"That's my mother!"

The Nine-Star Great Fighting Beast exclaimed.

Chu Zi: "Huh? Groove! "

Li Shu:"..."

Four-winged Tianlong: "Haha! Are the feelings of the aunt so colorful? Burst... Ha ha! Congratulations! You have an extra beast daddy! Who dares to mess with you now?! Burst! I wouldn't dare anyway! The

four-winged Tenryu smiled forward and backward.

The Nine-Star Great Fighting Beast looked depressed.

As a spirit beast, when he first listened to the white tiger tell his emotions, he was both moved and admired.

If it weren't for the four-winged Heavenly Dragon laughing beside him, he would have cried out loud.

But who knows, the person whom White Tiger has a crush on is actually his mother!

This is far from the world!

There is no pathos at all.

A depressed look.

"Wangcai! Don't worry! The Bright Forest is so big, it can't be your mother a nine-star starry sky beast!

"Maybe the White Tiger is not your mother?"

Chu Zi said with such encouragement.

Although he was about to laugh out loud, he had to force a smile and pretended to be very touched to show the white tiger.

It's uncomfortable!


"Although the Bright Forest is big, there are not many divine beasts."

"The Nine Star Starry Sky Beast is only my father and my mother... Big brother, you don't need to persuade me, the matter between their elders... Grass! What kind of thing is this! The

more the Nine-Star Great Fighting Beast thought about it, the more awkward it became.

"Miss Li Shu... What do you think?

The white tiger lowered his head, blushed shyly, pulled the corners of his clothes, and asked in a low voice.

Li Shu: ...

"My love... Who can understand?

"My love is like a flame... So hot and so humble... So humble that I only want to see you smile. "

Nine-Star Great Fighting Beast: ...

"A grave in my heart, where the undead live, I always pay my respects, that is the youth I cannot forget."

Chu Zi: ...

"You said you like grace, and I refined all wildness, and literature has always been with me ever since."

"I expected to sing about our love in poetry, but in the end, you went to someone else's bed..." "

I tried to give up on you, but you have long been rooted in my heart..."

"There is no wine in his eyes, but I am drunk like a dog!"

"Woooo I cry!

"Why don't you cry about such a touching thing?"

Nine-star big fighting beast: "Woooo

The white tiger wiped away his tears, but found that Li Shu had no expression.

Chu Zi was buried in Li Shu's chest, and his body trembled.

It is clear that he is not crying.

If he didn't know that the white tiger was worried about his wife, Li Shu might be very moved.

When the white tiger's true feelings were revealed just now, it made her think of that peerless boy.

But now that she knows the inside story, Li Shu has no sense of substitution.

The two are fundamentally different.

The teenager you like is around.

Just because he can't take shape, there is always a sense of trance.

What White Tiger likes is a wife, and even has children!

This... What a hooligan!

"I was moved, but I couldn't cry."

Seeing that Baihu still wanted to sigh, Li Shu quickly stretched out his hand and interrupted, "Don't say anything, you tell me what you want to say to him, and I'll say it for you." The

white tiger learned the appearance of a reader, shook his hands and bowed to the ground.

Only then did he solemnly speak.

"Great grace does not say thanks, if there is a place that needs the help of my white tiger in the future, I will die!"

"What I want to ask is..."

Loved? "

Li Shu: ...

Four-winged Tenryu: ...

Nine Star Fighting Beast: ...

Chu Zi: ...

Spit up!


In order to win the support of the white tiger, one person and one beast forcibly agreed to come down with nausea.

"I really want to help you, but I'm just going to see your sweetheart like this, I'm just afraid of his partner..."

Li Shu was a little worried.

She wasn't afraid of the Nine-Star Starry Sky Beast.

It's just that this thing is really not very moral... Especially the sons of others are still following him....

Ask his mother in front of the Nine-Star Fighting Beast, have you ever loved the white tiger?

It feels outrageous no matter how you think about it.

"Don't worry!" The white tiger waved his big hand, obviously making arrangements.

"I'll lead his partner away later, and you go and ask him alone."

"He won't treat you well, after all, you are a guest personally invited by Lord Beast King."

The white tiger has obviously been planning for a long time.

"Wang Cai, do you want to sleep for a while first... I'm afraid of causing you a psychological shadow.

"Nope! I believe in my mom! She definitely won't be sorry for my dad!

"Good! After the fact, you will be rewarded with ten Bloodline Pills! Seeing

him so sensible, Chu Zi waved his big hand and directly rewarded ten Bloodline Pills.

"Big brother... Actually, my mom has a lot of stories... You see...,"

the four-winged Tenryu muttered softly.


Li Shu held Chu Zi and followed the white tiger towards the depths of the Bright Forest.

Looking at his back, Chu Zi sighed with emotion.

Although the white tiger is outrageous, it is also a dog among dogs that lick dogs.

On the other hand, he is also worthy of admiration.

As one of the four divine beasts, he can put away his anger for the Nine-Star Starry Sky Beast and pretend to be a book reader.

Just because the Nine-Star Starry Sky Beast likes it.

And for so many years, his friendship has not changed, and he has always cared about the love of his heart.

Even if the other party is married and has children, he also protects it wholeheartedly.

I never disturb each other's lives, and I feel satisfied just standing and watching from a distance.

Besides, this time he didn't go to force Liang to become a prostitute, just take him to ask.

Regardless of the outcome, it can be regarded as the fulfillment of the white tiger's wish.

Thinking about it like this, Chu Zi immediately felt that he was great.

I cry!


All the way forward.

The forest is dark and birdsong is chirping.

Li Shu hugged Chu Zi silently.

She really didn't dare to speak, for fear that she would provoke the white tiger to sigh again.

The white tiger was also rarely silent and looked nervous.


The white tiger clenched his right fist.

A wisp of divine beast aura pervaded away.

The birdsong stops.

"Ex... The front is... Where the stars live..."

I went to lure his partner away... You... You..." White

Tiger's voice trembled, full of excitement.

When he said this, Li Shu was even a little nervous.

In order to transform Dan, she had to try.

Moment nodded, "You... Try to delay as much as possible..." Hearing

Li Shu's voice tremble, the white tiger became even more nervous.

Chu Zi was also nervous.

He wanted to see what kind of stunning divine beast could fascinate the white tiger like this.

The four-winged Tenryu was also nervous.

Of course, the most nervous is the Nine-Star Great Fighting Beast.

After all, the person in White Tiger's heart is!


You're going to have to fight for breath!

As soon as he showed his figure, the white tiger disappeared in front of him.

Li Shu suppressed his breath to the lowest and hid in the shadows.

Not long after, the white tiger and a stunning woman walked out side by side from the forest, turning their backs to Li Shu and walking to the side.

Calm and calm, talk and laugh.

I don't see him shyness at all!


Why is he so calm?

Could it be that he was talking nonsense just now?

It doesn't make sense!

The white tiger showed his true feelings just now, and it didn't look like a fake at all.

Or is there something else hidden in it?

"Miss Li Shu, you go quickly!"




Where do I go?

Didn't you lead her out, where do you let me go?

"He's in the woods, no one else! There you go! The

white tiger's voice was anxious.

"See who?"

"See my sweetheart! Just go! The

white tiger's voice disappeared completely.

Li Shu was full of question marks, and he really couldn't figure out which one the white tiger was playing.

Your sweetheart has been taken away by you, who else do you want me to see?

In order for Chu Zi to be able to transform into a successful form, Li Shu finally took a step.

Chalet in the woods.

With a "creak," the door opened.

Chu Zi: Lying groove!

Li Shu: Lie in the groove!

Four-winged Tenryu: Groove!

Nine-Star Fighting Beast: Groove! Daddy, why are you?!

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