
Soul Fellowship is fully launched.

[Soul Interconnection Link Successful, Sea King Joins Group Chat] [Soul Interconnection Link Successful, Sea Dragon King Joins Group Chat] [Soul Interconnection Link Successful,

Blood Eel Joins Group Chat]



[Little Sea Serpent Joins Group Chat]

Chu Zi is still the first time to connect so many spirit beasts at the same time.

When all the spirit beasts of Wanling Abyss were linked, Chu Zi was surprised to find:

Didn't he build a group?

[Modify the group name: blind date and love

family] [Group chat: Blind date love family, created successfully

] [Appointed: Li Shu as administrator]

and so on!

Xiaoshu shouldn't talk nonsense, right?

[Li Shu has been banned by you]

Li Shu: ???

Chu Zi nodded with satisfaction and spoke, "

It's your honor to call me big brother!"

King Haijiao: "Who?" Who's talking to me? Blood

Eel: "I test!" King Haijiao, why did your voice appear in my head? What the hell are you doing?

Sea Dragon King: "Wait! Why can I hear you both?

Little Sea Dragon: "Daddy? The

gods and beasts: "Hey! Sea

Dragon King: "Grass your horses!" Who agreed just now? Lao Tzu wants to wash all souls in blood! King

Haijiao: "Bloodbath of all souls?" What a big breath!

Sea Dragon King: "Hmph! That hand knife from three hundred years ago, hasn't it made you remember it for a long time? Remember to eat or not to hit! King

Haijiao: "Three hundred years of Hedong and three hundred years of Hexi, don't bully the old and poor!" When I return to the Ten Thousand Souls Abyss, I will not die with you! "

For the quarrel between these two wronged families, the gods and beasts of Wanling Abyss were not surprised.

If you don't agree with each other, life and death are the style of these brutal spirit beasts.

After all, they are very [cruel] and

if the two are harmonious, it will make people think that there is some conspiracy.

"Your affairs will be resolved when you return to the Ten Thousand Souls Abyss, who made the voice just now? Isn't it really that little goose-yellow beast?

"Hmph! It definitely can't be him! I didn't feel any spiritual power fluctuations in him! Big brother without strength, I will never approve of it! I..."

[Little Haijiao has been banned by you because her words are too fierce]


Just your!

I haven't figured out how to pretend to beep my face, so you will tear me down!

After Chu Zi banned him with his backhand, he began to ponder how to pretend to be natural.

The highest level of beeping is that everyone except you know that you are pretending to be beep is that everyone else thinks you are low-key.

Commonly known as Versailles.

"I think there is some truth in what Little Haijiao said! It can't be a goose-yellow beast! He definitely can't do this!

"Who would that be?" Female Emperor?

"I'm afraid that apart from the female emperor, no one else in the world can gather our spiritual senses together without us noticing!"

"I already guessed that it was the female emperor!"

"The female emperor's means are unpredictable!"

"The female emperor has endured forever!"

"Apart from you, even your spirit beast is not worthy of possession

" "Lord Female Emperor, you have a word!"

Li Shu: I'm banned!




Very good!

The brainless villain has been forcibly demoted.

Next is the real beep in the face.

But how do you speak in the first sentence?

I'm awesome!

I am Chu Zi old-timer!

He is not afraid that the identity of Chu Zi's old-timers will be exposed.

Anyway, Wan Lingyuan has not appeared in the world for tens of thousands of years.

However, directly saying that he is a Chu Zi old-timer, it seems that there is no convincing!

The divine beast of Wanling Yuan didn't know who Chu Zi's elder was.

And if you say so, it will seem very deliberate.

Not only does it not have the effect of pretending to beep, but it will even make the divine beasts of Wanlingyuan feel that they are a sand sculpture!

Sand sculptures?

Three-legged golden crow!

That's it!

You are a sand sculpture, and you are old enough and prestige enough, you are very suitable for blowing a wave for me!

[Soul interconnection link successful, three-legged golden crow joins the group chat

] [Xiao Haijiao was unbanned by you in mode]

As soon as the ban was lifted, Xiao Haijiao couldn't wait to speak.

"Let me call him big brother? Dream away! How can he? Let's just say that the only one who is qualified to truly let me worship is the female emperor!

"I can't say that I am so dead, in case the goose yellow beast is also very powerful!"

"Awesome? Yes! You let him single me out, if I lose, I recognize this big brother! Otherwise... Hum! Strength is respected!

One voice after another sounded in the mind of the three-legged golden crow.

Three-legged golden crow: ???

Am I having auditory hallucinations?

How did you get into my head?

Also, how dare you slander Chu Zi old-timers?

Suddenly, the three-legged golden black pupils contracted, and some terrible rumors came to mind.

It is rumored that the supreme powerhouse can forcibly refine a space for his own use.

After refining, this side of the space was completely detached from the rules of heaven and earth.

All laws and orders are made by the supreme and strong.

This space is called the alien space!

Could it be... Is this a different space?

And there is only one person who has the ability to create a different space!

Chu Zi old-timer!


Very nice and sandy!

You really didn't disappoint me.

Your brain is very good!

Because of the soul exchange, Chu Zi instantly understood what the three-legged golden crow was thinking.

[You were appointed by the group leader Chu Zi as the administrator of the blind date and love family]


It's really a different space created by Chu Zi's old-timers!

Does he have something to whisper to me?


What the hell is this admin?

Before he could figure it out, Chu Zi's voice was already ringing in his mind.

"I can't be contaminated with worldly cause and effect, understand?"

The Riddler is the Talker.

The higher the realm, the more people who think are better able to make up their brains.

On the contrary, beginners will not have these messy ideas.

Although the three-legged golden crow is a sand sculpture, after all, he has lived long enough, and his realm is high enough, even his eyelashes are empty.

After a little thought, I understood why.

Chu Zi elders don't want to see these juniors in general, but they can't let others ruin their reputation!


"Don't worry, Chu Zi senior! Your reputation, I will protect it! "

Chu Zi: ...

Do you want to be so secondary?



After a burst of drink, the three-legged golden crow flashed into the field.

The gods and beasts looked sideways.

I saw the head of the three-legged golden crow slowly light up.

"Three-legged golden crow?!"

"Shout in front of our Ten Thousand Souls, when we can be bullied by All Souls?"

"Your fire attribute is not weaker than Suzaku, but don't forget that our water attribute is your nemesis!"

"Others are afraid of you, do you think we will be afraid of you too?"

Blind date and love a family, directly messed up, and there are even signs of fighting.

The divine beast of Wanlingyuan was not afraid of the three-legged golden crow at all.

As a result, he could not say a word of what he wanted to say.


He has permission.

[King Haijiao was banned for excessive speech] [Sea Dragon King was banned for excessive speech] [Xiaohaijiao was banned for

excessive speech]


After a moment, the group was quiet.

Are permission dogs interesting?

The three-legged golden crow thought carefully and thought a little.

Hey! It's really interesting!

However, permission dogs are only interesting if they do it themselves, and it is very uncomfortable to be permissioned.


Scold again!

The three-legged golden dark was cool for a long time before he mysteriously spoke, "

Have you ever heard of a name that suppresses all generations?"

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