and looked at the young man in fluttering clothes in amazement.

"He... How is it so handsome?

"Is there really someone in the world who looks so extraordinary?"

"I'm wet!"

"Really? I don't believe it!

"It's worthy of being a Chu Zi senior! I don't see a hint of decay in him.

"That's nature, his old man has insight into the laws of time and space, forcibly reverses the torrent of time, and stays in youth forever."

"I used to think that I was basically the ceiling of the appearance of the Terran race, even if it was Chu Zi old-timer, I didn't think he could be much more handsome than me, and when I saw him today, he really looked so much better than me."

Inside the royal palace.

The human king stared unkindly at the person in charge of the family kneeling below.

The next day the news came out.

"The Li family entered the palace first with their left foot, and they were killed by one sect rank and three honorable ranks."

"The Wang family was killed by four honorable ranks because they entered the palace first with their right foot."

"The Liu family was regarded as provoking the dignity of the human king because they stepped into the palace at the same time with both feet, and were beheaded by two honorable ranks."


the families that participated in the attack that night were purged to varying degrees.

"Xiaoshu, are you still satisfied?"

Li Shu nodded and glanced back at the statue in the distance.

"It's okay. It's just that his own eyebrows are more delicate than those on the statue. "

The Human King: .

. "Alright! I'll pay attention later.

After a pause, the Human King continued to speak.

"Xiaoshu, I want you to be the king of the Terrans, what do you think?"

As soon as the words fell, Ming Yue walked in with a gloomy face.

"There is a movement in the dark forest!"

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