Bright Forest.

The white tiger hummed a ditty, "Holy

Beast Hall."

The old beast king and several other ancient divine beasts were still in the epiphany.

Li Shupan sat in front of them, taking advantage of the fact that Wan Lingyuan had not yet arrived, and felt the gains of the past few days.

Chu Zi half-squinted and looked into the distance.

"As the saying goes, three stinkers, the top Zhuge Liang."

"With so many stinkers in Wan Lingyuan, can there be no transformation method?"

He glanced back at the old beast king.

"Even if Wan Lingyuan's is really a group of smelly fish and rotten shrimp, there is still the old beast king's pocket."

"With Xiaoshu Emperor-level spiritual fluctuations, it shouldn't be a problem to wake him up from his epiphany, right?"

"Eh... There should be no problem, right?

"It shouldn't be a big deal, right?"


Chu Zi panicked in his heart.

Although he had no epiphany, he knew that once he had an epiphany, he would enter the realm of forgetting both things and self.

At this time, I am most afraid of disturbing.

Once forcibly awakened, the light will be lost, and the heavy will be....

"Wouldn't be insane, would it?"

"It shouldn't be dead, right?"

"It won't!"


Turn on the system.

Looking at the task bar that had not lit up for a long time, the corners of Chu Zi's mouth turned up slightly.

The expression was very anticipating.

When he ran to the Bright Forest not far away, he had already thought of all the possibilities in advance.

Not far away.

It's a lot of work.

Labor and hard work.

Everything done during this period of time is obviously not in line with the salted fish setting given by the original system.

Generally, the system will activate special tasks or hide tasks.

Once things here come to fruition, new tasks are bound to emerge.

Chu Zi had a hunch that the system had been holding back for so long, and it must be holding back.

At that time, the reward will not take off directly to the sky?

Tens of thousands of Transformation Pills?

Hundreds of millions of basic attribute pills?

Or tens of billions of salted fish value?

Or do you mean give it all?

Then I'll definitely want them all!



"Chu senior! Chu old-timers! The

white tiger rushed from outside and shouted loudly.

"What a shout! You're going crazy! My identity must be kept secret! Chu

Zi hurriedly stopped him.

Before it takes shape, it's better to keep a low profile.

If there is an iron-headed baby like a corpse, I have to compete with you....

Hold still, don't wave!

"Senior Chu, I looked at Miss Lishu's power the day before, and I suddenly realized in my heart, I feel that I am going to break through in retreat!"

The white tiger's voice trembled slightly, and his heart was very excited.

At his level, wanting to go further is tantamount to ascending to heaven.

The five element attributes that ran through the enchantment of the Bright Forest a few days ago were indeed shocking, but with his understanding, he could not understand the mystery in it.

On the contrary, it was Li Shu who burst out with an emperor-level aura with all his strength, which made him feel a lot.

This kind of opportunity is difficult to come by for 10,000 years, and it must be grasped.

Chu Zi understood his mood very well, but he was very puzzled by the brain circuits of these people.

Why do they feel something when they look at something?

I saw it myself.

And the coolest five-element attribute special effects are made by themselves.

However, apart from feeling good, there is no insight.

Chu Zi couldn't help but wonder, if a top special effects artist crossed over, would he be able to open a sect in the world of immortal cultivation?

"By the way, about me... You didn't talk nonsense, did you?

"Senior Chu can not believe me, but he absolutely cannot but believe in the bottom line of our four ancient divine beasts!"

"I promised my seniors that they would keep their mouths shut, and I will definitely do it!"

"Our Ancient Divine Beast pays great attention to commitment!"

The white tiger spoke loudly.

"During this period of my retreat, my clan senior, the three-legged golden crow, will serve you, and you can directly order him if you have anything."

After that, the white tiger ran away with a puff of smoke.

Ran away?

Chu Zi was puzzled.

What to run?

Isn't it nice to be in this retreat?

Maybe you can rub some of your daddy's feelings.


Bright Forest.

Several human-shaped divine beasts gathered together, and the snow night fox whispered something.

"When... Take it seriously?! The five elements of the previous days, plus the emperor-level fluctuations in Wanlingyuan, were all caused by Miss Li Shu?

"And fake? It was the white tiger who told me personally!

"Think about it, if it's an ordinary person, how about the old beast king letting his son personally greet him?" No matter what, the white tiger is also one of the four divine beasts of antiquity! "

He's near the water building platform first to get the moon!" Just now I heard him say that he was going on retreat!

The spirit beasts nodded thoughtfully.

Snow Night Fox was very satisfied with everyone's expressions, and then said lightly, "What is more terrifying is not Miss Li Shu, but Miss Li Shu's spirit beast!"

"He is Chu Zi Elder!"




"This joke is not funny!"

"I'm afraid you don't have some serious illness, right? Why can such fallacies be spoken?!

"Aren't you afraid that Chu Zi Elder will lower the divine punishment?"

The spirit beasts panicked, and quickly dissociated themselves from the Snow Night Fox.

I was afraid that Chu Zi would chop them to death with a thunderbolt.


The Snow Night Fox smiled faintly, "It was the white tiger himself who told me, you must keep your mouths shut and keep this secret for the white tiger!" "


"Groove? Li Shu's spirit beast was a phantom cast by Chu Zi's elders from 999,999 days away? "

White Tiger said it himself! Keep your mouth shut! "


"Groove! Li Shu's spirit beast is Chu Zi elder himself? "

What the white tiger said can still be false? Do you doubt the majesty of the four ancient divine beasts? "


"Three-legged golden crow! Everyone is a divine beast, why can you serve Chu Zi old-timers? "

Aren't you usually the most disgusted with Terrans?"

"Exactly! By how old you are? Or on your three legs?

"Tell you! Several of us are three-legged! The

three-legged golden crow looked at his crotch and said confidently, "Counting my three legs, I have four legs." "

Gods and beasts: ...

"Everyone is a friend who has been practicing for many years, if I get guidance, will I hide it? You can rest assured.

"Besides, White Tiger Sage's nephew asked me to go, it really has his considerations."

"As we all know, I'm tight-lipped about that."

"I never say what should not be said, and I will not say what should be said. Pretending to be deaf and dumb is what I am best at!

"No matter what Chu Zi elder asks me, I only have one sentence."

Hearing this, the gods and beasts nodded reluctantly.

Indeed, in terms of pretending to be a fool and selling stupid, the three-legged golden crow is a good hand.

"In three days, all the spirit beasts of the Ten Thousand Souls Abyss will arrive, so don't you fall into the name of our Bright Forest!"

"I'll go too!"

The three-legged golden crow fluttered its wings, and the fire burst into the sky.

Flying towards the Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts.


"The three-legged golden crow is here."

Li Shu opened her eyes and exhaled a turbid breath.

"I continue to pretend to be mentally retarded! You look at it! By the way, help me ask if he knows the method of transfiguration. Chu

Zi continued to immerse himself in the fantasy of special mission rewards that had not yet arrived.

With a "creak," the door opened.

A cloud of fire stood in front of Li Shu, and the three-legged golden crow transformed into a human form.

Chu Zi was stunned, why does this three-legged golden crow look like a sand sculpture!

It's not that he looks like a sand sculpture.

On the contrary, he has the charm of fairy wind Dao bones, but this temperament... It's very sandy.

Some people may talk and do things very sandy.

But just standing here, you will think that he is very sandy.

"Chu Zi old-timer..." "


Chu Zi old-timers?

What do you mean?

How did he know that I was a Chu Zi elder?

No one knows except the white tiger!

The white tiger is tight-lipped and will definitely not say.

Could it be that the end of sand sculpture is an insight opportunity?

The principle is equivalent to sand. Coin master?

In any case, Chu Zi decided to continue to play the fool and observe Abba Aba first.

However, before he could speak, the three-legged golden crow preemptively said, "Abba Baba! The white tiger sage nephew said that this is the ancient divine language. "

Li Shu: ...

Chu Zi: ...

Got it!

White tiger!

Be tight-lipped?

Your bottle is a bottomless jar, right?

Never mind.

Not installed.

"Do you know the method of taking shape in advance?"

The three-legged golden crow was stunned, and then spoke, "Don't ask me, I'm just a sand sculpture." "

Chu Zi: ...

All right!

Very suitable for your temperament.

"That's right! The matter of my identity... Who knows?

"I know! Who else doesn't know, you should ask. "

White Tiger, I'll do NN!


Three days later.

One after another powerful water attribute aura came.

All of you have arrived.

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