I Plant A Field In The Last Days

Chapter 1086: World Survivor Center

When everyone who had no clue heard the sound of the walkie-talkie, they all felt relieved.

Lu Yuan also quickly squeezed the microphone to answer.

"Okay, please keep searching for their signal not to be lost, we will go home right now."

So Lu Yuan quickly turned the ship's bow, and the ship swiftly headed towards the camp.

Along the way, since the sonar has been marked when I came, the speed when I went back was much faster than when I came.

The boat docked at the dock in District 3. Lu Yuan ordered his family to stay on the boat for a while, and then he would arrange for someone to send them back secretly, and he and Xiaoshan quickly ran back to the camp.

Zhou Tong and the others were busy in that huge computer room day and night.

Among the entire camp, this is the place where there is no electricity 24 hours a day.

When I got inside, I heard a rumbling sound from the computer room. This was the noise emitted by the fans of various computer equipment. It sounded a bit boring.

Lu Yuan and Xiaoshan walked into the room quickly.

Several sentries at the door saluted them. Lu Yuan didn't have time to say hello to them, so he rushed in.

I saw Zhou Tong. All of them were greasy and tired, and they were constantly operating the computers in front of them.

Lu Yuan walked directly to Zhou Tong and patted the opponent lightly on the shoulder.

Zhou Tong immediately turned around and glanced at Lu Yuan, but there was a joy on his face. He took off the headset, got up and pointed to the room next to him.

"It's too messy here, let's go to the next room to talk!"

Lu Yuan nodded and followed him to the next room.

When he got to the place, Zhou Tong took out the kettle from the table on the side, and poured a glass of water for the two of them.

Lu Yuan couldn't take care of these at all, and asked hurriedly.

"By the way, you just said that you have contacted the World Survivor Center, what's the situation there? Have you been able to speak?"

"The conversation has been reached, and now we have reported the basic information in our current camp to them. They said that they are submitting for review. It is estimated that a special commissioner will contact us. We just need to wait patiently!"

"Oh, that's good, that's good, but what the hell is the commissioner? Why is there a commissioner? He won't come to our camp to inspect it himself?"

Zhou Tong also shrugged his shoulders: "I don’t know if they didn’t say anything there. I asked them just to say that there will be a special agent to contact us. I don’t know if they will come to the camp. Let's contact!"

Lu Yuan rubbed his hands with a smile on his face.

"Great, as long as they contact their special commissioners, then we can use our own physical objects to exchange what we need, such as fuel, such as coal. Haha, that’s great. I can’t wait. If you want to take a look, they are willing to have something there!"

But after speaking, Lu Yuan fell silent again, because he thought of the things he had encountered during the day, so he turned his head and looked around, and then secretly said to Zhou Tong.

"I went out to the former fort camp today. Do you remember the situation there?"

Seeing Lu Yuan's mysterious appearance, Zhou Tong nodded softly.

"Of course I remember, we paid a lot of money to build those forts! By the way, what happened?"

Lu Yuan didn't speak, but took out the camera from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

"Is there something you photographed in it?"

Lu Yuan nodded lightly, and Zhou Tong took the camera, turned it on skillfully, and found the first picture inside. The moment he opened it, he saw Lu Yuan sitting on a boat and pointed his finger. The huge ruin above his head, like half an eggshell.

Then just when he reached out and touched it, suddenly the eggshell-like ruins suddenly turned into powder, and then the whole eggshell began to disintegrate with the wind, floating everywhere.

This scene seemed very shocking.

Zhou Tong opened his mouth wide in surprise. He couldn't believe what he saw before him. He turned his head and looked at Lu Yuan: "Brother, you are not teasing me, is this something made in special effects? what?"

Lu Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "If it was something made by special effects, I wouldn't have taken such an important place from your side to tell you about it. My family saw it with my own eyes. It was very dangerous. !"

After Zhou Tong listened, there was a solemn expression on his face.

"What happened? Why did this happen? Will the world collapse because of this?"

"I don't know, in short, in the scope of my understanding, it should be the annihilation of the two worlds that caused this situation. I don't know if you have encountered this situation before!"

Lu Yuan didn't know how to explain this to Zhou Tong.

Because only the family knew about things in the dimension space, he had never told anyone outside.

Although Zhou Tong had a good relationship with them, he didn't know that he had heard Lu Yuan say about it.

A slightly surprised look appeared on his face, but then he didn't ask much, scratching his head and thinking.

"I haven't encountered this kind of situation, but there should be no problem. Why don't you go to the person below to ask?"

Lu Yuan shook his head: "Forget it, don't talk about this matter to the outside world. You can investigate it secretly in the future. After that, if you find any strange things in the camp, report it as soon as possible!"

As he was talking, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside.

The door was knocked gently, Zhou Tong looked at Lu Yuan and nodded, then got up and walked to the door, gently unlocking the door.

I saw an assistant inside with a hint of joy on his face.

"Team leader, the special commissioner just called!"

When they heard these words, Lu Yuan, Zhou Tong and Xiao Shan showed a hint of joy.

The commissioner represents that their camp has passed the audit, and now there is a dedicated person in charge of their camp.

So the three of them quickly came to the communication room, Zhou Tong gently patted the table and signaled the caller below to turn down the voice, so he picked up the microphone and pressed the answer button.

Lu Yuan picked up the phone and asked softly.

"Hello, I'm Lu Yuan, from the Qingshui City Survivor Base. Who are you?"

"Hello, I am the special commissioner of the China Group 6 of the World Survivor Center. My name is Sun Hao!"

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