I Plant A Field In The Last Days

The first thousand and seventy-six chapters

On our side, this is the core point as the center. We plan to radiate outward from the center of our camp! To accommodate more refugees, from now on I want you to act strictly in accordance with my plan, can it be done? "

After hearing Lu Yuan's words, Luo Xuan and everyone smiled.

They wanted to give this camp to Lu Yuan a long time ago, but Lu Yuan hadn't agreed to accept it before, but now it seems that the other party has taken the initiative to propose it. They still have something to refute.

Everyone agreed that Lu Yuan's plan was very good, and they immediately nodded in agreement.

Being able to be re-managed by Lu Yuan is definitely the one thing they most want to see.

But what Lu Yuan said afterwards made them feel puzzled.

Lu Yuan was not actually planning to accept their camp, but to let their camp develop on its own, and then provide all kinds of help for his own city.

Lu Yuan wants to build them into a new city that can support its own central city and sustainable development, and they will conduct a lot of experiments as a pilot city.

"What I want you to do now, you will obey my orders in the future, but I will not take over your city management tasks directly.

The task I have to do now is to support the development and construction of your city and the acquisition of the future food planting industry, and you must complete my task before you can get my reward.

Of course, you must be absolutely loyal to me, otherwise I will cut off all the supply in your city. I have to make this sentence clear first, and I hope you can understand. "

After hearing what Lu Yuan said, the scene was silent.

Then Luo Xuan suddenly realized what Lu Yuan meant.

Lu Yuan meant to develop their city into a more needed place.

And they won't deprive them of their own rights, and won't interfere in their rights disputes.

This is simply great news. For myself and their management staff, this is simply the best news in the world, and there is nothing better than this news.

"Great, Mr. Lu, don't worry, we promise that completing your task will not let you down!"

Lu Yuan smiled lightly, then pointed his finger in the direction of the boat.

"I know you've been hungry for a long time. Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Let's eat directly tonight, and everyone will open up to eat!"

With that said, Lu Yuan brought this kind of person to the ground on the boat and shouted loudly at the people on the boat.


For a time, there was a busy scene in front of the entire pier.

Porters coming and going transported all kinds of goods on board.

Most of them are eaten, and there are some tents they don't need, as well as daily supplies and production tools.

When these things were delivered, Luo Xuan unified them and transported them to their warehouse.

When he left before, Lu Yuan explained to him that he must build an own warehouse to ensure the safety and inviolability of the warehouse.

Luo Xuan also built a warehouse in accordance with Lu Yuan's requirements, and now there are more than two hundred guards in the warehouse.

Everyone was standing guard near the warehouse, and when they saw carts of food being transported inside, they all showed surprises on their faces.

Of course, these things are mainly mushrooms, and a small amount of old grains were eliminated from some of Lu Yuan's camps.

Lu Yuan gave them these grains, on the one hand, to increase the supply of grains in his camp, so that they could plant new grains as soon as possible.

On the other hand, these old grains are going to go bad soon, and if you don't eat them, it might really go bad. Instead of letting it go bad, it's better to be a favor and reap a lot of gratitude.

Sure enough, when the grain and mushrooms were sent, Lu Yuan had completed more tasks in his mind.

In the evening, everyone was eating and chatting around the bonfire, eating from noon until evening.

Without a sip of wine, no food, everyone just eats mushrooms grilled mushrooms, boiled mushrooms, just sprinkle a little salt, it makes them feel very delicious!

After finishing all this, Lu Yuan finally felt relieved.

Checked the progress of own task completion,

"Haha, I didn't expect to complete such a task so soon, and even saved five hundred people. It seems that this task should be completed well in the next period of time!"

Lu Yuan's heart was full of excitement. He looked at the camp in the distance, and he already had a higher expectation in his heart.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Lu Yuan glanced outside, and saw Luo Xuan, who was full and drunk, brought a few people into the room, each with a look of excitement.

"Oh, I'm so full. I don't know how long I haven't eaten such a full meal. I really want to thank Mr. Lu!"

"Yes, if it weren't for Mr. Lu, our group would still be hungry. I didn't expect that the feeling of fullness would be so comfortable!"

"The plots in our camp are already able to grow mushrooms. It seems that we don't need to be hungry anymore in the next period of time. This is simply great!"

"Who would say no, just this kind of salt and pepper mushrooms, I can eat it for a year without being addicted to it!"

Everyone entered the room while talking.

When he saw Lu Yuan standing in the room looking at them with a smile, all of them showed pious expressions and bowed in salute.

This is the way of saluting stipulated in Lu Yuan's school of life.

Luo Xuan came to Lu Yuan with a pious look on his face.

"Mr. Lu doesn't know what you want us to do?"

Lu Yuan nodded gently, then took out a black card from his arms and handed it to the other party.

"This card records some of the information I have learned about your camp. I have made detailed plans for the arrangements of some personnel. You can see it when you get the card!"

The other party looked at the card for a while, not knowing how to use it.

Then Lu Yuan took out a card reader-like thing from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

"Because of the recently developed Shengmen system, you can access the Shengmen official website through this system, and you can view own personal information and own official positions and honor points.

Through these systems, you can complete your own tasks, which are assigned by me, and you can also accept some daily tasks, with different tasks corresponding to each level!

In the future, you can issue it by yourself, but for now, only high-level strangers have this right! "

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