I Plant A Field In The Last Days

The first thousand and eleven chapters

Some news is better than no news. This is the most comforting sentence since Lu Yuan learned the news.

After Lu Yuan returned to the ship and searched around, he finally found several life detectors that had been damaged.

This life detector is mainly used to detect whether there are signs of life activity under the soil and obstacles.

However, the penetration detection capability for steel plates is somewhat weak.

But since it is found, it is definitely a very useful equipment for them.

After some simple repairs and repairs, Lu Yuan finally let this equipment be repaired successfully.

Then Lu Yuan simply tested it.

For the traditional ability of steel plate, the effect is also average.

However, if there are more survivors on the other side, he can still detect a lot of life information.

You can better find Zhoutong through these messages and leave a message.

Lu Yuan looked at the time, and it has been nearly a month since he came here.

In this month's time, I don't know if Zhou Tong can survive.

But Lu Yuan knew that if they dragged on, they would really become increasingly diminished.

Just as Lu Yuan was a little helpless and worried, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside.

After Lu Yuan and Xiaoshan looked at each other, they looked out one after another.

I saw a soldier approaching with a survivor in ragged clothes.

I saw the soldier hurriedly walked to the front and said immediately.

"Boss, someone in the crowd just said that he was involved in the design work of the entire Ark."

Lu Yuan showed a surprised expression on his face after listening. He looked at the dry and weak man.

"You participated in the design of the Ark this time?"

The man helped himself to the glasses that had lost one lens.

"Yes, I participated in the design of the Ark this time, but I am just the bottom designer, just responsible for some processing of the bottom deck!"

After hearing what the other party said, Lu Yuan was full of surprise.

"Great, we are going to the lower deck now. By the way, do you know what changes were left in the design of the lower deck?"

After thinking about it for a while, the other party nodded.

"I remember some, but after several improvements, I don't remember what they improved.

But according to the guess, it should be possible to guess. Now I need to know the first design drawings of the Ark before, because these things are very important to me! "

Lu Yuan hurriedly pulled the opponent to the own mirror.

Placed in front of him were the first design drawings, which Chen Zhong gave to own before he left.

The survivor over there helped his glasses, then covered his lensless glasses with one hand, and looked at the map.

The various lines of the design drawings are densely intertwined.

Lu Yuan almost didn't understand, but this tester was obviously a master in this area.

After taking a closer look, he found the more important points on the bottom floor, and he drew a circle on it with his hand.

"From here to here, this is where Zhoutong might be, because I didn't participate in the design of the passage of this place. I really know too well.

According to the design method here, the thickness of the steel plate here is half a meter long, mainly to prevent the water pressure from pouring down and protect the important parts inside. "

After Lu Yuan listened, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face.

"What? You said that the thickness of the steel plate inside has reached half a meter, which is too thick!"

The survivor smiled slightly.

"It's nothing. The half-meter-thick steel plate is actually useful on armored vehicles and tanks, but it is not widely used on ships. After all, the hull is so large that it can be used in places where such thick steel plates can be used. Few!"

Lu Yuan nodded suddenly, he looked at the direction of the opponent's finger, and he had a general idea in his mind.

However, to be on the safe side, he still wanted to ask if there were other places where Zhou Tong might be where they were.

"Besides this place, are there other places where you can survive?"

The survivor squeezed his chin, thought a little, and drew a few more circles on it.

"If they really want to survive in it, these locations are also a good hiding place, but compared to the location they were just now, it seems a little bit inadequate.

And at the place where I just circled, the rudder can be controlled by remote control, so that when the boat floats freely, the direction of the hull drift can be controlled! "

Lu Yuan snapped it sharply, and his thigh immediately made a decision.

"Great. In this case, we have a life detector, so it should not be too late. Now let's find Zhou Tong and their whereabouts!"

Then Lu Yuan and the other team members came to the room, analyzed the hull of the entire ship, and made a decision after some analysis.

Since it was at the bottom of the ship, instead of passing through the cabins one after another and encountering countless corpse cannibals, they might as well cut a large opening directly from the bottom of the ship and go in from below.

After making the decision, Lu Yuan took the adults to the bottom of the ship that evening.

The rising height of the sun is a few degrees higher than before. Because the position between the earth and Mars has dropped, the height of the sun here seems to be higher than before.

But the brightness and intensity of the light are not as great as before on the earth, and the warmth brought by the sun is not as warm as before, so warm, I always feel that there is a hint of chill in it.

The ship that Lu Yuan was driving took a dozen team members with life detectors in their hands, and they came to the place they had planned before and began to detect.

Before coming, Lu Yuan had already detected the corpse eater through the life detector.

After detection, they learned that the body temperature of these corpse-eaters was already cold, and their hearts were not beating, so there would not be any fluctuations in the detection of the detector.

The human body is different. As long as there is a slightly warm heartbeat, the detector can detect the signal and send it to the screen.

The search is almost inch by inch, and the search process is very slow.

After searching for hours, finally there was news.

I saw a team member holding a detector in his hand and slowly moving his eyes forward.

The eyes staring at the palm-sized screen were already a little sour.

He rubbed his eyes, and when he moved the detector forward this time, the sound of Didi was suddenly infected in the detector.

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